Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: My sister insists an episode exists where pirates arrive on the island looking for a long-lost buried treasure. She swears she remembers the pirates kidnapping Ginger and trying to make her tell them where the treasure was. Does anyone remember this?

Answer: There was an animated version of "Gilligan's Island" on the CBS Saturday Morning lineup in the 1970s. I don't remember the episodes, but maybe that's where the episode is from.

Answer: This could be Season 3, Episode 17, "Court Martial," where Gilligan dreams about being an admiral whose ship gets boarded by pirates Captain Hook, Long John Silver, and Captain Kidd. (


She says that is not the episode she remembers. She said the pirates arrive on the island, don't find the treasure, kidnap Ginger, and hold her in a cave until she tells them where the treasure is. Appreciate the help though.

Question: At the end of The Hobbit: Battle Of The Five Armies, Bilbo lied to Gandalf and said he lost the ring. In this movie, how did Gandalf know that Bilbo still had it?

Answer: Gandalf knows the ring's insidious power and its seductive ability over most people. Bilbo is not known to be a liar, and Gandalf is acquainted enough to tell when he's being untruthful.


Details - S4-E12

Question: Who is the red-headed actress that plays Big Red, the belly dancer that flirts with Chet? She's also on Season 5 Episode 12 as the girl with binoculars, and Johnny borrows them to get a closer look at the guy strung between two buildings. She's got a very distinctive voice, but she's not identified in either episode. Thanks.


Question: During the hilltop tornado scene, Preacher mentions "the cone of silence." What exactly is that?

Answer: In the context of the movie, I believe they're referring to a moment where it appears everything is over, but is about to start up again. In real life, the term is evidently a term for a specific area that weather radars can't necessarily pick... usually very close to the radar since being overhead would mean they're outside of the radar's angle.


Answer: In the TV series "Get Smart", there was a device called the "cone of silence." It's used so that no one could hear private conversations, but it never worked properly. It was most likely a cultural reference.

Question: Do storm chasers keep regular phone call communication with the staff at NSSL? It seems the staff at the weather station reports directly to the ground teams what their readings are.

Question: When the team hunts down what will become the hilltop tornado, we see the landscape change dramatically from flatlands to more hilly terrain in a matter of seconds. Was that just to dramatically show the passage of time on the hunt while listening to their radio conversation in real time?

Question: After the priest is impaled during the killer storm, the autopsy reveals he had the 666 birthmark on his thigh – what does this mean? Was he a child of the Devil too? Did he spend his life fighting against this knowledge and that's why he had his bedroom covered in Bible pages? Any explanation is welcome.

Jen Hen

Answer: The priest you're talking about is Father Brennan. After he became a priest, he would meet Father Spiletto and become a Satanist. Basically once Satan accepted him, Brennan developed the 666 mark. He was present when Damien was born. It was only later in life when he was suffering severely with health issues that he decided to warn the Thorns about who Damien really was in hopes Christ would forgive him. At that point, he was afraid evil spirits would get him, which is why he covered his walls and windows in Bible pages.


Thank you! It has always bugged me.

Question: When Sean Thornton first arrives, it's the daytime. He meets Father Launigan on the road, who invites him to attend "Mass in the morning." Sean is at Cohan's Bar that evening, but then he attends "Mass in the morning." Was he up all night at the bar because he's yet to go to his new cottage? And how many times does Sean light a cigarette, take two puffs, then flick it to the side? What's up when he breaks the door down on their wedding night and flicks his cigarette inside the house?

Question: Why did they feel the need to install red lights and sirens on each of the Dorothy devices? Were those just to alert the operators when the machine was activated?

Answer: Exactly this. How do you know your oven is switched on? Because it has a light on it.

Question: What was Hal's plan in the beginning? He wanted to send an harness to his girlfriend who was hanging in midair, so his girlfriend has the strength to lift herself and tie herself from that position. She was dangling in midair.

Question: In the part with the Harry Potter book, how did Andy copy two books from the original copy, also put the book's cover in one hour and deliver it to the twins on the train? How did she know the time of departure or what train? Also, why didn't she connect herself, the designer of the book cover? Her boss said that they know everybody in the business. Also, Andy said that author J.K. Rowling couldn't help, why is that?

Answer: The whole comic point was Miranda assigning Andy an impossible task just to fire her. Of course, IRL Andy could never have accomplished it, but it shows her resourcefulness in thwarting Miranda. The premise is, Christian obtained the unpublished manuscript from the graphic artist designing the U.S. book cover. Andy then rushed to a nearby photocopy shop to get it express-copied. The photocopies were bound with simple plain covers. Miranda was being sarcastic that Andy "knew" everyone in the business. The HP book publications were such a top-secret, high-security operation that Andy facetiously implied that even J.K. Rowling could not help her. Christian saying "one hour" was just a generalization. Also, Andy would know the twins' nanny, so a quick phone call would provide their travel plans so she could arrange a messenger service to deliver the copies.


Question: After Bright Eyes was killed, Will's assistant Franklin says that she'd would've pregnant when they captured her! Doesn't it seem kind of odd! Gen Sys is trying a trail drug on Chimps, before that they should've examined the medical condition of the host (Bright Eyes) right? Either Will or Franklin if examined their host properly they'd be already knowing the subject is pregnant! Recently watched the movie, this question keeps on running in my mind. Kindly lemme know if I missed anything.


Answer: They were in a hurry to test the new drug. The sooner it's tested, the sooner they could market it and the sooner they can make millions selling it. In corporations, it's always about making a profit.

Question: In the finale, when the team is spraying Doom with water, when Ben closes the fire hydrant, the same noise made when Sue gained powers is heard. Was this on purpose?


Answer: I've just watched the scenes back-to-back and the similarities are pretty vague, so I can only assume you're referring to some subtle background noise I didn't notice. Regardless, chances are if they reused the same sound, it was just because it was some sort of licensed music-library sound they thought worked well in both scenes. This actually happens all the time. I've seen movies where, if you listen very closely, you can hear the same sound clip 2, 3, 4 or more times mixed into the background noise. (Ex. "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" reuses the same "pottery breaking" sound about a half-dozen times if you pay attention during the earthquake scenes.)


Question: I'm a bit confused about the scene where Luenell shows up at the dinner. Why were the guests so angry? Is it because she's black? They thought they were part of a serious documentary though, right? Why would they let the world know that they're racist? Is it because she was a prostitute? They didn't tell the guests she was, I guess maybe they could tell by the way she was dressed.


Question: Why isn't Tavington ever arrested for the war crimes he commits? Cornwallis, as well as the rest of the British, obviously don't want him to do what he does.

Answer: Sure they do; they just make a token show of disapproval for his "ungentlemanly" (or "brutal") strategies, but then turn a blind eye because he gets results. Tavington explicitly states this, and Cornwallis sheepishly acknowledges it, then allows Tavington do whatever it takes to end Martin's rebellious activities. Tavington, knowing this, strongarms Cornwallis into sanitising his actions (like burning the church) in the official record so that Tavington can return to England after the war with honour (and fortune and property). As in all armed conflicts, "rules" exist but are routinely broken at all levels if that's what it takes to win.

Question: Right after the battle with the guerrillas, why does Dutch get pissed off and yell at Dillon? He says something about them being set up. However, Dutch and his men already knew they were going into a combat situation. What was Dutch so angry about?

Answer: Dutch is upset because Dillon lied to his team about the objective. Dutch and his team don't take on assassination-type missions, and he doesn't view his team as expendable... whereas Dillon needed a skilled but expendable hit-squad to take out the guerrillas. It was basically just a large-scale assassination mission. So Dillon lied and said it was a much more noble rescue to lure them in and make them think it wouldn't be as dangerous.


Ring of Fire - S6-E13

Question: Why is it that the FBI team is surrounded by the SWAT team when they enter the building near the end of the show, but the SWAT team is nowhere to be seen during the interior search and prolonged shootout?


Question: In Dune: Part Two, towards the end, Paul is stabbed in the side by Feyd Rautha. Then suddenly, a knife appears at his shoulder? What?! Did I miss something?

Erik M.

Answer: Feyd uses Paul's blade to stab Paul in the left abdomen. Then Feyd uses the emperor's blade to stab Paul in the right shoulder. Paul then pulls out his own blade from his own lower left abdomen to kill Feyd, leaving the emperor's blade in Paul's right shoulder.

Thanks so much! I think that I got it! Have a terrific day.

Erik M.

Question: When they return to the plane, Alan and Billy start questioning Paul about when he climbed the mountain and then realized that he was lying about Kirby Enterprises. How did they figure out he was talking a complete load of rubbish?

Answer: Paul had claimed that he and his wife often did adventure tours like the Galapagos Islands, the Nile, climbing K-2, etc. When Alan and Billy observed him awkwardly struggling to don a backpack, they became suspicious and started quizzing him.


Question: Why didn't Dr Grant hide the eggs somewhere where the raptors could've sniffed them out? It would've bought them some time as the raptors would then have spent their time looking for the eggs.

Answer: Grant does think about dropping the eggs out of a window but decides to keep them. Paul asks Grant: "What if they catch us with them?" to which Grant replies: "What if they catch us without them?" He's implying that the eggs will stop the Raptors attacking them as the Raptors wouldn't want to risk damaging the eggs. If they didn't have the eggs with them, the Raptors wouldn't think twice about attacking them.

Answer: That probably would have made more sense, but it would have been a less dramatic ending where the raptors confront everyone. The whole concept of the raptors hunting down a few missing eggs out of a large clutch is ridiculous. It's all about storytelling, not reality.


Also, I would like to point out that people don't always think of an obvious, practical solution when a situation is actually happening: "Hindsight is 20/20." This might be a sci-fi movie but it happens in reality. It's easy to analyze a situation as an outsider and say what should have been done.

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