Question: Why is Gollum surprised when Frodo reveals to him that he intends to destroy the Ring? Didn't he know that since he was leading Frodo and Sam to Mordor that that was their goal?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why does Teddy have a cut with a plaster (band-aid) on his forehead throughout the film?
Answer: The bandage is a symbol indicating when and when not Teddy is caught in his delusions. When the bandage is on he is delusional, thinking he is the marshal finding out all the dark secrets of the facility. When the bandage is absent he is lucid and aware of his past crimes and his own delusions.
Wrong. It's on the whole movie until he takes a shower. The bandaid is off but yet that's the scene where he runs in the lighthouse thinking he's the Marshall still. Did you watch the movie at all?
Answer: He was in an altercation with the patient in ward C prior to returning to ward C and talking with him again. It was an injury sustained in the past due to that.
Question: Are Colonel Mustard's parents dead or not? During the blackmail discussion scene in the study, Mustard says he lost his mummy and daddy in the war. Later, Mustard says Mr. Boddy threatened to send the pictures of him and Yvette in Flagrante Delicto to his parents.
Chosen answer: They're still alive. When he says it earlier, he's trying to explain away his money from black marketeering during the war.
Question: Why does the maid age, while everyone else remains the age they were when they died?
Answer: Moira's ghost form is unique because of the way she was treated when she was alive. To people who do not sexualize her and truly understand and view her for who she really (namely women), she is seen as an older woman. To people who objectify and don't care to see the truth (namely men), they see the young seductive Moria. It's a strong directorial choice to eventually show how Ben Harmen comes to terms with the truth of the house and himself.
Question: The Hobbit trilogy takes place 60 years before Lord Of The Rings, and it is shown that Bilbo takes the Ring from Gollum and escapes the Misty Mountains with it. What exactly has Gollum been doing for the past 60 years?
Chosen answer: It took Gollum a few years to summon up the courage to leave his cave to try to find Bilbo, but, unsurprisingly, he found that the trail had gone cold. Wandering in the hope of picking up the scent, he ended up on the edge of Mordor, where he encountered Shelob and became her servant, spying on her behalf, luring food into her lair and so forth. Eventually, captured by Sauron's forces, he gave up the names of Baggins and the Shire under torture, alerting Sauron to the existence and potential significance of Hobbits. He was freed, only to be captured again, this time by Gandalf and Aragorn who wanted to question him about the Ring before placing him in elven custody in Mirkwood. Escaping from there, Gollum hid out in Moria where he first picked up the trail of the Fellowship.
Question: Why didn't Murphy tell his boss about Cochrane's plan to kill him? He tries to when he gets back, but notices some strange behaviour and walks off. Is it because he (a) doesn't trust the department and thinks the boss is in on it (b) doesn't think he will believe him (since Lymangood hid the proof) (c) decides to deal with it himself (d) just the writers' way of advancing the plot.
Answer: Yes to A, B, and C.
Question: Spoiler: How did Bruce survive the explosion?
Chosen answer: It is revealed afterward that he had fixed the autopilot on his aircraft. At some point prior to the explosion he bailed out and the craft continued on without him, taking the bomb far enough away for him to survive the blast.
It's not clear that he actually survived We did see him in the end but Alfred could have been imagining that Bruce was there It's up to us to decide if that is the case or not But it's not confirmed that he survived.
The Dark Knight Series has not been one to play with elements of imagination, or really leave things up to audience interpretation. I will relent that Christopher Nolan has a knack for this in some of his other movies. But here, things have remained pretty clear cut throughout the trilogy. We see that Bruce fixed the autopilot on The Bat, he basically delivers a map of the Batcave to Blake. And Alfred, being of sound mind and body, sees Bruce in a cafe at the end. Bruce survived.
Question: When Gandalf is telling Bilbo about the Istari, he first discusses Saruman the White and Radagast the Brown. Then he mentions the other two wizards, the _____, and says he can't remember their names. What is the word Gandalf uses to describe these two wizards? I've seen the movie twice now but can't catch it. It sounds like he says they're "bruisers", but that doesn't seem like a word anyone in Middle Earth would use.
Chosen answer: He says "the two Blues". Jackson did not have the rights to the Unfinished Tales where the wizards are named (Alatar and Pallando) so he could not mention them in the film.
Question: Has the car Bond uses to drive M to the Skyfall home to hide her from Silva ever been used in any other Bond films?
Chosen answer: Yes, it originally appeared in Goldfinger. Aston Martin DB5s have also appeared in a number of subsequent Bond movies, but have not always been intended to be the same car.
Answer: The DB5 also appears briefly in The World is Not Enough as a thermal image at the end and in a deleted scene. It also appears at the end of Spectre when Bond drives off.
Answer: The Aston Martin DB5 originally starred in Goldfinger then Thunderball in the pre-credit scene, then it appeared again in Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, Casino Royale (but this time it was owned by another character) and then Skyfall in which it gets blown up.
Question: What does Hirsch mean when he tells Vosen, "Just remember why we put Landy there." They talk about framing Landy for BlackBriar, but that never goes anywhere. What was their plan?
Chosen answer: In the next film, "The Bourne Legacy", we see Vosen testifying against Landy before a congressional committee. He implies that Blackbriar was solely an operation to capture a rogue Treadstone operative (Bourne), and that Landy was responsible for the program as she had aided Bourne.
Question: Who/what exactly is The Phantom Menace?
Chosen answer: The return of the Sith. In this case Phantom is refering to invisibility/unseen.
Question: When Selving and Foster and Darcy were sitting on the top of that roof and Selving said, "I know a pioneer in gamma radiation." Do you think he was talking about Bruce Banner?
Chosen answer: While no absolute confirmation exists within the film, it's hard to imagine that the description of a pioneer in gamma radiation who mysteriously disappears refers to anybody else.
Question: In the beginning of "Thor", the battle between Odin's army and Laufey's army happened in Norway. In (Captain America) the Tesseract was found in Norway during World War II. Do you think there is a connection ?
Chosen answer: The Tesseract is described in Captain America as being "the jewel of Odin's treasure room", so clearly it has significant links to the Asgardians, making it perfectly reasonable that it was located in Norway. Whether its presence there is directly linked to the battle in some way is unknown.
Question: When Kevin admits to having slept with no one at college,considering what Jess tells Vicky that if he said he slept with 3 he more likely slept with 1 or none will it be true what Stifler said about Vicky that if she said 1 it more likely to be 3?
Chosen answer: Yes. That's the point of the theory. Men multiply the number of women they've had sex with by 3, women divide the number by 3.
Question: I noticed that Harry's scar hurts when he comes close to Professor Quirrell, but why is this not happening when he meets him for the first time in Diagon Alley? Wasn't Voldemort on his head yet?
Chosen answer: Voldemort is not on his head in Diagon Alley as explained in the books. He attaches himself to Quirrell when he learns that Quirrell was unsuccessful in getting the Philosopher's Stone from the vault, in attempt to keep an eye on him.
Question: When the Doctor says good-bye to Sarah-Jane at the end of the show, it is as if he'll never see her again, yet, he visits her on 'The Sarah Jane Adventures'. Being a time lord, he would know if he'd see her again so why did he say good-bye?
Chosen answer: He doesn't know his own future. She might die or he might regenerate before he sees her again.
Question: Harry sees a dream of attacking Mr. Weasley as a snake, this was real. Harry sees a dream about Voldemort hurting Sirius, this is not real. Can anyone explain this to me?
Question: Why was the episode "Little Big Girl" called "Little Big Girl"?
Chosen answer: It is a play on the movie "Little Big Man" starring Dustin Hoffman. In that movie he portrays a white man who lives as an Indian for part of his life.
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Chosen answer: Actually no, he didn't. He had no idea what they were planning to do in Mordor, and he didn't really care. Gollum is obsessed with one thing and one thing only, getting the ring back. He agrees to lead Frodo, partly because he's scared of the ring and is compelled to obey its current owner, but mostly because he's waiting for a chance to get it back. Maybe a sane person would have questioned Frodo's motives and realised his intention, but Gollum is hardly sane, is he?