Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why didn't Tina use her powers to revive her mother?

Answer: Maybe she was in too much shock to think about it at the time.


The Law Club - S6-E7

Question: After Harry "cuts off" Bull's head, he and Dan step outside the room. You see a lady, who looks like a cleaning lady, walk into the room. Was there a deleted scene where she reacts to seeing Bull's head in the basket?


Ocean's Three and a Half - S7-E7

Question: In Stewie's music video, there are scenes that seem to be a reference or parody of other music videos, like the part made from Lego being from a White Stripes video. What are the other references and which part are original (i.e., made up)? Like, I don't imagine there's a music video where someone's nipples become faces, but maybe I'm wrong. Is there another music video that uses pencil drawings because it doesn't feel like A-ha's video?


Question: I know that scenes in this movie weren't filmed in chronological order. Which scene was the first one to be shot and which scene was the last one to be shot?

Answer: I only found general info, but the first scenes filmed were of the Titanic passengers boarding the ship. Also, early on was the scene of Jack sketching Rose in the nude. I'd guess the Titanic sinking was filmed at the end of the shoot.


Question: Why did the government want to control the populace by creating millions of clones of them?


Answer: The government's intent was to create completely controllable and compliant clones to do whatever they wanted them to do. Their plan did not work out, however.


Question: Was it ever revealed in this film, or in either of the sequels, what crime Joey was actually in prison for?

Answer: In film, no (or at least not that I saw). But USA Today released a special "front page wrap" for Oct 22, 2015 with some changes to the movie prop. For example, they expanded the article of Marty Jr.'s arrest, which for the prop was just repeated paragraphs (as newspaper props often have). On the side of the paper under Newsline (which as far as I can tell wasn't part of the original movie prop) it says "Parole Denied Again for Joseph "Joey" Baines, 61, currently serving a 20 year term for racketeering at Folsom Prison. Baines, originally from Hill Valley, has spent some 2/3 of his life behind bars. This is his 12th consecutive parole hearing to end in denial." In the comic book "Back to the Future: Time Served", by Bob Gale, he writes that Joey wanted to join Biff's gang. Biff had Joey break into Doc Brown's mother's home to steal money from her. Joey was caught and arrested for stealing $85K. Since Joey refused to give up Biff, he got a longer sentence.


Batgirl Returns - S3-E8

Question: How did Catwoman know where Barbara's school was? And how did she know that Barbara is Batgirl? And knew where to leave her note for Barbara to meet her at the pier?

Question: When Riley and Cole miss the hit on Hooker, and it's given to Salino, Cole's still looking. Wouldn't he see Hooker with Shaw?

Answer: If he did, it likely wouldn't matter. Neither he nor Salino know about the main plot, they're just on an assignment to kill the grifter who worked with Luther. Even if they saw Hooker with Gondorff, they'd have no reason to suspect anything or to report it to Lonnegan or anyone else; they're only interested in the hit.

Thanks – makes sense.

Question: How did the guy know Maddie couldn't access the neighbors' WiFi and call for help? Yes, it was password protected, but there was no way he could've known she didn't know the password. If I go round my friends, I have their WiFi password. If they come round mine, they have mine. It would make sense that at some point in time, the two neighbors would've shared their details with each other.

Answer: It was probably an assumption. I doubt most people know their neighbour's WiFi password. I don't know any of my neighbours' passwords, regardless of how well acquainted we are. That's different from friends who are visiting from some distance away from their home WiFi signal. Even if a neighbour is in your house with their own electronic device, they would still be close enough to their own Internet service to get a signal.


Question: Why did Desmond's father show up to the hearing in his Great War uniform instead of a suit and tie?

Answer: Likely an act to support his son by showing his solidarity, patriotism, and his own war service. It also makes a visual statement to the audience about a father standing by his son.


Answer: Yes and no. After the body dies, it loses about 1.5°C per hour until it reaches ambient temperature (i.e. the temperature where the body is found). But there are factors affecting the rate of loss, and one has to assume a starting temperature of 98.6°F. In this case, after factoring in the time from when the police were called to when the body temperature was checked, it would have been determined some time had passed, just not a lot, before Beth saw Moira standing over Megan. Really, what they were saying is Moira's story is believable: that she found her sister dead and picked up the hammer right as the garage door opened.


Chirp - S2-E7

Question: I tried looking for the title of the children's book mentioned in this episode (something about a big day for Biscuit), but couldn't find it. Was it made up by the episode's writers, or does it actually exist?

Answer: I'm not sure if it helps, but there's a children's book series about Biscuit, the little yellow puppy by Alyssa Satin Capucilli. They're books mostly for 3-6 year olds. There's a lot of books in the series and I'm not sure if there's one about a "big day", but it may have been said in the text of the book and not the title. There is a book called "Biscuit and the Great Fall Day." So maybe the line was flubbed or it was written by someone familiar with the Biscuit books and just assumed there must be one about a big day.


Show generally

Question: I vaguely remember one or two promo ads for this show, which quoted reviews by critics, basically saying that it was better than "The Simpsons" and a refreshing change. However, many sitcoms have come and gone throughout the run of "The Simpsons." Is there some reason why this particular show was being promoted as an alternative?

Answer: I wouldn't read into it too much. It's not uncommon for a few critics to really love a particular film or TV show and compare it to other works in their reviews. ("It's better than XXX!" or "The best show/movie of its genre since XXX!") And since it makes for a great piece of promotion, a lot of times commercials will use these quotes in advertisements as a way to get publicity. Again, something that happens all the time. I've seen plenty of commercials for different films, TV shows, video games, etc. like the one you're describing.


Answer: It's an obvious and typical advertising ploy designed to catch people's attention and entice them to tune into the show and see if reviewers' claims are true. New shows need good ratings early on to avoid cancellation.


Question: Considering how those of Desmond's unit who beat him up got away with it, what would their punishment have been had they been revealed? What was the military's policy on recruits physically assaulting other recruits? Would they have been punished, or would those in authority have looked the other way?

Question: At the beginning of the film, what part of the Battle of Antietam was shown where Robert Shaw was involved?

Question: Colonel Dolarhyde mentions about having participated in the Battle of Antietam and losing men in the Cornfield. Did he fight for the Union or the Confederacy?

Answer: I was unable to find any reference about which side Dollarhyde fought for in the Civil War. It may have been deliberately left ambiguous to make his political alliances more neutral, and instead, focus on his personal character and how it evolves during the film.


Question: Seconds before the first battle started, one soldier had jumped up and started screaming when the other soldier approached him just before they both were killed. What was that about?

Pine Barrens - S3-E11

Question: When the not-so-dead Russian gets away from his pursuers, what happened to him? It seems to be implied that he doubled back and drove away in their car, but it was never really explained. Incidentally, there is no way that scene was filmed in the real Jersey Pine Barrens.

Question: When the girls got stuck at the top of the tower on the first night, why didn't they think to climb to the very top to screw and unscrew the light bulb back and forth in an SOS pattern at alternate speeds? That surely would have been seen as out of place, and the SOS is universally known as a distress signal that would have alerted motorists and people on the ground. No doubt that would have been strenuous to perform, but at least they would have been trying everything to get help.

Answer: Most likely, that never occurred to them, or they had no idea about how to do that. Not to mention, it would be extremely dangerous, physically difficult, with no guarantee it would be successful.


Answer: Probably for the same reason you (the person who posted the question) didn't think of it until after you'd seen them unscrew the bulb to recharge the battery. It just didn't occur to you/them.

Answer: To add to the other answer, while "SOS" as a distress signal is widely known, the Morse code equivalent (... - - -...) is not. So, unless they were educated in such signals, anyone seeing it probably wouldn't interpret it as a deliberate call for help...even law enforcement in this day and age couldn't be guaranteed to understand it correctly.

Even if some didn't understand it, there's a good chance they'd wonder why it was making such unusual flashes for the first time and take a look.

Question: Why didn't the Japanese just cut the rope net off the cliff side to prevent the Americans from climbing up and attacking? Common sense would have been to inhibit their advance any way they could.

Answer: I'd classify it as a deliberate mistake or choice on the moviemakers' part. It fit the plot to have it play out that way and have the Japanese being attacked.


A deliberate mistake is something like using an 8-month-old baby as a newborn, something done intentionally for filming purposes. Writing in a plot contrivance isn't a deliberate mistake. At best, it could be considered a character mistake if it's something a real person would do in the character's position or a stupidity, a stupid act by a character for the sake of the plot.


I have seen so many movies and TV shows where some contrived plot device is thrown in solely to make the story work, even though it makes little sense in a real-world context. If you're going to make an issue about it, you can call it whatever you want.


It was a plot mechanic. Unfortunately, resulting in a massive, obvious plot hole.

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