Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: Rusty was just being an ass. That's his character, him and his dad are usually going at one another. They really play up this relationship in European vacation.

Carl Missouri

Answer: Maybe, too, because he inadvertently killed her dog so maybe that killed her, too.


Question: I don't understand the scene where Katniss is watching an old Hunger Games for a few moments then clicks it off. Her hair is down and pretty. Next scene she is still on the train and her hair is still pulled back. When was she supposedly watching this film?

Answer: She is watching the old film in her bedroom compartment on the train later that night. She's taken down her hair and is in her night clothes. You see her again the next morning, wearing the same dress and she has braided her hair again. Peeta and Katniss were almost immediately taken from the reaping to the train, without being allowed to bring any personal belongings.


Question: When Luke has an argument with Owen and Beru and storms out, Beru says to Owen "He's too much like his father", to which Owen says "I know. That's what I'm afraid of". But if Luke is like Anakin (as Owen and Beru fear), then what caused Luke to not go to the dark side like his father did, if Luke had all this frustration of wanting more control in this movie like his father did when he was younger?

Answer: Luke, despite his typically youthful frustrations, has been raised in a loving family environment. Compared to his father, who was separated from his mother at an early age, leaving her in slavery, raised by the strict Jedi Order, ended up in a secret marriage that he was unable to acknowledge and had a Sith Lord working on manipulating him from the age of ten onwards, Luke's frustrations are nothing.


Answer: Aunt Beru is most likely referring to Luke and Anakin's shared recklessness and impulsivity (and this works regardless if we're factoring in films outside of the original or not).


Question: Why does Bettlejuice give Lydia some BS reason why he can't tell her his name, but them puts her through a ridiculous round of charades for her to guess it?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: Because he can't say his own name, therefore the charades is the only way he can get her to figure out what his name is to say it.


Why can't Beetlejuice say his own name?

Question: Right before the swimsuit portion, Vic puts some "enhancements" in Gracie's bikini top. When she goes out on stage the crowd cheers loudly then Morningside gets mad hits Vic on the side of his head. Does that mean Gracie was the only one who secretly used an enhancement and Morningside knew?

Answer: She smacked him because Gracie looked silly smiling out there. Every time she messed up, she looked worse and she had to be in the top 5.


Question: What is the tagline for the Black to the Hood movie Billboard?

Answer: The tagline goes "He was never on time for his parole officer.... He wasn't on time for his sentencing.... Then one day....he wasn't in the hood at all."

Carl Missouri

Question: Why are the roads that are leading in and out of Silent Hill gone? And at the end of the movie, why does the road reappear when Rose drives out of Silent Hill?

Movie Lover

Chosen answer: The roads symbolise the gateway into Silent Hill's alternate world which was opened because Sharon/Alessa was called to the town. It reappeared because Alessa has the power to do this.

Question: How would Rose have been able to get in and out of her yellow dress that she wears while she and Jack are walking on the deck? I've looked and can't see any where to rationally put an opening for her to get out of the dress?


Chosen answer: It's true Rose is wearing her yellow dress on deck with jack, including when her and Jack are spitting and her mother walks up to her with Molly and the other women. Dinner is announced and Rose and her mother leave to get dressed for dinner. This is when she changes.

Question: Does Christabella still recognizes the disfigured Alessa in the church scene? If so, why does Christabella looked so shocked and scared?

Movie Lover

Chosen answer: Judging by the burned state of Alessa's risen body, it is possible that Christabella realised who it was. It would then make sense that she would be afraid, because it was she who ordered that Alessa be tortured in that awful way. Even if she did not recognise her, the appearance of Alessa's body rising from the floor surrounded by barbed wire is a pretty gruesome image, fear is an understandable reaction.


Question: What was Police Chief Hopelys' curse?

Answer: It was "extreme" pimples.


Chosen answer: It was said in the movie commentary that the drawing was the work of digital editing.

Question: When Katniss is attacked by Clove after she takes the bag, why didn't she grab the knife she had (the one she cut the tracker-jacker nest's branch with) and use that instead of trying to fight her bare-handed?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: In the book, she left it with Peeta in case he was discovered while she was away. Apparently she was meant to have done this in the film as well, they just neglected to show it, causing some confusion.


Answer: She shows little to no competence with a knife. Katniss' ideal weapon is a bow, and she would not learn much on how to use a knife in the training time, especially as we have seen her do various other things in training. Though she could be able to cut off a still branch that in and of itself can't fight back, here she is dealing with a moving, killing opponent. She just might not know how to fight with a knife, or not be confident enough to do so.

Question: What is the purpose of the guns and cannons that the Oompa Loompas are firing in the elevator scene?

Movie Lover

Answer: It was to make poprocks-esque candy.

It was just a pointless room like the fudge mountain room.

Chosen answer: There isn't one. Hence Mike's question about having no point and Charlie's response that candy doesn't need a point.


Question: In the film 'Jesus Christ Superstar', in the song 'Peter's denial', Peter sings: "You've got the wrong man, lady, [.], and I wasn't where" etc. All the websites with lyrics say the line after the word 'lady' is: "I don't know him", but that is not at all what I hear on the CD of the film version. I know some things changed when the show was turned into a film, and I suppose this is one of them. Can someone help? I am an English teacher and I would like to use these songs for an English lesson before Easter.

Answer: Just looked this song up on YouTube, from several versions including the 1973 film, and the lines are always performed as the lyric sites say.


Question: This is probably a tedious task, but at what scenes were the songs "Rose," "A Life So Changed," "Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave," and "The Portrait" (the former three from the Titanic OST and the latter from Back to Titanic OST) played within the film? Most of the music in the film is so similar, it's hard for me to determine which song is which.

Answer: "Rose" was used in the flying seen at the bow of Titanic when Jack and Rose are flying."A life so changed" was used when Rose is in a life boat after Jack dies at the end.Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave," was used when Jack gets Rose into a life boat and she looks up at him in slow mode and she jumps back on Titanic. "The Portrait" was used when Jack is drawing Rose.

Question: Charlie said to Kirby as he was stabbing her "4 years of classes together and you only notice me now" he didn't exactly make a move either, what was stopping him from making a move in all the years he's known her?

Answer: Many guys like girls and don't make a move, mostly because they're afraid of rejection. At that time he didn't have anything to lose.

Anastasios Anastasatos

Question: There are 2 scenes in the movie that I am confused about. Both of them take place BEFORE we find out that Cliff and Cydney are the real killers. The first takes place towards the begining when Cliff and Cydney are pretending to be going to the bathroom behind a tree watching the killers (themselves) on the security camera. The second is when they are in their tent (with Gina in the background gutting the goat). In both scenes, Cliff and Cydney appear to be afraid and very concerned about Gina and Nick being the real killers. In the tent scene, they talk about leaving Nick and Gina behind because they think they're the killers. Why are Cliff and Cydney even talking about this if THEY are the real killers?

Answer: They're not afraid the other couple are the killers, they're afraid they may be recognized on the video and that the other couple might figure out who they really are.

Chosen answer: Because Ripley would warn the other crew members about the Special Order, namely that the company's mission was to collect the alien (to use as a biological weapon) and that the crew was expendable. The company assigned Ash to carry out the plan, and being a robot, his only intent is to follow their orders.


Question: Why does Major Koslova seem relaxed after the jackal presses her hand in the wound?

Answer: By putting pressure on the wound, blood flow was decreased and it can give some pain relief. It also increases her chance of survival, till someone can get to her.

She's also feeling the increased effects of blood loss and going into shock at this point.


Question: At the beginning of the film when Caleb realizes the dates are major disasters, why does Caleb's dad drop the glass he was holding? Also, why does Caleb start writing dates of disasters when the world is already about to end?


Chosen answer: Lucinda finished what she started in the school closet, simply the GPS location of her grandmother's home. Caleb writes numbers so his dad can take them away from him so he can etch the desk to remind his dad that Lucinda's numbers are still on the school closet door.

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