Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why did Hoffman shut down the security monitors before leaving Rigg to die? Also, how did he do it?

Answer: Because he didn't want Riggs to see who was coming, and even if he didn't shut down the monitors Riggs would still die in the end anyway. And he probably cut the wires from his hands behind it.

Question: Strapped to a chair. How does he manage to put the cotton in his ears?

Answer: His wrists and ankles are strapped to the arms and legs of the chair. He can sill move his upper body. He pulls the cotton from the chair out by his fingers, leans forward, and stuffs it in his ears.

Question: At the end, to whom does Lex Luthor refer when he tells Batman, "He is coming for us, and he is hungry"? Does this suggest that Luthor used Kryptonian technology to send a message into space, alerting someone or something? But who?

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: Presumably it is Steppenwolf, who will be the main villain in "Justice League." It could also be Steppenwolf's nephew, Darkseid.


Question: I believe the network is called FreeFH on Cox network? But anyway, why is it that when they have a marathon From Philosopher's Stone to Deathly Hollow's part II, they always skip this film? Instead they go from Goblet of Fire and go straight to Half-Blood Prince.

Answer: I've noticed that too. Because the entire Harry Potter series takes up so much TV air time, the scheduling would be a factor so that the entire marathon can end at a reasonable hour. It may be that "Order of the Phoenix" receives the lowest viewing ratings, and therefore is skipped over in the interest of time.


Question: When Umbridge has Harry, his friends and the Slytherin students in her office, she asks Harry if he was going to warn Dumbledore. When he says he wasn't, she responds by slapping him in the face. In the background, Draco has a look of shock on his face. Considering the fact that he hates Harry, why would he react this way?

Answer: Draco is shocked because a teacher is never allowed to hit a student, not for any reason. He never expected Umbridge to behave in such a manner.


Answer: It was probably a mistake. Tom Felton may have flinched by accident.

Question: Is there ANY reason the smaller "lifeboat" ship (think they call it the Narcissus) Ripley evacuates into at the end, couldn't have been used as a lander to travel down to the planet in the beginning too (simply leave the Nostromo in orbit, with or without skeleton crew)? It seems, actually is, much less likely to be damaged in the initial landing, and, for that matter, much easier to take off afterwards (being much less massive). It also would have provided one more layer of quarantine containment for the people who stayed in the lander (who may or not be all the other four, in fact one would probably be just fine (Ripley manages the Narcissus just fine at the end), and it would have been a lot faster for the singleton to simply put on their own spacesuit if/when trouble is encountered, and in so doing, preserve their own personal uncontaminated space). The three explorers and the lander guard could simply see to trouble in Narcissus' sickbay-laboratory, without tainting the three back in the mothership, give Kane first response while taking him up to the main lab on the ship, while giving the orbit people warning to put on their suits/have some form of mobile quarantine ready for him.


Answer: It's not apparent whether the shuttle is capable of landing at all, much less launch itself back into space afterward even if it could.


Chosen answer: The small "lifeboat" ship was not equipped for the entire crew's long-term survival. As they are in deep space, there is no where close for them to land. They would just be adrift in space, as it takes years to travel from one destination to another. To survive long voyages, the crew needs to be in hibernation. The small ship would be a last resort in the hope that any survivors would be found before they died of starvation and/or lack of oxygen.


Question: In Xenoblade Chronicles, Shulk says that the Monado can't cut people. If this is true, how does the Monado damage the human fighters in Smash 4?

Answer: It is possible that it can make pain without cutting them.

Question: Just to clarify Stu's plan. He wanted Lenore dead to take the life insurance policy which he was gonna pay Malenkov with? And would frame Brian to put him in jail?

Answer: Stuart told Bryan that he owed a large debt to his former business partner and ex-Spetsnaz operative, Oleg Malankov. To pay him off, Stuart had Lenore murdered for the insurance money. He framed Bryan and revealed his identity to Malankov because he was jealous that Lenore still loved Bryan.


Question: The Russian captain commends the naval soldier for "averting a nuclear war" after Charles took over his mind and destroyed the ship with the nuclear weapons. This sounds like a dumb question, but if he was commended for averting nuclear war, why did he throw him in the brig?

Answer: Because he still did it on his own, against orders. Though the captain was happy he did it, he still needs to punish him for disobedience.


Question: Why deploy SEALs by air? Why not on the ground where they wouldn't be seen?

Answer: There could be any number of reasons. For one, arriving by air is faster and more efficient than going in on the ground. However, I suspect there is no "real world" reason for this and instead, the filmmakers chose to portray it this way for a more dramatic effect and to make the action move more quickly, rather than depict the longer, slower process of traveling over land.


Question: At the airport, Marvin shoots a bullet through a rocket, and the explosion travels backwards towards the shooter. Is this possible?

Answer: Yes and no. The Mythbusters later tested this, and it turns out that while an armed RPG will explode when shot with a bullet, it definitely won't kill whoever fired it. What's more, RPG's are designed to penetrate tank armor, and when they explode, a stream of molten metal comes out to destroy the armor. That kept going no matter what they did and would likely kill Marvin.


Question: Is it really required or necessary to unlock the downloadable characters?

Answer: No, it isn't. But if DLC is purchased, there would be extra levels to fight on as well.

Question: After Microsoft purchased Rare from Nintendo, a DS remake of Diddy Kong Racing came out. Developed by Rare and published by Nintendo. But if Rare no longer works with Nintendo, how did Rare make the game?

Answer: Short answer; Microsoft allowed them to. Since Microsoft wasn't involved in the handheld console market, Rare was still able to develop handheld games for Nintendo (essentially a small division of Rare was allowed to develop these games as long as their main focus was on developing Microsoft games). Rare developed games for the Gameboy Advance which were published by THQ before development for the DS. Microsoft even said in 2003 they weren't going to publish GBA/DS games and if any company wanted to they could. There were rumors at the time that the DS was going to be able to connect to the XBox because of Rare developing these games.


Question: If Vullaby's Pokedex entry says that her wings are too small to allow her to fly, how can she learn the move fly?

Question: Why is Vullaby's species name the "Diapered Pokemon?" She is depicted as always wearing a broken skull, so shouldn't she be called the "Skull Pokemon" instead?

Answer: Vullaby is the bird Pokemon who wears the bottom of their broken shell giving it the appearance of a diaper. Cubone is the Pokemon who wears a skull as a helmet.


Question: Do you think N is a villain or an anti-hero?

Answer: He is a hero.

Question: What are Karrablast and its evolution Escavalier based off?

Answer: It is based off the Japanese snail eating beetle.

Question: Why was Bianca's father attempting to take her home instead of letting her continue her journey?

Answer: To become the best.

Question: How exactly, in the context of the film, did Dietrich manage to have Sutler appear on his show? Obviously John Hurt is playing the part and I get that it's not supposed to be the real Sutler, because Sutler was devoid of humor and would never agree to appear on the show, but did Dietrich just luck out by finding someone that looked and sounded exactly like Sutler?


Chosen answer: Sketch comedy shows do this all the time, and I'm sure even in the film's world, there are comedians who specialize in impressions. It wouldn't be impossible to find someone who looks and sounds like Sutler, or at least close enough that they can do so with a bit of make-up and rehearsal.

Chosen answer: John Teller (Jax's father). "Piney" Winston (Opie's father). Lenny Janowitz. Keith McGee (President of the Belfast charter). Wally Grazer. Thomas Whitney. Chico Villanueva. Otto Moran (not to be confused with Big Otto Delaney with the eye-patch). "Clay" Marrow (though not a founding member).


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