Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When you see the baker on the ship when it is sinking, he climbs over the railings. Surely when the ship split in half, the force should have knocked him off?

Answer: The baker is a real person who was the last live person to be pulled from the water. He was drunk and from his account of what happened he held on with all his might as the ship broke in half and then he rode the ship down, he even said he didn't even get his head wet. Because he was drunk no one knows the real story but the filmmakers put that in there to show his story. So no the force didn't knock him off, it didn't knock Jack or Rose off either.


Question: The movie's whole point is that emotions have been stamped out, correct? So why does Taye Diggs smile almost constantly and shows obvious glee, and the Vice Councilor pounds the table in rage. Wouldn't the elite of the government be the ideal?

Answer: Because of their display of emotions it is clear that the elite are not taking their Prozium. If the idea of the emotionless society worked, then yes the elite should be taking their Prozium. However, this society obviously doesn't work and instead of being the solution to all man's problems, Prozium have just become a way of subduing the masses while the elite are free to do as they please.


Answer: I am sure Brandt is dosing every day. He even talks about getting his dose adjusted at the beginning of his partnership with Preston, stating: "I am a wary person, cautious by nature, always expecting the worst." And yet he definitely does seem to display anger and he smiles throughout the movie. In my opinion, the only member of the elite that is NOT taking the Proseum is "Father" since he admits as much to Preston at the very end of the movie, and he eradicated due process for offenders: He is a psychopath and so doesn't need Proseum to suppress emotions he doesn't have. Yet warning Preston at the end that he is "treading on his dreams," shows his narcissism. Maybe Brandt's "emotions" are merely acting, as he was from the start part of "Father's" plan to set Preston up. Therefore, he isn't really "feeling" at all: merely acting. One can act as though one is angry or sad or happy without actually feeling anything at all. I am sure that Brandt never came off his interval.

Question: Arty tells Rita that he knows her from somewhere. Where did he see or meet her?

Answer: Arti saw Rita at the Saloon earlier in the movie; Arti (as the cross-dressed redheaded woman) shoved Rita out of the line up to be choosen by Gen. McGrath.

Good Job!

Question: At the very end of the movie, before the credits, with Magneto playing chess, did he manage to move or knock over the chess piece?It cut to black too quickly for me to see. Were they trying to show that the cure was not permanent?


Chosen answer: The piece did move, very very slightly. I'd argue that the cure is generally permanent, but perhaps with someone of Magneto's power the X gene can't be permanently suppressed, and will slowly regenerate itself through his body, gradually restoring him to full strength.

Jon Sandys

Question: As Robert Langdon sinks to his knees on top of the Louvre at the very end of the film over Mary Magdalene's tomb, what is the music playing? It's very uplifting and would logically be the last track on the soundtrack, but on listening to a sample on iTunes, the style of the tracks seem completely different.


Chosen answer: The track is "Chevaliers de Sangreal" on the official soundtrack. It's the second to the last track (13).

Question: When Fozzie is singing the National Anthem, why does he sing 'America the Beautiful', and not 'The Star Spangled Banner' (which is the National Anthem of USA)?

Answer: Fozzie did not mean to sing the National Anthem. He simply wanted to sing something patriotic, since he was so moved by the scenery.

Matty Blast

Answer: Max and the others in her group were the X5 series.


Question: Does anybody know if there are non-credited cameos in this film? During the scene on the beach, where the girl meets the two dancers, I think I see a young Jean-Claude Van Damme in the crowd wearing a black spandex suit and the kid from Revenge of the Nerds holding a soccer ball.

Answer: According to, the following actors were uncredited in this film: Michel Qissi, Passerby in first dance sequence - Lela Rochon, Extra in first scene - Kara Vallow, Break Dancer - Jean-Claude Van Damme, Passerby in First Dance Sequence.


Question: What is the song playing right after O-Ren Ishii kicks off her shoes in the snow right before her and The Bride have their duel? I checked IMDB and the actual soundtrack but I can't find out which song it is.

Answer: If you're thinking about the song that starts with the clapping then it's called "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" by Santa Esmeralda. On the soundtrack it's number 10.

Answer: A silent clock has been used 5 times thusfar: After Teri's death (Season 1), after George exited CTU for the last time (Season 2), after President Palmer was poisoned and fell to the floor (Season 2; Palmer's heavy breathing and heart beat are heard in the background), after Jack executed Chappelle (Season 3; a train whistle is heard in the background), and after Edgar was killed by the nerve gas (Season 5). The silent clock has traditionally been used during extremely emotional moments, and most often after a character has died.


Question: What is the alternate ending for this film?

Answer: In the end they are both standing in her garden at the top of the building. He asks, "do you remember me?" She pauses for a moment and replies, "no." And then she walks away.


Question: What characters are in Glasgow? The soundtrack says Glasgow love theme, and I don't know when it's there.

Answer: None of the movie is set in Scotland. That's just the name of the piece. The composer/performer Craig Armstrong is from there and that's what he titled the piece.


Show generally

Question: In the new Cartoon Wars episodes, nothing is said and nothing happens when the boys are in the King Of The Hill part of the studio. Is there a joke behind this?

Answer: In King Of The Hill, Hank and his friends usually stand around at the front of his house, drinking beer and saying nothing. The joke is a reference to this.


Question: Did Reed and the others ever find out why The Thing was stuck in his form, while everyone else could turn their powers/changes on and off?

Answer: Thing was outside the station when the storm hit, therefore he got a much higher dose of the radiation than the others who were shielded inside. As a result, he doesn't have the ability to control his powers like the others do.


Question: I must've missed it during the movie - how exactly does V kill the people from the facility? I'm pretty sure it has something to do with poison, but I didn't quite get it. Also, I'm not sure if it's tied-in, but what is the whitish-orange stuff left on the floor next to most of the victims' heads?

Answer: He poisons them, and they throw up.

Matt Lynch

Question: Does anybody know what game the two guys are playing in Andy's apartment, the part where they are saying "you know how i know your gay?" Graphics-wise it looks like X-box, but they are holding N64 trident style pads.

Answer: The video game being played is Mortal Kombat: Deception. It is available for PS2, Gamecube, and XBOX. Based on the controller, I would say they are playing the Nintendo Gamecube version.


Answer: Http://


Question: What make/model of car does the female Terminator steal from the nice lady? It's the scene where she's naked and the woman says "Oh my god, do you need help?"

Answer: The car she takes from the woman is a 2003 Lexus SC 430 Hardtop Convertible($42,000 new).


Question: In the last scene where all the people pull their masks off, we see Stephen Fry and the woman from the cell and the little glasses girl, all of whom were supposed to be dead. How did they come back? It's not Evey imagining them, because she's not seeing them, she's in a different place.

Answer: You don't have to be in a specific place to imagine that somebody else could be there. V did what he did for freedom and for the victims of the regime that he hated. It's entirely appropriate that Evey should imagine those victims standing among those who chose to rise up against the government.


Question: In the vet clinic, how did Kate know that John's pistol was fake? I'd like both the tell-tale signs she would have spotted, but also how she'd know to look for them.

Answer: She didn't know until she fired it and John got paint on him.


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