Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why was Richard Donner (the original hired director) fired?

Answer: Because of several arguments with the producers, mainly stemming from the fact that Donner wanted to make the films serious, while the producers wanted to make them into a Batman-like comedy.


Question: This is proberbly an American thing, but when Lloyd and Harry are in the diner, they say to the waitress, "Excuse me, Flo" and crack up laughing. Why?

Answer: Flo was a saucy waitress at Mel's Diner in the TV sitcom, "Alice". She was played by Polly Holliday. Jay references her in "Chasing Amy" as well.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: It is "Cryin'", One of Aerosmith's songs from the mid 90's.


Question: If Samara was possessing Aidan, who was possessing Samara as a baby? She couldn't have possessed herself.

Answer: Samara wasn't posssessed as a baby. She herself was evil.

Question: What is the name of that song played in the House of Pain when they first enter the nightclub hall?

Answer: The song is called Tao Of The Machine, and is performed by BT and the Roots. It can be found on the Blade 2 Soundtrack CD.


Answer: The actors' names do not appear because the actors do not feature in any of the international versions where the voice track is dubbed rather than subtitled. As only their voices are used, not 'live action' performances, the non-english language releases are essentially different movies with a totally different cast list.


Question: If George Lucas had a false page in the script to fool everyone into thinking that Obi-Wan killed Luke's father, then how did he get round the scene between Luke and Vader later (where Luke actually calls Vader 'Father')?

Answer: Everything after the false ending page was hidden from Mark Hamill and the rest of the cast. The scene where Luke calls Vader "father" was filmed after Hamill had already found out the real truth that Vader is Luke's father.

Mark English

Answer: It sounds kind of like a fantasy book, the hobbit is just about the most famous fantasy book ever written.

Question: Does anybody know what "Meega Nala Queesta" means?

Answer: The movie contains two languages one is English, and the other is Hawaiian. Meega translate to I or me, and Quessta translate to destroy. I don't know what Nala means, people are telling me it means no or want, so essentially "I want to destroy".

Or it could be I no destroy but since they hate peace so much, they basically hate him.

Answer: As stated, it means "I want to destroy." But it should be pointed out it's a made up language, "Tantalog." Tantalog is a mix of Hawaiian, Chinese, and Chezcreekian. It's also spelled "kweesta." And "nala" means "want to" or "evil."


Answer: Meega nala qweesta means I want to destroy.

Question: What are the sound effects to produce the "strange in scary sound" in Lardass' stomach before he pukes for the first time?

Answer: A cello.

Question: In the scene where the three main characters are in the Texas and are being bombarded , Dirk claims that the plates are 2 feet thick. They then discover the use of armor-piercing shells. Does he mean 2 inches? I believe the boat would sink if they were indeed 2 feet thick.

Answer: While Dirk seems to be exaggerating slightly, there were certainly many classes of WWI and WWII battleships that had armor in excess of 18" thick in places. They floated just fine - in fact, they were notoriously difficult to sink.

Rooster of Doom

Question: Can someone give me an explanation to what happened to Eamon's dog?

Answer: The Professor shot the dog early so it couldn't give a warning about him.


Question: What year is this movie meant to be set in?

Answer: When Edna lectures Bob about the danger of capes, she names two superheroes and gives two dates for each of their deaths, the two years being 1957 and 1958. Both of these supers are seen at Helen and Bob's wedding, in the second row, meaning their wedding was before 1957. Information on Syndrome's computer would put Helen's last known activity as 1955, right in the correct time period. Assuming the "Sue the Supers" movement happened soon after their wedding, fifteen years later would put the setting of the movie around the early seventies.

Thanks I just spotted the dates and was wondering the time period.

Question: What is the "slide" that Mark finds in his room?

Answer: It's never explained - possibly a fire escape or heating vent.


Question: What is Jerry's wife watching on TV when she is about to be kidnapped?

Answer: A local TV show in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota area called "Good Company" which starred Steve and Sharon Adelman. It has been off the air for many years now.

Question: I've seen the French version of the film, and the opening credits have been taken out. Can someone please tell me why this might be?

Answer: Because none of the English-speaking cast 'appear' in the film, as all of the voices were redone by French-speaking actors. As such, the original credit sequence is pointless, and it would have been a lot of work to redo the credit sequence for every single different language that the film had to be redubbed into. Hence the choice not to have one.


Answer: The French dub of the movie has all the songs translated into French. I suppose that with the song "All Star" by Smash Mouth in the opening they weren't allowed to do it so as a result they removed it instead, resulting in the removal of the entire opening. This is sort of a French thing, to translate the songs.


Question: When I used to collect Essential X-men, someone wrote in saying that they had seen the Mutant Leech somewhere in the film, but I can't find him, has anyone spotted him and can anyone tell me where he is?

Answer: Leech does not appear in the film. The boy with the discoloured tongue is Artie Maddicks, a different character (though one who was a good friend of Leech's in the comics).

Answer: Leech is not in this movie, but he does have a significant role in X-Men: The Last Stand.


Question: During the bank heist, where did the three men's large weapons come from? They could have tucked them in their suits as they did while leaving after the robbery, but the weapons would have been very visible. Where did they come from?

Answer: The CAR-15 type rifles the bank robbers have can be fitted with telescopic stocks. With the stock collapsed and a 11.5 inch barrel (which is what it looked like DeNiro had when he used his rifle to shoot through the windshield of the car he was in) it is relatively easy to conceal the rifle beneath a normal suit jacket. The only thing visible may have been the flash suppressor at the end of the barrel, but most people wouldn't recognize that anyway.


Answer: They have the rifles slung over their shoulders underneath their jackets. You can see the impression if you look closely.

Kyle G.

Answer: No, that's a mistake. A carbine style rifle with an 11.5" barrel still has too much length, even once the stock is collapsed. See imagine here: It's a long, heavy piece of machinery that would easily profile under a sport coat.

Answer: As specified in Seed of Chucky it's a voodoo pregnancy. That's why the pregnancy last shorter than a normal one.


Question: Was the candy in Honeydukes real and, if so, what happened to it at the end of shooting?

Answer: Some of the candy was real and was eaten by the actors, and later film crew. The rest was props. I assume excess candy was just trashed after a while.

Mark English

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