Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Near the beginning, Holmes tells Watson not to shoot Lord Blackwood because there is a piece of glass between Holmes and Watson, and Lord Blackwood. But Holmes breaks the glass easily. So why did Holmes tell Watson not to shoot?

Answer: Sherlock Holmes does not tell Watson not to shoot (there is no such dialogue). Holmes and Watson incapacitate Blackwood's henchmen, and Watson is behind Blackwood, holding him at gunpoint with the revolver in his left hand. Blackwood then provokes Watson, who lunges forward, about to strike with the baton in his right hand. Holmes rushes forward and stops Watson just before he makes a fatal mistake. If Watson had taken one more step, the nearly invisible glass spike in Blackwood's hands would have impaled Watson through his eye and into his brain.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Early in the film, the Mangalore warrior Aknot mutters "Showtime" as he leads the attack on the Mondoshawan transport ship, destroying it. Shortly thereafter, at Zorg's factory, we see Aknot shape-shift between his human disguise and his natural Mangalore appearance. Much later in the film, we see Aknot in his same human disguise again aboard the Fhloston cruise ship, where Aknot again mutters "Showtime" before leading a murderous assault. So we recognize Aknot by his appearance and his mannerisms throughout the film. But wait: Presumably, Zorg killed the Mangalores who failed him (including Aknot) with a powerful explosive booby-trap at his factory, early in the film. So, how did Aknot appear much later aboard the Fhloston cruise ship? (There is no reason to assume that the Mangalores were capable of surviving the powerful blast at Zorg's factory, because we see Mangalores killed by smaller explosions and small firearms throughout the film).

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: Aknot wasn't killed, just injured in the explosion - he didn't seem to to be too close to the Mangalore whose weapon exploded. You see him later with several wounds, when he resolves to get the stones from Fhloston to get revenge on Zorg.


Answer: It is shown on a news report that he was caught and arrested soon after.

Casual Person

Question: How could the auctioneers verify that Kimmy was a "certified pure?"

Answer: By examining if her hymen had been broken. Although it is a misconception that the hymen is always broken once a female has intercourse for the first time it is still generally accepted that if the hymen is intact, the woman must be a virgin.


Chosen answer: He said he wanted to see Luke with his own eyes rather than through his mask. He was aware that he was doomed and did not care about what would happen if he took the mask off.

Casual Person

Ship in a Bottle - S6-E12

Question: Is Moriarty aware that he is a character on a TV show? If Reg is the only real character in Moriarty's holodeck simulation then why does Moriarty continue his ruse when Reg is not in the scene? To keep the viewer engaged? Was this an inside writers joke?

Answer: Moriarty's holodeck simulation was also created as a deception for Picard and Data, who are also real. Moriarty does realise that he is a holodeck creation based on a character in the Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes novels. However, he was imbued with self-awareness when he was originally created by Geordi as a villain "capable of defeating Data" in the episode, "Elementary, Dear Data." Over time, he overcomes his own programming and achieves sentience, hence his desire to be liberated from the limitations of holodeck space.

Michael Albert

Question: Why do they call the aliens Mimics when we never see them actually mimic anything?


Chosen answer: First it should be noted that this film is based on the Japanese novel "All You Need is Kill" by Hiroshi Sakurazaka, which is where the term "mimics" comes from and could be something lost in translation (they adapted to alien planet environments by mimicking the biology of the planet's life, not necessarily making themselves look like a certain species). However, in the film itself it, was said the aliens "mimic our every action", militarily speaking. This is of course because the aliens were resetting the timeline when an alpha died and knew what the military would do, but to the military (and news reporters) it looked like they were just copying our fighting style.


Question: When the team is twice under, I think, the bus, with all of them on it - the reality - is heading for water, it has been hit. But what I don't understand is how Cobb says, "When the van hits the water," how would he know this? He's dreaming, as they all are.


Chosen answer: When the van hits the water it will suddenly stop, giving a kick to the passengers. Cobb knew because driving the van off the bridge was always the plan.


Question: Even though not said outright, why would Inspector Aberline accuse Lawrence of the murder of his brother and the gypsies? He was with his theater troupe when his brother was killed and the gypsies were killed by Sir John as a werewolf. Not shot to death.

Answer: Aberline suspected Lawrence of murdering his brother and the gypsies because of his mental history and, as a Shakespearean actor, he often played mentally-disturbed characters. Aberline jumped to a conclusion that it might be a case of life imitating art.


Question: Near the end, Dr Shaw is seen lowering something to the ground. It looks like a body - is it, or what is it?

Answer: Shaw is lowering David's android body from the alien craft to the ground. She is taking it with her to find the Engineers. David's detached head is stowed inside her utility bag. Presumably she will reassemble him during the journey.


Question: I have 2 discs, which seem to be exactly the same, are they? Do I need to watch the second disc, to see different things?


Chosen answer: Depending on which 2-disc set you bought, they should be the same, just a different format. The Blu-ray set comes with a Blu-ray disc (BD-50) and a standard DVD. The 4K Ultra comes with a BD-66 and BD-50.


Show generally

Question: I'm trying to find out in which episode this happens. Reed and Malloy are driving when they get a call to be on the lookout for a red convertible. In the rear window of their squad car you see the exact car described in the radio call. It passes them, then is seen in front, but neither of them comment on it and it's not referenced later. Not sure if it was a poor choice of stock footage or a gag, but what episode does it happen in?

Answer: This is from Season 1, "The Long Walk." After Malloy and Reed responded to a "211 in progress", the partners later search the area and question a man walking his dogs, and it's this man who tells them the young guy they're looking for drove off in a red convertible, so Reed radios in the added information and clears them. Later, when the partners are driving along, Reed brings up the topic of the criminal's convertible, and while they're discussing it we can see through the squad car's rear window that a red convertible with its black top up changes lanes, and in Malloy's closeup just as they're talking about how the criminal's convertible was likely stolen, we see the red convertible passing Malloy to his left. That's all we see of this red convertible.

Super Grover

Question: Can someone please explain War daddy's quote "Ideals are peaceful, history is violent?"

Answer: There are probably a number of ways to interpret the quote, to be debated in a different forum. He's just saying thoughts about how to make the world a better place are peaceful. Rarely do people see war as a means to bring about peace. but as history shows us, war and violence often occur as a result of wanting change. Think about the 60's Civil Rights movements. Ideally, all men should be treated equally and there should be no segregation, but opposition to this resulted in violence (and to the opposition, ideally it would be better if races kept to themselves).


Question: Why did Gordo bring up the horse thing at breakfast?

Answer: Gordo was making a point to Norman that the crew of the "Fury" had seen some horrible things during the Battle of the Falaise Pocket. After wiping out an entire German army there, they were tasked with putting wounded horses out of their misery. The point was that Norman was not there, and did not experience what they had, so Norman could not judge the tank crew's actions.


Gordo brought up the horse thing because him and the other (original) crew members were not happy with Don and Norman enjoying a nice, quiet meal without them. He even say's "You weren't there" meaning Don sharing this with Norman when he hadn't yet been through much war time like all of them had, together. They also say "We weren't invited", "Why weren't we invited." The horse story was to get at Don for not inviting them and sharing it only with Norman.

Question: Are we to assume that it was the mysterious caller who double-crossed the pizza delivery man and slit his throat?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Yes. He'd paid for the pizza, so the pizza man would either have seen his face or accepted his credit card. Either way, he's a loose end that has to go.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why was Jack not on the Black Pearl with Barbossa when it sunk? At the end of "At Worlds End", they have to go back and get Jack because he took a piece out of the map, so where was Jack?

Answer: There is nothing suggesting that they ever went back to find Jack. As soon as they realise that the map was stolen, the movie ends with Jack sailing alone with the map. Even if they did go try to search for him, they probably would never have been able to find him. At the start of On Stranger Tides, Jack is still searching for the Fountain of Youth and still has the map with him, so it is clear that he has not gone back to or found the Black Pearl yet, so he would not have been on it when it sunk.

Casual Person

Question: Why are the eyebrows on Cassius, the master of ceremonies, so weird looking? Poking out and stuff.

Answer: It was part of his makeup. As the "ringmaster" or "M.C." of the games, he wanted to stand out and be noticed and remembered. The gladiatorial games were an extravagant entertainment spectacle that included participants who were similar to rodeo clowns, in addition to the gladiators themselves. Cassius was doing his part to be part of the show and maintain the spectator's attention.


Answer: They're not a feature of the character; they are David Hemmings' natural eyebrows. Perhaps he likes them, since they seem to be styled with some flair in and out of the movie.

Question: Why did Elinor throw Merida's bow in the fireplace? What happened to the bow when it was fished from the fire?

Answer: Merida had rebelled against her traditional female role and defied her mother by slicing the tapestry with a sword. As retaliation, Elinor angrily threw Merida's bow into the fire. The bow was fished out before any substantial damage was done to it, and Merida was still able to use it. Historically, wooden weapons (bows, spears, etc.) were often crafted with a process called "fire hardening" to dry out the moisture and make the wood stronger. The flames may have had this affect on Merida's bow.


Question: When Barry first travels into the past to prevent his mom's murder, why does it show him waking up at his desk in an alternate timeline instead of him running back to the timeline he created?

Answer: When he changed the past, he no longer had his speed and therefore could not have travelled back. He wakes up on the day he travelled back without his powers, with the version of him that time-travelled having been erased.

Question: In the film there is a painting of a ship. Seems like a modern painting. I was wondering if anyone knows the artist of the painting?

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