Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Show generally

Question: How much do the friends make at their different jobs during the seasons? Could they afford the apartments they're living in?

Answer: Monica's apartment is rent controlled so she has no problem. Chandler has a regular job for most of the time he and Joey live together and it's clear that he pays for most of the apartment and related bills. Phoebe stays in various places where she doesn't have to pay and seems to end up in her grandmother's former apartment which may also be rent controlled (or owned by her grandmother and left to Phoebe). She is the only one whose income vs expenses doesn't really match up, although in later series she starts working at a professional massage parlour which may pay at least half decent money.


Question: Both David Bowers and Jerome Blake play Mas Amedda in this movie. Are there any noticeable differences in appearance between each actor playing him?

Answer: No. The make-up required for the character is extremely comprehensive, covering the entire face in prosthetics. As such, any differences would be hidden by the make-up.


Question: In Grandpa's prediction in church, what was the meaning of the "thousand eyes" or something like that? We didn't see whether Marge figured it out.

Answer: It refers to the multi-eyed mutant squirrel that was created by all the pollution in Lake Springfield. Marge probably figured it out, but it was not shown on screen.


Show generally

Question: Why is there a lot of talking and off screen watching of porn in this show? It's treated like it is very common to do so.

Answer: Eh, it is common but nobody likes to admit it. Porn is a huge industry in the US and worldwide so somebody must be watching.


Answer: There is an apartment with 2 men who are mostly single, until Chandler and Monica get together in S5. When one of them spends most of their time at home as an out of work actor, it's bound to have a few jabs at the subject.

Question: Does anyone know how Stretch, Stinky and Fatso actually died?

Answer: It is never explained in the movie.


Answer: A couple of theories circling around the internet is that Casper's uncle's died from eating disorders.

A War for All Seasons - S9-E6

Question: In the early part of this episode, what is the song playing on Pierce and Hunnicutt's radio, which Charles remarks that "They can neither sing nor spell!"?

Answer: The song is "Rag Mop" written in 1950 by Deacon Anderson and Johnnie Lee Will. The song is also later mentioned in the season 11 episode "Hey Look Me Over," when Nurse Kellye reads Hawkeye the riot act.

Question: Couldn't Angier have kept the one clone alive and simply dropped him below stage each time he did the trick. Did he really have to keep killing them?

Answer: Yep. He's tried working with a double before, and it backfired on him badly. Plus there's the obvious danger of the secret of the trick being revealed if there are multiple copies of him running around - every time the trick is performed, another Angier is made, which becomes a delicate situation after the 4th or 5th performance. Besides, Angier himself would have to be the one dropping below the stage, leaving the clone, up on the balcony, to receive the adulation of the crowd - he hated that before and would be unlikely to want to repeat the experience. Plus the trick would be too easy - he believes firmly that Borden doesn't use a double and wants to have a trick that beats him; to simply work with a double wouldn't give him that satisfaction.


Answer: It was referencing an identical joke made in the second season, where he referenced the joke shop multiple times in the episode.

The Son Also Draws - S1-E6

Question: When Peter is lost in the woods and one of the trees is fallen over, another tree says "I'm playing the world's smallest violin." What does that mean?

Answer: It's one of those kid comebacks for someone complaining. Make the OK sign and rub your thumb and finger together. Then you say you are playing the world's smallest violin and it's playing My Heart Cries For You.


Question: In the movies FD1 and FD3 there is a "theme song" which plays before someone dies (Rocky Mountain High FD1, Turn Around Look at Me FD3), is there any reason why there is no song for this movie?

Answer: Eather it was written without the theatrics or it could have easily been the editor's/director's choice in order to keep the suspence going without giving anything away.

Jason Riley

Question: In the scene where Troy and Gabriella are singing "You Are The Music In Me", how the deuce does a whole band start playing yet only the piano is being played? Is this a mistake?

Answer: It's a Musical. Instruments that aren't shown are always playing like this in these types of movies.

Question: Is it just me, or does Banacheck (the Sector Seven guy who briefs SecDef) look just like the driver hologram that Barricade projects? And if it is the same person, is it intentional on Barricade's part? Or did the producers just use the same actor and hope nobody would notice?

Answer: When I saw this scene, I thought that it was intentionally done by the directors to throw in a small bit of deception to the audience, considering the closeup on the briefcase and the electronic disruption that occurs while he is there. However it's probably more of just a coincidence that they look similar. The hologram driver/pilot that the Decepticons use was played by Brian Reece and Banacheck was played by Michael O'Neill.

Question: What's the significance of PFC Louden Downey not being in his room when the "Code Red" was given?

Answer: It'll be considered hearsay.

Answer: The point is that he wasn't there when the lieutenant ordered the code red. The lance corporal told him LT Kendrick had ordered the code red, but since he didn't hear it himself he couldn't testify to that fact.


Answer: In addition to the previous answers, it was also particularly devastating to the defense because Kaffee and his team had believed that both Downey and Dawson were present when the order was given; this was what Dawson had led them to believe, since, in his mind, an order from Kendrick via Dawson was the same as an order directly from Kendrick. Therefore, Kaffee et al. were blindsided in open court by the revelation that Downey wasn't there.

Question: Didn't anyone notice Maggie, Lisa, Bart and Marge jump from the treehouse to the sandbox portal without anyone from the very large mob noticing? It seemed like nobody noticed until Homer jumped in and got stuck initially. Everyone in the mob were around the sandbox, how come no one noticed the other four Simpsons jump?

Answer: The tree kept bending down over the sandpit, so maybe the mob didn't see them jump in. Also, they were pretty much just after Homer anyway, so maybe they didn't care if the rest of the family got away.


Question: Obi-wan tells the Gungans that they are connected with the Naboo people, and that what happens to one will affect the other. How are the Gungans useful to the Naboo people?

Answer: Put simply, the two exist side-by-side on Naboo. Inevitably, choices made by one group will have an effect, major or minor, on the other, and if the two do not work together, this will invariably lead to friction between the races. While the details of what each group can bring to the arrangement remain unclear, what is undeniable is that the two races, and thus the planet itself, will be enhanced if the Naboo and the Gungans pool their efforts and collaborate.


Question: Has there been much in the way of controversy about Bart's, ahem, exposure?

Answer: Not really - firstly, it's only a cartoon, and although Bart is only a child, his manhood is so crudely drawn it isn't exactly the most authentic (or anatomically correct) drawing of his 'winkle' - pretty much just a harmless joke.

Sam Johnson

Question: Why would High Chancellor Sutler blame Creedy if V was not captured by November the fifth and not one of the other members of the Regime.

Answer: Because Creedy is the head of the secret police and therefore he's the one with ultimate responsibility for catching V.


Question: Inigo shows Westley the sword his father made for the 6-fingered man ("I've never seen its equal"). How did Inigo acquire this sword? You would think that if Count Rugen was prepared to kill Domingo for the sword then he would have taken it with him.

Answer: When Inigo was a child, Count Rugen came to Inigos father and requested a sword be made for him. When the sword was finished, Count Rugen refused to pay the price he originally offered for the sword. Inigos father refused to hand the sword over so Count Rugen killed Inigos father. Outraged, Inigo took the sword his father made and tried to kill Count Rugen. He has kept the sword ever since so he could use it to kill Count Rugen.

Answer: In the book, Count Rugen told the outraged villagers that Domingo had tried to rob him and he killed Domingo in self-defense. He couldn't very well take Domingo's sword after that.

Brian Katcher

Show generally

Question: When the show makes jokes about scenes from other shows or movies (such as when they show TIE Fighters from Star Wars, which sound just like the ones in the movies), do they have to get some kind of permission to do the scenes or use the sounds?

Answer: Not generally, no. As long as the use isn't too extended, copyrighted material can be used for the purposes of parody. This wouldn't necessarily exclude the makers asking out of courtesy, but there's no legal requirement to do so.


Answer: Star Wars loved their jokes so much early on in the series they gave Family Guy staff exclusive rights to all the sounds so they could make the best parody possible.

Question: The trivia section states that this film was originally given an R rating for "a single sound effect." Anybody have any idea what that sound effect was?

Answer: The sound effect that was not included in the movie was the sound of Lucius Hunt being stabbed by Noah. Once this sound effect was removed, the movie was allowed to be rated PG-13.

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