Question: What did Gigolo Joe mean when he said, "I am. I was."?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: What is Steve Walker's occupation?
Chosen answer: He is an architect.
Answer: Why was there a diver in the water at the end? Looking for someone's body?
The tide came in and took David's body away. The divers were trying to retrieve it.
No, the end was altered over the years. "Mandela effect" and all proof wiped out. The end has the family walk out to nobody.
Answer: Of course he is an architect -dontcha know everyone that lives in Seattle is! (according to movies that is).
Question: The full version of "imba windpo" or something like that, that they play at Ruth Young's funeral plays at the end of the movie. Could somebody listen to the full song and translate the lyrics to English?
Answer: The song was written for the movie and is called "Windsong". The lyrics were originally written in English by Will Jennings then translated into whatever language that is. The music is written by James Horner (Titanic). The original lyrics were: "Sing a song and for a moment you will be visited by the wind. Sing a song and for a moment dream sweetly of the wind. Sleep now until the night is dawn. The wind and the night song, they are there. However the song, my child, will go on forever."
The language used for the movie was Swahili, but yes this is the correct translation of the song.
Question: Why did the Predator target drug dealers, and what was his interest in Danny Glover's character? I never found a connection between the two.
Answer: The predators are honour bound hunters, and as such they will only attack a target if it is capable of defending itself (i.e, if it is armed, which is why it doesn't attack the boy in the cemetary). Although the police outside were armed as well, the Predator presumably attacked the drug dealers because they were a harder target (as the police were outside he could have just sniped them from the roof tops, but he had to get relatively close inside the building) and as such, killing them gave a higher honour. The obsession with Danny Glover's character is probably because he is quite a brave and heroic person, similar to a Predator (the way he saves the other cop by risking himself etc.), so the predator may have been studying him for a while. There's also more honour in killing someone like that (as he'd be a hard target) than there is in just killing a random armed guy.
Answer: Same as in the original, when the Predator targeted Arnold and even took off his armour and weapons to make it a more fair fight. Dutch was his best competition, the strongest, bravest and best warrior. So he made the best trophy. The drug dealers were also heavily armed, and while hunting he would have noticed they are the most violent and would make good targets. Predators have a sort of hunters code, ethics if you will, and only kill armed and dangerous men. No women or children. Usually choosing those biggest, bravest, most bad-ass warrior to save for his last and most prized trophy hunt.
What's your evidence for stating that predators don't kill women? It doesn't kill pregnant women, but non-pregnant, armed women are fair game. Otherwise the film Prey (in which a predator hunts a woman) has an epic plot hole.
Question: Was this movie released theatrically? I know "Tremors 3" and "Tremors 4" were not, but what about this one? Also, is there plans to release "Tremors: The Series" on DVD?
Answer: According to IMDb it was released directly to video. According to Tremors fan sites, SciFi channel currently doesn't plan to release the series on DVD.
Question: Throughout the movie a set of numbers are mentioned 303 and 801 I think, but what do these numbers mean.
Answer: Taken from the 8 Mile trivia page on the IMDB: "The group 3 1/3 is a reference to Detroit's area code: 313. The suburbs on the other side of 8 mile, in 1995, had the area code 810, hence certain people being called "eight tens" in the film."
Question: When Lupin is on the bridge with Harry, he talks about Lily as though he liked her. Is there any evidence in the book that supports this?
Answer: Lupin does like Lily (in purely friendly terms). They don't say this in the movie, but in the book when Lupin turned into a werewolf she was his only true friend. She was the only one in the school who didn't think he was evil. She believed in him, and that is why he didn't give up. He does say in the book that he is thankful for Lily.
Question: Who is the old lady at the auction with Raoul? I thought it was Madame Giry because that is what the announcer called her but the age doesn't make sense so I thought that it might be her daughter, Meg. Anyone have the answer?
Answer: It is Meg. If she didn't marry then she would have kept her maiden name of Giry. Mme Giry was about 20 years older than Raoul so that would have made her in her 90's.
Question: This entire expedition is just that, an expedition. It's not a hunt for Aliens or Predators, so why do Max Stafford and his team bring machine guns into the Pyramid? What are they expecting to find that would cause them to shoot? I've never heard of an archaeological team or a drilling team, for that matter, ever having to refer to projectile weaponry during an excavation.
Answer: Remember that they find the pyramid because of detecting a heat source - which implies that there's something down there, either something living or a technological source, that's created that heat, as spontaneous fires are something of a rarity in the Antarctic. Essentially, they have little or no idea what they might encounter down there, so it makes sense to cover all the possible scenarios, including the possibility of encountering a hostile force.
Question: The colors in this film are otherworldly, (almost like the colors in a black and white movie that has been artificially colorized) and could not have been natural or achieved with any net or filter. I'm fairly certain that there is no method of stylized pre-exposure, and digital colorization, while possible, would have been painstaking on such a grand scale. How did they accomplish it?
Answer: The first sections of the film are shot in two-strip and three-strip technicolor, a common practice in the early versions of color filmmaking that were happening at the time. The scene on the golf course between Howard and Kate Hepburn is a prime example. As far as the later sections of the film, never underestimate the power of digital effects. :)
Question: Where exactly did the Spear of Osiris come from? Did Rick/Evy find it with their loot in "Mummy one", or did they get it elsewhere?
Answer: At some point he says the spear is "all he has left" of the treasure from Hamunaptra.
Answer: If you look closely at the end of "The Mummy" as they are leaving with the camels, the camera focuses on one of the bags and the spear is peaking out.
Question: I wonder, in what year is the movie set?
Answer: According to the opening text, the initial battle takes place in the winter of 180AD.
Question: This applies to all three of the CSI shows. How accurate are the methods the forensic scientists use? Does Luminol function in real life like does on the show? Can the investigators actually zoom in on a picture, then press a button, and have it instantly upgrade in quality? (On a recent CSI: New York, they zoomed into the reflection of a ladies eyeball, and made out the t-shirt of a suspect)
Answer: On the surface, the scientific techniques they use in their case work are what are used in real life, but the results and what they interpret from the results, are nonsense. Perfect example: finding suspect fingerprints on doorknobs. Doorknobs are the worst place to get fingerprints because so many people touch them. I can also remember many cases where they will analyse something like petrol by GC-MS and they pretty much can tell which petrol station it came from: again, can't be done, you can sometimes get a general idea of where it came from, but not that accurate. Luminol does function to detect blood but you wouldn't spray it on all over the place like they do because you can't then analyse it for DNA, etc. The stuff with the digital pictures is possible with high resolution cameras. I haven't seen that CSI: NY episode but I can't imagine it being possible to pick up a reflection in someone's eye if the picture's good enough. Something else which the shows don't portray is how long these cases take: forensic labs run on a case work backlog of months, even up to a year. Technology these days is heading towards being able to analyse evidence at the crime scene to make things work faster, but at the moment most evidence goes to the lab and sits there until it gets to the front of the queue.
Question: When Christine is in the graveyard, why does the Phantom try to lure her into what I think is her father's grave? What would he have done to her?
Answer: The Phantom tries to lure Christine to the grave because it is the first time in three months that she has been away from Raoul long enough. It's basically his only opportunity to lure her back to his lair in order to seduce her once more.
Question: How old is the Phantom supposed to be? When we are shown his childhood, he looks as though he should be the same age as Madame Giry, but he only looks like being in his 20s-30s.
Answer: In the Susan Kay book, there is a quote in which the Phantom says that he is "old enough to be Christine's father", which would make sense, given that Mme. Giry is like a mother to her, and Mme. Giry and the Phantom seem to be close in age. Joel Schumacher wanted to go with a "younger, sexier" cast, but the age difference still seems to work - Emmy Rossum (Christine) was seventeen at the time of filming, while Gerard Butler (Phantom) was about thirty-four.
Question: When Ellie and Muldoon are going out to turn the power on, Muldoon sees that the raptors have escaped and says something to the effect of, "even Nedry knew better than to mess with the raptor pen." As a computer person, how would Nedry know much about dinos and as the electric wiring was obviously broken around the raptor cage Nedry must have turned off the raptor fences as well?
Answer: Nedry did not turn off the raptor fences, as anyone in the park would know how dangerous the raptors were. Nedry was no scientist, but was not a fool and knew how to target particular fences via programming. If you remember, Muldoon had the raptor fences checked when the all of the other paddock fences went offline. It was only after the entire system was rebooted to bring the power back online that the raptor fence was tripped, promptly causing the intelligent raptors to break out. Muldoon mentioned Nedry to show that not even he was foolish enough to mess with the raptor fences.
Question: At the end of the movie when Clark and Lois are talking to each other at the Daily Planet, Clark kisses Lois and she forgets that Clark is really Superman. How could that happen and why would Clark make Lois forget that he is Superman, since she promised not to tell anyone?
Answer: Superman was be able to kiss Lois in such a way that the heightened emotion wiped out her memory of his identity. To answer your second question, even though Lois promised not to tell anyone, Superman decided he does not want even her to know his secret identity.
Answer: I don't agree that he didn't even want her to know because he struggled in the beginning of the first movie with telling her on the first date. He was about to tell her from the beginning who he was. I don't understand why he was breaking it off with her at the end of the second movie and erased her memory to help her get over him. This confusion continues when he develops a relationship with another woman in the third or fourth movie.
At the end of the movie, he realises her love for him is torturing her, so he decided to remove the memories to end her suffering. It works, too, because as soon as she forgets, she's back to her old, happy self.
Question: What is the name of the song being played when all the cars are lined up at Carters mansion before he talks to them about his confiscated Ferrari?
Answer: Trick Daddy - Represent.
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Chosen answer: He wants David to remember him, but he knows he is going to be destroyed, and so gets a bit poetical. "I am" as a message to David to remember Joe was a real person (kind of...) and "I was" because he knows they will never see each other again.
Not quite. "I am" - A commentary on consciousness and what existance really means (or could mean) to a Mecha. "I was" - I am more than just "now". I have a past. I learned, I grew, I experienced. Joe is the philosopher of the film...a family-friendly version of Roy Batty in his final scene in Bladerunner - "Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion...I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain" = "I was."