Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Answer: He left him the mansion and everything in it.

Question: When John Doe is at the shelter and is dreaming about walking up stairs, how is he able to walk on air in the real world? At this point in time, John isn't even in Springwood anymore so the whole altering-reality-through-dreams thing shouldn't work here. Also, how did John get from being in the air to being back on the ground when the security guard catches up to him? And why didn't the guard see John in the air?

Question: Why not take over this planet's cloning process instead of shutting it down and recruiting others to be Stormtroopers, when the clones were 100% obedient and loyal to the Emperor?


Answer: I think recruiting people is one of the sneaky ways of controlling the galaxy. Many Stormtroopers might have spouses and children back home. They could be receiving a tiny salary. Maybe some younger adults are eager to get away from their home planets, as Luke and Anakin both were. Still, others could be criminals who agreed to serve as Stormtroopers instead of another sentence (in "Game of Thrones", some convicted criminals can choose to join the Night's Watch order). These would all be ways to convince more citizens to support the Empire, instead of just training clones.


I'd like to add besides these points that it's possible the cloning process is just too slow and cumbersome for the Emperor. They were useful as shock troops, to fight droid armies. But their numbers were not great enough to cover the entire galaxy as a security force. This especially once the Rebel Alliance shows up. I'd say recruiting people gives him a much-needed manpower boost in a shorter time.


Time-consuming, cumbersome, and not a great number produced as you pointed out, as well a a massive expense.


Answer: There would be serious moral and ethical issues about cloning sentient beings just to become mindless, obedient servants/slaves/killers to achieve your cause, regardless of its good intent.


But the Empire clearly doesn't really have moral/ethical issues about most stuff, so that's not really an argument.

But not every member within the Empire would agree to using clones, especially knowing if the clones are blindly loyal to the Emperor, he could weaponize them against anyone not fully aligned to him.


Ray West mentions "mindless, obedient" servants, which is a good point. I think an army of "mindless" clones would actually be less effective. Instead, the Emperor claims that the Jedi wanted to overthrow the Senate. If he can persuade a decent number of people to support him, and spread his way of thinking, he can slowly gain more influence around the galaxy.


So he can only do one or the other? He may want to recruit the Jedi, but he still needs an army to back them up with. Think of the Jedi as the generals and the clones are the troops.


Sorry. I misunderstood what you were saying in your comment.


Question: Why did the Emperor wait 20 years or so to dissolve the Senate?


Answer: Likely because it takes time. Fascist/autocratic takeovers usually happen with supporters gradually and strategically being inserted into key government roles at all levels. They then systematically begin dismantling democratic norms, enact new laws and regulations, eventually weakening the entire system for a complete takeover.


Question: If the aliens were there to attack and kill people and spent some time getting ready, how did they not know about how to set a fire or smoke out families that barricaded themselves?

Answer: Almost nothing was known about the aliens or why they were there, so any answer is speculation.


Answer: The janitor tells Adam and Barbara that the Lost Souls room is for ghosts that have been exorcised. Beetlejuice wasn't exorcized, he was simply devoured.

Question: Whenever Beetlejuice is shown in the model cemetery that Adam made, does it mean that a "real" Beetlejuice is the real cemetery in the town?

Answer: No. It's not meant to be an exact replica of the town cemetery. Beetlejuice just inserted himself into it.


Question: I hope this question is not too speculative, but why would it be bad for living people to learn about the afterlife? Juno tells Adam and Barbara that they can't let people find out.

Answer: Probably because people would go to extreme lengths to try and contact the dead. There would be a media frenzy. It would create a massive opportunity for shyster mediums to victimize living people who want to communicate with lost loved ones. Science would be turned upside down investigating it. There would be all kinds of religious issues and conflicts. People would want to commit suicide to leave unhappy lives. The dead would be hounded relentlessly and never able to "rest in peace" again.


Question: What would have realistically happened to Mike at the very end, when his jacket got caught in the airplane door?

Brittle Fingers

Answer: Chris Farley weighed over 300 pounds. His jacket would have torn long before the plane took off.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Serafinowicz apparently hated working on "Phantom Menace" because it paid poorly, he was given limited direction, and he felt Jar Jar Binks was a racist caricature upon watching the film on release.


Also, Serafinowicz was annoyed that he wasn't invited to the film's premiere and had to pay for his own tickets and travel expenses.

Answer: There's nothing specific reported about them, but other actors have also expressed disliking working with Shelley Winters. Stella Stevens, who was also in Poseidon, mentioned not getting along with Winters on another movie they made together because she was drinking at the time. Winters had a rather ditzy and brash personality that annoyed some people, which is probably what Albertson was referring to.


Moreover, Albertson once said, "The happiest moment making the movie for me was when she died."

Answer: It's not uncommon for a lot of actors to want to retire after being in movies and TV shows for so many years.

Answer: Agree with the other answer, but also, most minor actors' careers tend to have a short time span. As they age, the roles just dry up and they can't find enough work or they have health issues. Many retire and move on to something else to earn an income.


Answer: Yes, she did. Fairly typical for actors to wear wigs for their characters, especially sci-fi/fantasy ones. It just makes wardrobe/hairstyling faster, more efficient, and consistent.


Question: When Gozer says, "Choose your destructor," Peter Venkman then says, "Whatever person or thing we think about, that's what'll appear to destroy us. If we think of J. Edgar Hoover, he'll appear to destroy us." Why then didn't a giant J. Edgar Hoover appear?

Answer: This question was huge in 1984 after the movie came out. The running theory was that Ray had already thought of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man before Venkman said his line. The delay in Gozer saying the choice was made was because she was determining if it was a viable choice.

Answer: Agree with the other answer but would add that Gozer specifically said to "choose." Venkman citing J. Edgar Hoover as an example was not an actual choice. Meanwhile, Ray silently decided on the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and the choice was made.


Question: In the book, Jack is constantly breastfed. One would assume this is to keep up his nutrition. Is this explained in the movie when he asks for it and she says no, not anymore?

Show generally

Question: Did all six actresses get along with each other during the show's run, or was there some bad blood between some of them?


Answer: The original three (Jackson, Fawcett, Smith) apparently got along. It's well documented that Kate Jackson and Cheryl Ladd (Fawcett's replacement) often clashed. Jackson had a reputation of being the most difficult of all the Angel actresses, and Jacklyn Smith the nicest. Smith and Ladd are close friends to this day. There's nothing reporting that Shelly Hack or Tanya Roberts had any issues, though both were only on the show for one season each.


Answer: There seems to have been two different revolvers used, but both shot .38 specials.


Mad as a Hatter - S1-E24

Question: Why does the Mad Hatter's appearance change halfway through his debut episode? He starts out short with sandy white hair and blue eyes. Later on he's almost Batman's height with blond hair and no blue eyes.


Question: It's been a long time since I've seen this movie - what powers did Dave get?

Answer: I'm not sure this is the whole list, but I remember him having super speed, enhanced reflexes, telekinesis, precognition, and invulnerability.

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