Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: If Otto can't get his feet out of the wet cement, how on earth does he manage to extract his entire body?

Answer: It was comic did he survive being run over with a five ton piece of heavy machinery or falling off an airplane? Don't read too much into it.

Answer: And how was Archie, covered in whatever was in that waste barrel, allowed on the plane? I forgive it anything. Comic performances never get Oscars™. Kevin Kline pulled one out of the Academy by force.

Question: Was Kristina Wayborn's descent from the balcony (in which she tips herself backwards and slides down using her sari as a rope) really carried out as shown? I would have thought that she should plummet to the ground much faster - too fast to be sure of landing feet first - and risk a broken bone or more. Are we to assume that Bond girls have magical powers or that the sequence was slowed down for dramatic effect?

Answer: It didn't happen as shown; that would be impossible and highly dangerous. Tricky camera angles, safety equipment, and carefully choreogrphed stunt work helped make this appear like one, continuous fluid motion.


Answer: John Cleese was reciting the poem "Molitva" by Mikhail Lermontov. He learned and memorized it phonetically and has admitted that he had no idea what the words actually meant.

Angela Brown

Answer: Archie indeed recites the second and third strophes from Lermontov's poem, "The Prayer." "There is a might inspiring Each consecrated word, That speaks the inconceivable And holy will of God. The heavy load slips from my heart, Oppressing doubt takes flight, The soul believes, the tears break forth, And all is light, so light!"

Answer: While no official response from Fox as for its long delay, many have speculated the reason is due to the mixed success the series has had on DVD. The second season is generally used as the example, as the DVD set didn't contain any special features whatsoever. Generally a sign the studio is not confident of the DVD's success.


Answer: All seasons have since been released on DVD.

Question: Considering how small her role was (in relation to the film's running time), why did Penelope Cruz earn second billing behind Johnny Depp?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: A star's screen time does not equate to what position they are billed at on a film. It generally relates to the selling power of their name. The film's main star would obviously be Depp. Cruz however would still be higher than people like Liotta, Reubens, etc. as her name is more known. It also helps with selling the film to audiences than just a one actor film.


Question: Why would the filmmakers cast an English actor who tried to do an American accent badly when they could have just cast an American actor instead?

Answer: There's rather more to acting that getting the accent spot-on accurate. The filmmakers would have looked at many possible actors and picked the person that they thought was best. A better question would be "Why would the filmmakers cast an American actor when they knew that there was a Scottish actor out there who would be better in the role?" Has a simple answer - they wouldn't.


Question: If Star Wars: Clone Wars happens between Episode II and Episode III, how can Anakin be a Jedi Master? In Episode II he is a Padawan. In Episode III he has the rank of Jedi Knight. But also in Episode III he says that it is an outrage how he is put on the council but not given the rank of master? So how could he have trained Ahsoka if he is only a Jedi Knight? Isn't that against the Jedi Code?

Answer: Both Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters can have Padawans apprenticed to them; the rank of Master is generally awarded once their first Padawan has successfully passed the trials and become a Knight themselves. While Ahsoka calls Anakin Master in formal circumstances, that's merely an indication of her status as his apprentice; Ahsoka being only his first Padawan, Anakin is still only a Jedi Knight.


Question: When Ricky's mum is looking at his test results, I think his score was 710. I don't live in America, so I have no idea if this is good or not. I'm assuming it is, but if someone could confirm this and just how good (e.g. very high or simply quite good) it is, I would appreciate it.

Answer: The scoring has been changed in recent years, but for the time that is a very poor SAT score, the average was probably between 900 and 1000, and 1600 was perfect. But at the time, you needed to score at least a 700 on the SAT to get into college, so he would have been able to go to school on a football scholarship, had he not been killed.


Question: Regarding Paul and Eli. Are they actually twin brothers or is Paul an figment of Eli's imagination and Eli schizophrenic? As far as I remember Paul is only mentioned three times. At the beginning when he meets Daniel, when Eli attacks his father (and says 'you are as stupid as Paul!' and at the end, when Daniel mentions him. Are there any other bits I've missed? Or is it left open to interpretation?

Answer: There is nothing in the film to suggest anything other than that they are brothers. Paul sells out his family, takes the money and goes away. It is only natural that they would not want to speak of him later on. Daniel on the other hand, keeps a certain track on Paul, especially since he also got into the oil business and became a minor competitor to Daniel.


Question: How are the chandelier and troughs of oils that light the treasure extinguished? If they are left to burn out, there would be no oil left to relight them.

Answer: You could do two things: let them burn out and refill them for the next people, or smother them and remove all the oxygen.


Question: In the trivia section, it's stated that the name Bruce Banner was changed to David Banner in order to avoid misleading audiences on the sexual orientation of the character. In which way is the name Bruce related to being gay? May be to obvious, but I'm not familiar with American pop culture.

Chosen answer: There are many jokes, especially in the late 70's, equating Bruce with "gay." There's nothing that makes the name gay. But like "Lance" or "Percy," it's a stereotype perpetuated by popular culture.

JC Fernandez

Question: In the swamp, why does Tony hear a song he knows very well, and Virginia hear an animal (wolf?) howling?

Answer: They're both hearing things that they miss. Tony misses being back in his own world, so he hears a song that he knows from there. Virginia hears a wolf howling because she misses Wolf.

Question: Why does Tony hear horses galloping every time his bad luck strikes again?

Answer: It's the sound of his bad luck coming.

Question: Why did the three boys pay Drillbit to protect them from Filkins, and not from Ron also?

Answer: They probably thought that Filkins was a bigger threat.

Answer: They didn't know Ron's name yet.

Question: There are two scenes in this movie where a man almost gets hit, first by a knife in the O'Connell's home, and the other in the museum, where he is shot at by a shot gun. In both scenes it's the same man, and he gives a kind of smug look before diving out the way to let someone else get hit. Any significance in this actor always surviving?

Answer: Seeing as people almost get killed in just about every action movie, it's highly unlikely that there is any special siginificance to it here.


Answer: It's a gimmick. Towards the end, Jonathan ends up doing the same thing to the same guy when the Pygmies stab him with a spear.

Question: If this is supposed to be the end of "the game," what happened to Methos? Is Duncan the last immortal? Did he win the prize?

Answer: It's the end of the game for Connor. The other immortals go on.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why did everyone have to leave the city? Two boats, one for citizens, one for criminals. Was the entire city rigged to explode?

Answer: No, of course the entire city's not wired up. But the Joker's said that he's going to start killing people - would you stick around for that? Pretty much everybody wants out.


Question: What happens if Immortals kill on Holy Ground?

Answer: It seems some catastrophic event occurs. This movie follows the continuity of the television show. In one episode Joe Dawson tells Duncan MacLeod the last time it happened was when two immortals fought in a temple at the base of a volcano. He tells him this caused the eruption that consumed Pompeii. But, Dawson also specifies that it's only a legend, and can't be confirmed as actually being THE specific reason for Vesuvius's eruption.

Answer: I think you just answered your own question! The answer isn't WHY does he see multiple Malkovich's but why not? Think about it. He's entered his OWN mind...what else would he see?


Question: Why were the aliens protecting the Predalien? My dad thinks it's because the Predalien helped birth them, but I seem to recall them protecting her before she impregnagated those women. Did I miss something?


Chosen answer: The Predalien was a Queen, those aliens only exist because of her, so just like in Aliens, the drones protect the Queen.


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