
Question: Considering how small her role was (in relation to the film's running time), why did Penelope Cruz earn second billing behind Johnny Depp?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: A star's screen time does not equate to what position they are billed at on a film. It generally relates to the selling power of their name. The film's main star would obviously be Depp. Cruz however would still be higher than people like Liotta, Reubens, etc. as her name is more known. It also helps with selling the film to audiences than just a one actor film.


Continuity mistake: In the scene where George is in California measuring the purity of the cocaine there is a topless woman with a blue bikini bottom in the background. The trouble is in the first shot she walks from right to left and sits down and then in the second shot she again walks from right to left and proceeds to sit in a different chair. This all happens within the span of a few seconds.

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