Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Well the Professor is the owner, so he does as he pleases, most of his time is spent inventing though. Hermes is the accountant and bureaucrat. Amy is an intern and an engineering student, although this seems to be all but forgotten in the later seasons. (The Professor does mention though that he likes having her around because they share the same blood type). Scruffy is the janitor and Cubert is a kid and presumably goes to school.


Answer: They had already dated and broken up. When they began their online relationship, they were unaware who the other person was.


Question: What is the name of the song played when the boat leaves Lagos, and is cruising up the Niger River?

Answer: "Here We Go!" by Clint Mansell. It is on the Sahara soundtrack.

Answer: Yes, they do marry, producing two children, Franklin and Valeria. Franklin turned out to be an extremely powerful mutant who could alter reality, while Valeria could generate her own armor, travel through time and project force fields (though in later stories this has been changed, and Valeria is an ordinary human).


Question: In the first movie, when Elizabeth falls off the wall, you hear Jack telling the guards "and then they made me their chief." Does this mean that he has been to the island before? Will they explain this further in the third movie?

Answer: Yes, this is the same island (Pelegosto) Jack was telling the two marines about. That is why he is able to (somewhat) speak the natives' language. The film's writers confirm this in the DVD commentary. It's also a reference to the Fast Show, a favourite of Johnny Depp.


Question: When Josh's father is reading a book to Josh, the passage we hear goes something like "And when he saw that the cottage was completely destroyed, the monster fled and took shelter in the woods." Does anyone have any idea what book they were reading?

Answer: "The Vampyre" by John Polidori.

Question: I feel like the "Ellipsis" text message the suspected bomb-maker Molloka receives and the one that Carlos the terrorist receives at the Body exhibit are the same text. I thought the date at the top of each was the same, first when Molloka receives the text in the beginning of the film (and when James traces this call to Dimitrios in the Bahamas) and again when James is leaving the Body exhibit and calls Carlos on Dimitrios' phone. (I seem to remember the date as June 6 in each instance). Yet this isn't possible since Le Chiffre must have sent them at different times because didn't he hire Carlos after Molloka was killed? Am I just getting my facts confused? Any explanation would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: Yes both text messages have the same time and date. Most new phones have the ability to send the same text message to multiple recipients at the same time. My understanding is that they both could have been hired to blow up the plane, Carlos to act as a security guard (or airport cop) to help Molloka plant a bomb. That's probably why they both were given the "code" to the door so that they could meet up inside. Once Molloka was killed, Carlos must have been informed to blow up the plane by another means or even given the new device.


Aren't both of them hired through Dimitrios anyway? On the yacht, he tells Le Chiffre he has someone else line down up for the job. Not sure how this factors in.

Answer: In the episode where they pack for London and Monica realises that saying check is weird. Phoebe says something like "My mom used to stick her head in the oven. Well, just the one time." She also mentions in a song about a snowman that her "mum was dead in the kitchen".


Question: What happens to Nick? We never see him after the island.

Answer: He is not mentioned again. We can only assume that he is off doing some sort of Greenpeace-like thing.


Question: Could someone please tell me how Will planned to get out of the dice game should he have lost without his father's help? Maybe I'm missing something but the whole thing seemed poorly thought out. I mean he goes into the game betting his eternal service against the key just to find out where the key is? If he was trapped on the ship forever, getting the key to Jack or anyone would be impossible so that would be no good. Again my main question is, how was Will planning to get out of the game? Could you also point out any points in his plan should I have forgotten to list them?

Answer: All he needed was to find out the where the key was. If he found it, and unlocked the box with it, then he (and Jack) would be free. Remember, they had a few days before Davey Jones called in the debts, so he wouldn't have been enslaved right away.

Nick Bylsma

Show generally

Question: Does Michael Rosenbaum actually have hair in real life because in many parts of the series Lex Luthor seems to have a grey shade to his head indicating that he has shaved his hair really really finely, so does he have hair and does he therefore have his hair shaved off before filming?

Answer: He does have hair in real life.


Answer: Yes, he did actually shave his head for the part. However, after being shaved, makeup artist did work on his bald head to hide his hairline and give him the look you see. Producers were always expecting him to shave, but they did allow Michael to see what wearing a bald cap would entail and even he didn't like the look of it (he said it made him look like a conehead was looked fake) and suggested he shave his head.


Question: Mike greets the slug-like janitor with the words, "Cheloubi, baby." Have you any idea who Cheloubi is or was ?

Answer: Cheloubi is the name of the slug like janitor.

Question: Why were the cheating wife and her lover not arrested for adultery? Last time I checked, that was a crime in the United States.

Answer: Currently there are some US states where adultery is still a crime, but they don't really prosecute people for that any more. Plus this is set in the future, so the laws could easily have changed.


Question: At the end, are John and Sara married? She's wearing a ring, but he is not. Perhaps they're just engaged?

Answer: They are engaged and celebrating the day they met each other.

Question: Who is the actor is that originally played Joe in the MTV short?

Answer: Looks like Mark Rosenthal.

Andrea Hartley

Question: Is it ever explained where to or even why the monsters are being moved?

Answer: This is never explained.


Answer: Dracula's a crafty and resourceful guy. While we're not privy to the details, he surely made the arrangements and concocted a cover story so that he and his team of monsters could get shipped close by the amulet's location.


Question: My friend an I have been having an argument. Whose hand hits the car window in the sex scene?

Answer: Although Leonardo DiCaprio has some femine looking hands for a guy, this is Rose's hand hitting the window and sliding down. Pay attention to the fingernails, and you will notice it is a woman's hand.


Question: Does the watch Winthorpe wants to sell really exist or is it a made up brand? There seems to be no information about it on the net.

Answer: It's a made-up brand, named after La Rochefoucauld, a 15th century French writer. An April fool's article exists online claiming the watch has been redesigned for the 21st century.

Answer: His middle name was stated by the writers in interview, and is mentioned in the Friends Trivia Game, but is not confirmed in any episode.


Question: Why do Gaston and his mob proceed to enter the castle, when it is clear from the looks on their faces that they are a little confused and suspicious as to why a bunch of objects just happen to be lining the entrance hall?

Answer: Because they're there for the beast. They aren't just going to turn back simply because some stuff was out of place.


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