Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why is it that the only time Jasper has a Southern accent is when he is telling his story to Bella?


Chosen answer: Jasper is feeling a bit nostalgic and melancholic as he tells Bella about his former human life, causing him to slip back into his previous self a bit.


Question: What will happen once Fergus catches his sons stowing away on the lords' ships?

Answer: He'll gather them onto his own rowboat, probably chastise them all the way back to shore, then they'll likely run off completely unfazed as soon as they reach land. And that'll be an end of it.


Question: I don't understand why Felix and Bond meet for the first time in Casino Royale, because they meet for the first time in Dr. No. I know that Casino Royale is a reboot, but you still cannot meet someone for the first time twice.


Chosen answer: Well, the fact that it's a reboot answers the question. Ignore Dr. No. It has no relevance to Casino Royale, because as far as this movie (and its sequels) are concerned, the other Bond films never happened. Bond and Felix can meet for the first time in this movie, because they've never met before. Ever. Period.


Chosen answer: Five times. The first time is when the Griswald's leave the house because the luggage hit the garage roof (00:09:05). The second time is going into the motel. The third time is about half way through the movie where two bags fall off the station wagon (00:49:00). The fourth time is when the station wagon flies off the closed road where every single bag falls off due to the crash (00:50:35). The fifth time is in the scene where Aunt Edna dies and Clark stops the car immediately where all but one bag falls off (01:02:30).

Casual Person

Question: Was Edward Walker married? Is that why he wasn't allowing himself to touch Alice Hunt? I noticed that there is a Tabitha Walker in the credits, but it doesn't seem clear in the movie.

Answer: Yes, he is married. He is thought to secretly be in love with Alice Hunt, but he is faithful to his wife, Tabitha, and that is why he never allows himself to touch Alice in even the the most platonic manner.


Are we sure Tabitha isn't his sister? She sure doesn't ever act like Ivy and Kitty's mother. She looks a hell of a lot like Edward Walker, and seems upset like a daughter, not a daughter-in-law, when they reminisce about the slain father. Also, this would make the whole Walker/Alice Hunt relationship much purer, much more hopeful (themes of the film), as it isn't going behind anyone's back. I wonder if there's a deleted scene that made it clear Tabitha's relationship to Mr. Walker?

Answer: Ivy refers to her parents which indicates that Mr. Walker has a Mrs. Walker which is Tabitha Walker. She is his wife and not his sister. She is referred to as his wife in one of the elder meetings early in the movie too.

Question: When the killers use the Ghostface voice changer, how come the person they're calling can't hear their normal voice? I imagine they would talk out loud into the changer, so why can't the victims hear both voices?

Answer: 1) They held it right to their mouths. 2) They talked normally and the voice changer projected it louder than their regular voice.

Question: The morning after Tina's death, when Nancy is walking to school, she looks behind her and sees a man in black standing on the corner. Does anyone know who he is?

Answer: He's a cop, her father is having her followed hoping she will lead them to Rod, who they believe killed Tina.

Answer: It was Gustav Hasford's idea. It happened in the original book that the story is based on, "The Short Timers."

Captain Defenestrator

Question: What poem is Diane reading to her class that makes Thornton say, "Yes, yes!"?

Answer: She was reading, "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night," by Dylan Thomas.


Answer: She was reading from the novel Ulysses by James Joyce.

Chosen answer: (1) At the time, in that moment, it has no other meaning but to explain the rules of the game. BUT in reference to the overall series, it was an ongoing theme. (2) He was going to tell Walt that he thinks this island has magical powers. Perhaps he was going to tell Walt that he was in the Wheelchair before the crash.


Hmm, I figured he was about to explain to Walt that dogs have excellent hearing, and they will locate the lost pup by making that whistle.

Question: After old Biff returns to 2015 he appears in pain. I've seen several submissions on this site saying it's because Lorraine shot him in 1995. My question is where do they get that information from? I've seen these movies numerous times and have never seen anything to suggest that.

Answer: If you have the DVD or Blu-ray, watch the deleted scene with Biff vanishing and be sure to have the commentary on. Bob Gale confirms that Lorraine discovered that Biff had killed George and therefore shot and killed Biff in retaliation.

Answer: But in 2015 George is fine. He brings pizza with Lorrain, when they come and visit. Biff doesn't shoot George until the alternate timeline he creates when he goes back to 1955 with the sports almanac? In 2015, he is still the loser George made him in the first movie.

That's before Biff steals the Delorean to deliver the Sports Almanac to his younger self. Biff altered time when he did that resulting in the alternate 1985 where George is dead. George was also fine in 1985 before this.


Question: In the graveyard scene, I'm absolutely sure that Wormtail cast the Avada Kedavra spell on Cedric, but why is everybody saying that Voldemort killed Cedric then?


Chosen answer: You're right. Wormtail did kill Cedric on Voldemort's orders. At that point, Voldemort did not yet have his body back and was unable to kill Cedric himself. Some of the confusion may come from the fact the Wormtail used Voldemort's wand to kill Cedric, which is why his ghost comes out of the wand during the fight with Harry.


Why was Voldemort unable to kill Cedric? He could kill the muggle caretaker at the beginning of the movie himself, wasn't he? He didn't have his body then.

Pettigrew had his wand.

Also, everybody believed Pettigrew to be dead at this point.

Question: In Rocky V we learn that Rocky can't get licensed because of permanent brain damage. So how is it that, more than 15 years after the events of Rocky V, he is able to get licensed so easily?

Answer: Stallone himself answered this question in an interview. "When Rocky was diagnosed with brain damage he never went for a second opinion and yielded to his wife's wishes to stop. So with the advent of new research techniques into brain damage, Rocky was found to be normal among fighters and he was suffering the results of a severe concussion. By today's standards Rocky Balboa would be given a clean bill of health for fighters.

Question: Towards the end of the film, when Harry and Lucius are talking after leaving Dumbledore's office, after Dobby stops Lucius from casting a spell on Harry, Lucius says, "You're parents were meddlesome fools too". I don't recall any indication in the book that Harry's parents knew the Malfoys. Obviously the Malfoys probably knew the Sirius Black/Peter Pettigrew storyline that is explained in PoA. I seem to recall something in one of the last two films where Voldemort discusses something about the Potters with Lucius.

Answer: I'm not really seeing a question there - you might want to work on your wording a little. Bear in mind that you don't have to actually know people directly to describe them as meddling fools. Malfoy would obviously be aware of the Potters, both before their deaths, through his role as a Death Eater, and after, as their son's role in Voldemort's apparent downfall was known throughout the wizarding world. He can readily describe them as meddling fools if he wants to - he doesn't have to have actually met them to do so.


Question: SPOILER: At the end of the movie, it is common knowledge that Bruce Wayne is dead. A tombstone is erected and Wayne Enterprises are executing his will. Since everyone knows Batman died, did Gordon (or someone else) out Bruce as Batman? Fair enough, they could've come up with a cover story for Bruce's death, but surely people would get suspicious if Bruce Wayne and Batman died around the same time.


Chosen answer: Given that no accurate records would have been kept of what occurred in Gotham during Bane's occupation, it would be very easy to claim that Bruce had been in the city when the bridges fell, been captured and subsequently executed by forcing him out on the ice, as had happened with many other socialites. Plenty of people died during Bane's takeover of the city, particularly in the final hours. There's no reason why Bruce would stand out among them as a candidate, and even if anybody did harbour some suspicion, it could hardly be proven.


Question: When Indy gets to where the Grail is and meets the Knight, the Knight says that he is one of many brothers chosen to protect the grail, but if being in that cave with the Grail grants him immortality, what happened to his previous brothers?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: The other two brothers are the ones who left the tomb and traveled back to Europe. One of them is the knight Indy and Elsa find in the catacombs under Venice with the shield that has the second marker. The one left behind is the one the brothers determined to be the most worthy to guard the Grail.


Question: Just curious, but how does Indy's dad know what the trials to get to the Grail are if he's never done it and anyone who has hasn't survived past the first task?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: He states quite specifically in the movie that he found the details of the trials in the Chronicles of St Anselm. How the details got in there is anybody's guess - given what's seen to occur in the movies, divine inspiration is an entirely reasonable explanation.


Of course, that begs the question... If the grail was not meant to be discovered, then why inspire Henry with the clues to get to it?

The Grail is meant to be discovered, but only by those who are worthy of locating it. In a Grail Quest, the hero has to overcome various challenges and seek out clues to be considered worthy of finding and wielding the Grail. You can't get the Grail if you're unworthy. The 3 Challenges in the temple specifically require traits like faith, wisdom, and bravery to pass. Only someone who understands what the Grail represents would be able to succeed. When divine inspiration is used in storytelling, the goal is to spur people on to want to make themselves better, or to fix something. There may be some divine inspiration that gave Henry the nudge to want to find the Grail, but he still has to put in the work and make himself worthy of it.

Question: When Reggie is negotiating with Reverend Roy and tells him that Marks mum wants a walk-in closet, Roy responds with "Walk-in. Is that hyphenated?" Although I gather that Roy was being sarcastic, I still have no idea what that comment means. Any help would be great.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Meaning is the word walk-in hyphenated.... walkin or walk-in.


Answer: I saw his question "Is walk-in hyphenated?" as a touch of humor.

Question: SPOILER: What exactly was Bane's and Talia's plan? Had Batman not thwarted the attempt at blowing up the bomb, were the bad guys simply content with being killed in the blast also as long as Gotham was destroyed as well?

Answer: Yes. Their entire purpose was to finish what Rha's had started; no matter what the cost.

Question: How on Earth did the Joker know that Reese wasn't dead when he blew up the hospital? It seemed like he just guessed and blew it up anyway.


Chosen answer: Why not? That'd be Joker's style to blow up the hospital anyway, so it's very likely he didn't care whether Reese was dead or not.


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