Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Does anyone know why Mark Darcy's mother's name was changed from Elaine (in the book) to Geraldine (in the film)?

Answer: Lots of times in book-to-movie situations and even in some remakes, the producers/writers/directors change names or events. It can be because of personal issues, legal ones or it can even be spur of the moment. it can also be unintentional,when they change it without the specific INTENTION to change it. I think in this case it was more likely that the character/or their name didn't have too much of an impact on the story line, so they didn't feel a pressing need to keep it the same.

Question: Does anyone know if there is a soundtrack (CD) for this movie available anywhere?

Answer: I doubt it as, the film was made during Parker's college years, but every song asis available as an mp3 at

Answer: You can now buy it via the link - it became available in May 2024:

Heather Benton

Question: What is the name of the actor who plays Notre Dame player 75, last name Mateus? I can't find him in the credits. He's the guy who starts chanting "Rudy" during the Georgia Tech game. Somebody said it might be WWE Superstar Al Snow, aka Allen Sarven, but it's not.

Answer: According to IMDB, Al Snow plays an uncredited Notre Dame football player in the film, so it might actually be him.


Question: Why wasn't this movie titled 'Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind'? It involved abduction of humans by aliens.

Answer: At the time the film was made a close encounter of the third kind covered all contact between humans and aliens. The terminology has changed and it was only in the early eighties that it was decided to introduce a new level and abduction was the fourth kind.


Answer: Also I would consider that "abduction" has a negative connotation and "contact" is less threatening.

Question: There was a mistake about a crew member's hand being visible when a woman is trying to shut the fridge door, but I can't see it. Can anyone tell me if it is at the top, middle or the bottom of the fridge?

Answer: It's reflected in the window, opposite the fridge - it's a hand pushing at the fridge door.


Chosen answer: In the episode "Abra Cadaver" Tom Noonan, who played The Tooth Fairy in 'Manhunter', appeared as the bad guy. Since Grissom was the main investigator, many fans saw a similarity.


Question: I've always wondered if Mark, just before his final broadcast, told his parents the whole truth. It would seem that way because Mark tells his girlfriend his mom let him use the Jeep ("She kinda loaned it to me"). Also, his Dad was at the gathering in the school's athletic field, but there is no shot of him acting surprised or horrified when Mark pulls in to where the crowd is and gets arrested. So the question is: did Mark fess up to his parents? Or is it irrelevant/left for us to wonder?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Well, with no actual scene where he confesses, it's left up to us to wonder. Personally, I find it unlikely that he'd actually admit the whole thing to his parents, but they're not stupid and already had their suspicions, so the lack of any great surprise on his father's part isn't unreasonable. You also have to remember that Mark's voice changer had already broken before they drove down to the crowd - his father would have easily recognised his voice before his actual arrival, giving him a certain amount of time to get through the initial shock.


Question: Was Commodus and Lucilla half brother and sister? Wondering because of Commodus' attraction for Lucilla. Was incest normal at that time?


Chosen answer: No, they are full brother and sister. They both had the same mother and father. Incest was not exactly normal at that time, but it stretches back within the imperial families as far as Caligula and possibly earlier. There is no evidence to suggest that the real Commodus was attracted to his sister, it was probably just included in the film in order to make the character seem more disturbed, and also as another reason why he would be Maximus' enemy (Maximus and Lucilla were, after all, once lovers).

The Doctor

Chosen answer: He did. At one point he says amusingly to Starling, "Anthrax Island, that was a nice touch, yours?" indicating he knew the deal wasn't real. That didn't matter to him since he was planning to escape, and the deal gave him an opportunity to do so.


Answer: The "nice touch" comment came only after Dr. Chilton revealed the fraud. But the part about escaping is very good.

Answer: The anthrax island, nice touch part seems like an in joke, like his anagrams but never worked out what it is?

Question: What would have been the tiebreaker in the medal round, if two teams ended up with the same amount of points?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Sudden-death overtime, in which the game ends when the first team scores.

Show generally

Question: I've just got the soundtrack, and there's a great song by a band called Vast, called "Touched". I've definitely heard it in the series somewhere, but have no idea where/when it actually gets played - can anyone help?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: This song features in the season one episode "Lonely Hearts", during the montage where Angel and Kate are both looking for the killer.


Chosen answer: He wasn't searching him with the toad. The local man was attempting to sell it to him. It was simply odd timing in the movie for that to happen.

Question: When Rosalee and Tad are on the plane and Rosalee is looking out of the window at the start of the scene (I think), what is the song playing? I briefly remember lyrics similar to, "I stay behind and watch the credits roll by.", or something to that effect.

Answer: It's Somebody by Bonnie McKee.

Chosen answer: The actors were weighted down with lead plates. Oxygen tanks were kept just out of picture, and the actors used them to breathe between takes. The takes were short enough to allow the actors to hold their breath through them. The short takes were then cut together to appear as one long fight. Sound effects were added post-production.

Question: Why don't they get one or more orcs to guard the crack of mount doom? Surely they could have spared a couple of orcs just in case someone managed to get through?

Answer: Guard it from who? One of the premises of the whole plot is that Sauron simply cannot believe that someone would want to destroy the ring rather than use it themself. That's why the plan succeeded, and that's the only reason it succeeded. The loss of the ring forced Sauron to make his move early (i.e. sending out his armies sooner than he would have wanted) to stop whoever was using the ring (the only possibility in his mind) from gaining too much power. So who would want to go into Mt. Doom? Besides the fact they'd have to get INTO Mordor first (something which Sauron would have laughed at anyway) they could do nothing there anyway, unless they were there to destroy the ring, which is something Sauron didn't even consider. It'd just be an utter waste of man (orc?)power.

Gary O'Reilly

Question: In Brooklyn, why does Francis Dolarhyde eat the Blake painting? I've watched the movie twice, and I still don't understand that scene.

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Dolarhyde thinks that by eating the painting, he can destroy the Red Dragon from inside of him. He is trying to stop the monster/killer side of his personality because he wants to lead a normal life with Reba.


Question: I'm confused by one of the listed mistakes. When did we see Jon's ghost?

Answer: On the television at the end of the movie, we also hear his voice on the radio when his wife and son are sitting in the car after his funeral.


Question: Why does Napoleon, who appears to be a junior or senior in high school, ride the bus with a bunch of little kids?

Answer: Because it is such a small town that the school system can not afford buses for grade level so they have to share them, plus it has comedic value as well.


Small town schools are usually K-12. The other older "cooler" students drive to school or get ride with their friends.

Show generally

Question: I was trying to find online who plays Chloe, the girl that worked at CTU. She looked very familiar. Does anyone know?

Answer: Her name is Mary Lynn Rajskub. This info can be found on See this link:


Question: After Stan finished building the Hydra, he said: 'it's time to disguise you as internal destruction'. Now, I'm not a hacker or a great programmer, so can anybody please explain to me what he meant?

Answer: He wants to dupe everyone who investigates the problem into thinking it was an internal error, rather than a virus. Doing so would lead them away from Stan, and he would get away with the attack.

Ryan Andersen

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