Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Luke says he can't kill his own father, Obi-Wan tells him, "Then the Emperor has already won." But if Luke actually did kill Darth Vader, he would be left to fight the Emperor by himself, or could even be influenced to switch sides. The Emperor does try this later, suggesting that Luke replace Vader. How would that be a triumph for Obi-Wan and Yoda?

Answer: Obi-Wan didn't think it would be an immediate victory or Luke would rush to then combat the Emperor. His reasoning is that eliminating Vader would weaken the Emperor's power by removing his main enforcer. Once Vader was gone, Obi-Wan and Luke would have to devise a strategy on how to defeat the Emperor. Leaving Vader alive leaves the Emperor's power intact. Obi-Wan trusts that the Emperor will never sway Luke to the Dark side. However, Luke is unable to face destroying his own father.


So, you think they wanted Luke to fight Vader alone again, defeat him, and they would deal with the Emperor later? Instead of Luke allowing Vader to "capture" him and take him to the Emperor?

Facing his father would be facing his fears. Facing his fears is what will keep Luke away from the dark side. That was the first step in beating the emperor. Luke is understood enough in the end that killing his father is not the answer, but he did manage to beat him. And that was the victory. Because that caused Anakin to turn back to the light side and kill the emperor. Obi-Wan and Yoda can't tell Luke everything he needs to do, some he has to do himself.


Show generally

Question: Throughout the entire show, why is Harry's rank an ensign? Janeway has been seen promoting or demoting other crew members, so why doesn't she promote him?

Answer: In Season 7, Episode 19 "Author, Author," Harry's parents outright ask him why he hasn't yet been promoted. Harry replies, the ship is operating without a full complement of staff, and there is little opportunity for him to be promoted. This, however, was likely added to the script to address complaints fans and Garrett Wang himself had about the character never being promoted.


Question: How did the plane carrying Colonel Turner from England to Austria, going to pick up the group at the airfield, manage to do so in such a short time? It's almost 700 miles from London to Austria. At the time, the only place held by the British that was any closer would have been Malta. Planes were not that fast back then.

Question: How was membership passed down for the T-Birds and the Pink Ladies? How was the torch passed from the members in the first Grease to the eventual members in Grease 2?

Answer: It's never explained in the films how membership is gained, but from the tight bond between its members, we can assume they're friends prior to joining. So maybe it's just that - a group of friends who take up the mantle.

Good theory, but we know through dialogue at the bowling alley that there is a code to follow for both the T-Birds and Pink Ladies, so there must be initiation requirements.

Question: One thing I never understood about this movie was the scene when Tony and Tia were doing opposite things to the cooling system. Tony was trying to increase the temperature and Tia was trying to decrease it, and then all of a sudden it went down—how did Tia manage to overcome Tony's ability to increase the temperature?

Question: When the state police and national guard were called in to draw Rambo out into the open to capture him, why weren't the Marines or other active duty Green Berets called upon instead to deal with an unstable war veteran who was unpredictable and armed and dangerous? The government sent over Colonel Trautman, but he could have at least brought a group of special forces with him to help out in the hunt.

Answer: The answer is in Trautman's first appearance in the film: he is very adamant that the way to deal with Rambo is to deescalate the situation, not add more firepower/soldiers/hunters. It's likely the government considered sending special forces, but Trautman, who knows Rambo, would have declined for the same reason he explains to Teasle: the best thing to do is let Rambo escape, let him calm down, and apprehend him once he's no longer in "survival" mode.

Question: I'm not familiar with racing, so how would Amy giving Foh some water be an interference? She's technically a part of the team.

Question: Had Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan been able to both survive and defeat Maul, would this mean Sidious would not be able to manipulate Anakin anymore? Or would the Sith Lord have simply tried a different plan, besides emotional manipulation, to try to trick an Anakin trained under Qui-Gon into the dark side?


Answer: I don't think his plans would change. Qui-Gon is just another Jedi Master training Anakin, nothing much different because Obi-Wan was trained by him as well, after all. Plus, Qui-Gon much more believes Anakin is the chosen one, so he would probably allow Anakin a lot more than Obi-Wan would, including his relationships with Palpatine and Padme, which both are more important for Anakin's switch to the dark side.


I (not who submitted the question) wonder if Palpatine actually wanted Darth Maul to be killed by Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, or both. It seems like he mostly trained Maul to fight. Maul seemed to know little about the plotting, scheming, and political dealings. Dooku was capable in those areas, and was skilled at fighting. He was probably more useful while Palpatine waited to turn Anakin.

Not sure about that. I think he genuinely thought Darth Maul was properly trained to defeat Jedi. I don't think Palpatine planned ahead in terms of apprentices, except Anakin. But Darth Maul was before he knew Anakin. I don't think Sith are easy to find either, so Palpatine needed Maul for a lot of things more than just kill Jedi. It is too convenient however that every apprentice he had served his plans perfectly. Because I don't see Maul lead the separatists.


I was under the impression that Palpatine knew about Anakin ever since Shmi was chosen to be Anakin's mother. I might be wrong. This is an interesting discussion, though - I appreciate your response. Some think that Maul had limited use of the Force and was more of a trained assassin. But, if that were true, why call him a Sith apprentice? As you say, it's hard to imagine him being a Separatist leader.

I do not have any knowledge regarding any books written or other sources that might be considered canon, as have been mentioned in other comments here recently. My knowledge is purely the movies. As per the movies, Palpatine only learned of Anakin after the Battle of Naboo.


Answer: Possibly because he wasn't sure which Gwen he would get. The attractive or the unattractive one.


Question: Two questions in the opening montage: 1. Why did Mitch seem somewhat ungrateful when Phil handed him some money as a sole act of consideration and respect for him, and what was he inferring when he told Slim "he really loves you"? He didn't even seem all that interested in Phil's compassion towards him even though he accepted it. 2. Why was Mitch upset on the beach? Why not just join Slim and his daughter, talking with them and ask how they are?


Answer: 1. Mitch was being "polite" - putting on a good image - by accepting the money, despite not needing it. Abusive people can seem nice, charming, and respectable outside their homes. He told Slim that Phil really loves her because he has observed the bond between them. 2. I viewed his behavior at the beach as distant rather than upset. He might have been thinking about work, his affairs, or whatever. Also, it was just one moment. Maybe he joined them off-screen. Remember, Slim thinks her life is overall great until she finds out that Mitch has affairs. So he was probably acting like an ideal husband and father most of the time.

Question: When Sheriff Teasle drops Rambo off at the bridge, and then when he pulls his car to the side to question and then arrest him, both times he turns on his red and blue lights. Why does he do this?

Answer: Because even though there wasn't traffic, he was still stopping in the middle of the road. He wanted to make sure to be seen. When he's arresting Rambo, he's actually blocking the road and not pulled off to the side, so he wants to make sure traffic stops. When he initially picked Rambo up, he was coming from the gas station and on a side road, so he wasn't stopped in the middle of the road like he did later, so he doesn't bother turning his lights on.


Answer: Bart's implying it really was the actor, who hadn't been in movies for years and had apparently turned to a life of crime.

Brian Katcher

I'm with Cupid - S6-E7

Question: Why does Peggy think that Bobby would become a drug dealer if he had a pager? This episode first aired in 2002. Weren't pagers still common?

Answer: They were, but that wouldn't stop Peggy from buying into a stereotype.

Captain Defenestrator

Queasy Rider - S7-E13

Question: When Dale first tells Hank that he and Nancy go to couples' therapy, Hank says, "How could you?", as if he's mad about them going. Why?

Answer: Nancy is friends with Peggy, so she might tell Peggy about the couple's therapy, making Peggy want to go there with Hank.

Question: Given Connie's a psychologist and knows Norman's state of mind, why would she marry him and also trick him into getting her pregnant?


Answer: Norman is mentally stable in this film. Connie and Norman fell in love during his institutionalization. After being deemed sane and released, they were married. Norman is afraid to have children because he doesn't want to pass on his psychosis. Connie believes that with proper care, their child won't end up like Norman, and plans to become pregnant.

Question: What did the man that Lois interviewed mean when he said that he hoped Custer paid for the land?

Answer: The Indian Chief sold the "worthless piece of desert" for a "stupid high price" to an unknown buyer, and the Indian Chief made an earnest sarcastic joke that he hopes it's Custer, as in George Armstrong Custer, who had been a Cavalry Commander during the Indian Wars.

Super Grover

Question: At the mansion, how did Edward get the newspapers/magazines that he clipped articles from?

Answer: His father/creator probably saved issues of magazines and papers. Some might have been delivered to a mailbox after the father's death, if subscriptions were already paid for.

Question: What was the liquid Mr. Miyagi soaked the cloth in and told Daniel: "Smell bad, heal good?"

Answer: Since it's not stated within the movie, it's presumed to be an herb/plant with a foul smell (it's been steeped/brewed so Myagi wrings out the cloth), which has potent healing properties.

Super Grover

Question: Why is Harry Bailey wearing a uniform at the end of the movie?

Answer: He left in the middle of the banquet they were giving him for winning the Medal of Honor and immediately flew to Bedford Falls when he heard his brother was in trouble.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Agree with the other answer but would add that, from a moviemaking perspective, the film was released shortly after the end of WWII when American patriotism was extremely high. The filmmakers emphasized Harry's status as a military hero and George's role in having saved him when they were boys. It visually reminds the audience of who Harry is and what he did.


Question: Why does the male MUTO mate with the female if she is already pregnant?

Answer: The female produces the eggs, and then the male mates with her to fertilize them. She is technically not "pregnant" until after the mating.


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