Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How could Mary-Ann not know she was giving birth to Vincent shortly after Julius was born? Wouldn't she have felt another intense pain to indicate she was going into labor a second time? Plus, how would they be able to keep the birth of Vincent a secret from her in the first place?

Answer: She could have been unconscious by that point.

Untethered - S7-E9

Question: When Goren infiltrates the prison, he says that his name is William Brady. He is then given a truth serum and under its effects, he admits his real name and that he's a cop. Given this information, why would he still be kept a prisoner instead of somebody calling the precinct he works at and inform Captain Ross?

Persona - S10-E8

Question: While gathering evidence against Brent, it's discovered that Linnie was really Caroline Cresswell and that she killed her first husband in self-defense. Since she started using an alias after she escaped, would her marriage to her second husband Jonah be legal?

Answer: The marriage would be deemed fraudulent, since she did not use her real name.

Question: Shouldn't Bruce be as insane as Falcone? Unless the dosages delivered to Batman and Falcone, respectively, were different. Also, why didn't Rachel yell and scream and go crazy like Falcone did when he was hit?

Answer: Bruce is just as infected as Falcone, however he is rescued by Alfred shortly after he is poisoned and given an antidote by Lucius shortly after that. He is then bedridden for many hours. If he had not been saved as quickly as he was, he no doubt would have been a blubbering mass just like Falcone. The reason Rachel and even Bruce don't react the same as Falcone the moment they are poisoned comes down to how each individual person reacts to fear: Bruce tries to fight, Rachel faints, Falcone screams in horror.


Answer: Also he had taken it before, earlier in the mountains.

Answer: Bruce was thoroughly trained to deal with fear. It's likely he'd be able to hold his mind together better than most.


Question: Why did Bruce fire Mr. Earl? It's not like he did anything bad such as affiliating with the mob or Ra's Al Ghul.

Answer: Earle attempted to conceal the loss of the microwave weapon and fired Lucius Fox when he asked whether it had been lost. One, aside from Bruce's personal friendship with Fox, for a company that deals in military contracts this is anywhere from unethical to criminal. Two, his desire to move directly into weapons - rather than defensive technologies - was contrary to the original Thomas Wayne vision for Wayne Enterprises. Three, his patronization of Bruce Wayne, attempt to forcibly remove all stake of the Wayne family from the company (which was held in trust by Alfred Pennyworth), and desire to take the company public did not allow the stewardship and oversight that Bruce Wayne wanted for the company.

Answer: He believes (rightly) that Earle is not interested in the good of the company as much as his own profits. He also knows Fox will do a better job and be more inline with what he's planning (becoming Batman).

Question: When Bob is looking at a video, he stops at a figure of a woman. He then uses a switch and watches as the woman in the video turns into another woman. Why does he keep going back and forth between the two women?

Answer: It's only one woman in reality. He had sex with a woman named Connie, but woke up next to her later and thought it was his friend Donna. The video showing it as two women is Bob losing his grip on reality due to his addiction to Substance D.


Question: When Shang mourns for his father's death, Mulan approaches to him and says "I'm sorry" in her normal voice. How come Shang didn't tell she was female because of her voice?

Roman Curiel

Chosen answer: He just isn't paying that much attention to her voice at that moment. Think about it like this: If you had just lost your father to war, are distraught that you never got to say goodbye, and a male friend you had been training with for some time spoke two words to you in support and they sounded somewhat feminine, would you automatically assume they were actually a woman disguised as a man?


Question: During the Boggart scene when the boggart Snape transforms into a big spider if you look closely he goes from a witch, bat, mummy, lime lizard, small bug and then to the spider - why?


Chosen answer: Ron fears all of those things. It took the boggart a moment to decide what Ron feared the most.

Question: Why does Dormer switch to a backup gun while chasing the killer in the fog? It is never explained.


Answer: Plot device to make Ellie look like a super sleuth remembering Dormer even carries a backup. When Hap and Dugger were comparing guns Hap says he and Dormer both carry S&W .45s. This makes the 9mm casing Ellie found a complete mystery to everyone else. So why the switch? Dormer's primary might be empty, but this is the first time Dormer shoots and all the characters act like there are only two shots fired in the fog, so for it to be empty he would have to be terribly sloppy. If he's so bad he forgot to load his gun it's equally likely he left the safety on. Maybe Dormer is just so used to being a dirty cop he instinctively uses the backup whenever possible to create an alibi. Ultimately, there is no explanation for this in the film, and if blink you don't even see the switch and are very confused when the 9mm casing shows up in the first place, if Nightmute carries.40, and Dormer .45, then 9mm has no place at all.

In the Netflix version with subtitles, when Dormer fires his primary weapon, the subtitle says "gun clicks." Dormer briefly looks at his gun and then pulls his secondary weapon. Nolan may have intended this to be ambiguous so the viewer doesn't know whether it was an accident or intentional (Nolan would never leave a "mistake" in the final edit - in fact, in interviews, he said he watched the movie at least a hundred times while editing), but the subtitles seem to put this debate to rest.

Chosen answer: Because he ran out of bullets in his first gun.

Question: Why was Carter deliberately causing enough commotion to drive the other tenants out?

Answer: If there are no other tenants, it means a loss of income for the owners. Carter, meanwhile was destroying the other apartment, making it useless to rent out. Patty and Drake need the income from both apartments that they are renting out in order to pay the monthly mortgage on their Victorian house.


Question: Why was Little Bill so casual about seeing his wife cheat on him? I know he was furious, but he was still unusually calm, he just acted like he caught her holding hands with someone else, not like she was having sex with someone else. And why was his wife so casual about it too? She acted like she did nothing wrong.


Chosen answer: SPOILER ALERT: It was the 1970's. Loose morals. The era of free love. Little Bill and his wife were active in the porn industry. It's likely that his wife presumed, but never discussed with her husband, an "open relationship." Bill, stunned by his discovery (but, perhaps, suspecting it all along), was simply trying to maintain his composure and not seem pathetically unhip by what would be perceived as an absurd overreaction. Clearly, however, he was suppressing a great deal of internalized rage. Ultimately, but very calmly as always, he eventually shoots and kills his wife and her gentleman caller mid-coitus, and then eats his own gun, at Jack's New Year's Eve Party, 1980.

Michael Albert

Question: In response to the answer for the Cardinal Rule question, wouldn't the cancellation of the contract by Viggo due to John's threat void that agreement (Marcus' acceptance of the contract)?

Answer: No. Regardless of any cancellation that Viggo made after-the-fact, the "Cardinal Rule" still applies to Marcus. He accepted the contract, he was contractually-obligated to kill John Wick, and he failed to kill John Wick. Marcus broke his word, essentially, which was an inexcusable violation.

Charles Miller

Chosen answer: In the book, yes, Starling knew that Senator Martin was not aware of the deal she and Crawford were offering Lecter. However she only inferred it because Crawford wanted her to be able to swear under oath she was not told this explicitly.


Answer: In the movie, yes, she admits that the bio-research island was her idea.

Question: Why were the names of Paul Vario and Jimmy Burke changed for the movie to Paul Cicero and Jimmy Conway when no other names were changed? It's not as if someone's identity was being protected. I never understood that.

Answer: Not sure why they changed Paul's, but Jimmy's was changed to Conway because his sister refused to allow it, Conway being his mother's maiden name.

Answer: Tommy's name was changed as well. In the movie it is Tommy DeVito, in real life it was Tommy DeSimone.


Chosen answer: There is nothing in the film to indicate that he is not. He has the paperwork to prove the bounty he was pursuing, and he is not held by the authorities or charged with any crime, so we can assume that he was.

Question: Sharon Crawford's maiden name is Brogan and mentions that her father was born in Ireland and Martin's last name is Brogan... So, are they related?

Diane Muñoz

Chosen answer: It was never stated that she was, but most likely she is Martin Brogan's descendant.


Question: Why does Manny make up excuses about his wife doing something when in reality she died?

Answer: Manny is struggling with her death and trying to care for Molly. In a moment of self denial and sadness, he just makes it up in hopes of tricking himself into thinking that everything is normal.


Question: When Gordon gives Wayne a presentation on Project Green Lantern, Wayne says, "Put away the snowblower, Gordon. What's the problem?" What does he mean by the snowblower? It makes no sense to me.

Bunch Son

Question: This question may sound dumb, but nevertheless. When Obi-Wan confronts Anakin on Mustafar, he says "Only a Sith deals in absolutes", and ignites his lightsaber, basically challenging Anakin. The question is, why? Obi-Wan's chosen his ways with the force, why can't Anakin? Most Jedi have already been killed throughout the galaxy, so Obi-Wan doesn't have much else to lose (except one of his only friends left that he's basically trying to discard in a duel). Anakin's trying to use the Dark Side to save Padme, so why can't Obi-Wan just let go of the fact that Anakin has chosen his ways, become a Sith (with Anakin seeing the better-good in it), and just let Anakin get on with his life?

Answer: Obi Wan letting Anakin "go his own way" would be sanctioning the emperor's evil plan and allowing the resulting massive deaths and suppression of personal freedom. Condoning others being murdered just to save Padme is an unacceptable justification to any Jedi Knight. It's like someone saying why couldn't Hitler just have gone his own way, resulting in his continued extermination and enslavement of millions of of innocent people.


Question: Whenever we see Terrence facing forward (the camera), why is his beak always seen sideways?

Roman Curiel

Chosen answer: In most shots he is looking from the side and downwards because he is so large. His beak appears almost always sideways because the shot is supposed to give the impression he is glaring menacingly or disapprovingly (i.e. Giving "side eye").


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