Question: What accent does Christine's character speak with? Which part of the UK, social class if anyone knows, etc.? And also the character who's the host in Will's favorite restaurant, the one who says "Will, you're disturbing the other customers"?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: In the lift, when the Tech Support guy is explaining to Tom Cruise what happened to him, we see scenes from several movies. Which movies are they? Was one of them "To Kill a Mockingbird"?
Answer: Yes, one was "To Kill a Mockingbird." The other was "Jules and Jim," a French film from 1961.
Question: Within the last 5 minutes of the film, Evan (Ashton Kutcher) wakes up from his very last life changing flashback in a dorm room with his roommate, Lenny, the fat blonde kid from his childhood. If you recall, in the flashback which preceded this, Evan as a young kid tells KayLee at her birthday party to "Never talk to me again or I'll kill you and your family." The flashback changes his future so KayLee would still be alive, as she is appeared on the streets of New York when Evan (the stockbroker) walks past her, in the final scene of the movie. The question is, if the flashback is supposed to correct the past to change his future, how is Evan still friends with Lenny (fat blonde kid), but has no relation or 'real' knowledge of KayLee, nor does Lenny.....?
Chosen answer: During the movie Kaylee specifically told Evan that after her parents split up the reason she chose to stay with her abusive father was because of her friendship with Evan. Since Evan changed the past by never becoming friends with her, Kaylee and her brother went to live with their mother after the split which was ultimately a better life for them. Lenny was also a neighborhood friend and there is nothing to suggest that Evan wouldn't still be friends with him even though he never became friends with Kaylee.
Thank you, I was confused about how one sentence change the whole ending.
Answer: He isn't a stockbroker.
Question: Why is Doyle still in the opening credits of this episode? He's dead.
Chosen answer: It was most likely Joss Whedon messing with the audience. It was intended to make people believe he wasn't really dead and he was coming back somehow. Also, they didn't want to give away that Wesley was joining the cast, which is how it concludes.
Question: There are many scenes where the film is "flipped". (You can usually tell because the brooch on the Elven cloaks is reversed.) Is there a reason why the brooch on Samwise's cloak is the reverse of everyone else's throughout the films?
Chosen answer: It is true to say that flipped shots are obvious for this "brooch" reason, but there is a much better explanation if Samwise's is like it for the whole film. It could be that the actor who plays him is left handed and therefore unlike the majority of the cast, he would put his on the other way round. Not a definitive answer, but a practical one.
Question: When the show started they were in the 10th grade. They graduated from the 12th grade at the end of the 4th season. Did they stay in the same grade for more than a season/year?
Answer: In seasons 1 and 2 they are in 10th grade, season 3 they are in 11th and in season 4 they are in 12th.
Answer: Yes. This is commonly done in many shows.
Question: Samara made pictures while in the psychiatric ward (the tree, horse and person). Why is there a person with all of the hardware? And what is the relevance of the burning tree? I understand that Samara burned it into her wall, but how is it important?
Answer: The burning tree represents the sun going down behind that tree in the field near the cabin.
Question: In the episode, 'Whisper', there is a character that makes a very high pitched feedback like noise. Is this a character that was in the old comics and can anyone tell me how this guy does that noise?
Answer: No, there is no such character in the comics. He's a "meteor-freak" like all the other baddies on the show. The sound has something to do with him vibrating his vocal cords very fast to create a high-pitched squeal.
Question: Early in the movie Max finds an abandoned truck with graffiti on its side saying "The Vermin Have Inherited the Earth". Is this a reference to something?
Answer: Maybe the Judeo-Christian bible "The meek shall inherit the earth" (Matt 5:5). Not much of a stretch that someone in that environment would change meek to vermin.
Question: What is the translation of what Wonka says, after getting off the boat, going into the testing room?
Answer: "My friends, please give me your attention. You have now come to the most interesting and, at the same time, the most secret room of my factory. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Inventing Room."
Question: What's the name of the song played in the background of the scene where Lester and Angela are admitting they want each other? It's when she says, "I hope you don't mind I put the stereo on."
Answer: The song is the Annie Lennox version of Neil Young's 'Don't Let It Bring You Down'. (It isn't on the American Beauty soundtrack unfortunately).
Question: Why does the guy in the prison have so many assistants, and live in complete royalty compared to the other inmates? I've watched it over and over but still can't understand why.
Answer: Because he is connected on the outside. Money and infulence can give you a much easier life in prison, though this movie greatly exaggerated the fact.
Question: Does anyone have a translation as to what the Mullaram says during the human sacrifice scenes? He chants something like 'Cully-ma, Cully-ma, Cully-ma sha-ti-day.' Also, what does the human sacrifice say? It sounds like 'Oh num-shi-vye.'
Answer: He says "kali ma, shakti day". This is hindi and means (literally) "black mother, give me power/strength". "Ohm nama Shivaya" means "I bow to Shiva." Both are Hindi.
Question: Why did the film makers portray Sgt. Eversmann as the main character/hero of the story? I've read the book and his involvement was minimal.
Answer: The answer to this question is quite simple. Whenever any book is put on to the screen things must be glorified in order to catch the eye of a film goer. In movies like this one, heroes, brave men, and down right bad ass characters are what people need to see. If the movie was just like the book, there would be just a whole bunch of equally important characters, which is something very rarely seen in movies. So in short they made sgt Eversmann a main character simply because the movie needed one.
That makes sense but does anyone know why Eversmann was the specific soldier chosen as the focus for the movie?
Question: I have read that the ditzy blonde actress was based on Cameron Diaz. Does anyone know why Sophia Coppola would pick on her in particular?
Answer: Sofia Coppola has denied that character is based on Cameron Diaz in an article in Entertainment Weekly.
Question: When does Rachel realise if she shows the film to someone else she won't die? And if she knew, is that why she showed it to Noah, to kill him on purpose?
Answer: At the end of the movie, she is crying about why she wasn't killed and Noah was. She vocalizes "What did I do, that he didn't?" That's when she sees the copy she made. It wasn't that she just showed it to someone else. She made a copy and Aiden watched that copy. Aiden is why it skipped her.
Almost right. It's just the copy. Copying the video makes it skip you. That's why she has Aiden make a copy as well.
You have to show the copy to someone else as well. That's why Aiden asks Rachel at the very end "What about the person we show it to? What happens to them?"
But doesn't he have less than a day left by then? Hardly a time to relax, they need to make a terrible decision, quickly. I always had the idea making a copy was enough because of that.
He watched the tape the morning of either Rachel's 4th or 5th day, so he should have at least 3 days left by this point. Though it appears the film was being inconsistent with the markings that Samara leaves on the tape's viewers, since Rachel noticed Samara's hand print on Aiden's arm and then his nose started bleeding. For Rachel, she got her nosebleed before receiving the mark on her arm.
Actually, you need to do both: make a copy and show it to someone else. This is further explained in The Ring 2. At the beginning, the guy had made a copy but since the girl covered her eyes and didn't watch the whole thing, he was still killed by Samara. So making a copy is not enough in itself to be spared if no-one else watches it. The same goes for Rachel. She made a copy on the 2nd day, but Becca tells her she only has 4 days left when she visits the psych ward indicating she hadn't been spared yet. It's only after Aidan watches the copy she made that death skips her for good.
Answer: No, it's wrong. Just making a copy won't save you; you need to show it to someone else, and then this someone else is cursed instead of you. The Japanese movie explains it well. Plus, in the official second movie, a man dies from Samara after making the copy because nobody watched it. Also, at the end of the 1st movie, Aiden asks from the copy, "What will happen to the one who will watch it?"
Question: How come the entire staff at Wolfram & Hart are killed and come back as zombies, yet as revealed in "Home" only Lilah keeps her personality? All the other lawyers are flesh craving killers, Lilah is the only exception. Why?
Answer: A security feature of Wolfram & Hart is to turn most people in the building working there into zombies to try to prevent the killer/attacker from escaping. However some employees like Lilah have contracts that don't expire at death. These people are brought back effectively as ghosts to continue to do Wolfram & Hart's bidding. In the comics after the show ends we see Wesley come back as a ghost due to his contract with Wolfram & Hart. These ghosts retain all memory and traits of the physical person and are bound to the company forever.
Question: What exactly is "Middle Earth"? Does it refer to a specific area of land/continent, or a period in time, such as the Middle Ages (but obviously thousands of years earlier), or to something completely different?
Answer: Middle-earth is usually represented as a single continent, but Tolkien's writings (and more specifically his Letters) suggest that Middle-earth is typically defined as that part of the world inhabited by mortal beings. This would mean that it includes the lands of Arda except for Aman and, perhaps the Empty Lands. The name does not refer to a specific time period, although some scholars have argued that Middle-earth represents "our" Earth from a period long ago.
Question: After Wallace kills the lord that killed his wife, Hemish's father starts chanting something like, "McCoughlick, McCoughlick", then, "Wallace, Wallace", what exactly is the first thing he says?
Answer: In the script of the movie Braveheart (Section 9 the Scots are chanting "MacAulish, MacAulish, WALLACE, WALLACE!" The term "Mac" means "son of", and "Aulish" is intended to be a variation of the Medieval Gaelic name "Uallas" (later translated to the Anglican, "Wallace"). Where the writers got the spelling "Aulish" is anyone's guess. Perhaps they were just trying to simplify the name for literary purposes. At any rate, essentially the Scots are chanting "MacUallas!" or "Son of Wallace" which then morphs into "Wallace!"
Question: Private Joker asks the gunner on the chopper about how he is able to shoot women and children, and the gunner replies by saying 'it's easy, you just don't lead them so much'. Does anyone know what that means?
Answer: To lead means to aim ahead of a moving target. His statement means that women and children don't run as fast as men, so you don't need to aim as far in front of them to hit them.
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Answer: Christine is from Glasgow, Scotland. The maitre d' is Russell Barr (