Dawson's Creek

Show generally

Question: Jack and Andie are brother and sister in the same grade...but does the show ever explain how that came to be? Are they twins or was Andie moved up because she is so smart?

Answer: It's only explained once in the series. Jack says to Andie "I tried to start kindergarten without you", meaning Andie was smart enough to start school early.

Answer: They are not twins (Jack is older than Andie). It is possible due to when birthdays fall in the school calender for non-twin siblings to end up in the same grade. Say that you have to be 5 on Sept 1 to start Kindergarten, you are born on Sept 2, 2000 and your little sister on Aug 30, 2001. Sept 1, 2005, you are 4 years and 364 days and can't start. So Sept 1, 2006, you are 5 years and 364 days and your sister is 5 years and 1 day, and, voila!, you're both in the same grade.

Answer: The writers have said they are not twins and Jack is older. Although they were both born in 1983. In some states, like Massachusetts, it's a district decision when a child under 6-8 can start kindergarten, so there's no age deadline. In January 1988, Jack and Andie would both be 4, turning 5, and the district then allowed Andie to start kindergarten with her brother. It has nothing to do with Andie being smarter or moved up a grade, a point she alludes to in response to Jack saying he tried to start kindergarten without her (s04e04). As a side note, there was talk among the writers about whether to make Jack older or younger and they ultimately decided to make him older. The writers put in an inside joke about that when Andie says she is "definitely the older sibling in this relationship" (s04e04). It's also an inside joke to the fact that Meredith Monroe (Andie) was almost 2.5 years older than Kerr Smith (Jack). Monroe was 18, turning 19, in 1988.


...Must Come to an End (2) - S6-E24

Question: The ending scene of the Series Finale shows Joey and Pacey apparently living together in a high-rise apartment. The TV looks the same as her NYC apartment, and there is a beautiful window view of lighted high-rise buildings and a harbor or bay. The question is - is this Boston or NYC? Are they living in her previous NYC apartment, or did they find a new place together in nearby Boston? It looked to me more like Boston, but Pacey had just started his restaurant business in Capeside and that is an hour away. Where are they living at the end of the series? It was vague to me.

Answer: It's the same apartment Joey had in NYC. Comparing it to the beginning of the Finale; you can tell it's exactly the same location, furnishings, Plasma TV etc. Apparently Chris was only living with her at HER apartment, and now Pacey has taken his place at the end. I guess this implies Pacey successfully started his own restaurant business in NYC as he had dreamed, to be with Joey.

Answer: Jen dies. Joey ends up with Pacey. Dawson becomes a movie producer and produces a show based on his life.

Jason Feng

Answer: Pacey.

Nick N.

All Good Things... (1) - S6-E23

Question: In all of the previews for the series finale, it shows Joey standing at what appears to be a dresser opening what appears to be a ring box. I taped the finale and that scene never appears. Was it deleted or did I somehow miss it?

Answer: You must have missed it. It was in the version I saw. It appears in the beginning of the episode, when Joey and Christopher are discussing their trip and Joey is wondering what to pack. Christopher walks into the shower and Joey opens the dresser to continue packing, and finds the ring.

Show generally

Question: When the show started they were in the 10th grade. They graduated from the 12th grade at the end of the 4th season. Did they stay in the same grade for more than a season/year?

Answer: In seasons 1 and 2 they are in 10th grade, season 3 they are in 11th and in season 4 they are in 12th.

Answer: Yes. This is commonly done in many shows.

Super Grover

100 Light Years From Home - S5-E19

Plot hole: At the end of the episode, Dawson is seated in the kitchen talking to Pacey in a normally loud voice. At the same time, Joey and Charlie are awake and talking in the pup tent in the living room, very close to the kitchen. Later in the Season we learn that Joey had no idea Dawson had driven down to Florida to see her, as apparently he left without seeing or talking to her. But being in such close proximity that morning; there is no way Joey would not have been able to hear Dawson's voice as he talked with Pacey. The living room was close enough to the kitchen, so it doesn't make sense that Joey wouldn't have known Dawson was there and if she did-she would have gone to talk to him.

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Jen: Cute.
Jack: Gay.
Jen: Aren't they all?

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