Dawson's Creek

Dawson's Creek (1998)

4 mistakes in ...Must Come to an End (2)

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...Must Come to an End (2) - S6-E24

Revealing mistake: Immediately after Jen dies in the hospital room, Grams wakes up and notices something is wrong. She stands up and checks Jen's pulse, using Jen's left wrist. You can see a clear small marking/line of some kind on Jen's wrist, and Grams slides her fingers directly over this mark to check the pulse. Apparently the mark was a cue for Grams to know where exactly to place her fingers in the scene.

...Must Come to an End (2) - S6-E24

Audio problem: During the narrative for the Season Finale, second half, Paul Stupin the Executive Producer is talking about Joey and Pacey's romance in the show. He mentions that they went on an "epic journey on a sailboat all over the world." He's a bit mistaken; as when Joey and Pacey went sailing at the end of Season 3, they sailed from Massachussetts down the Eastern Coast to Florida and back again. It was hardly "all over the world". (01:04:45)

...Must Come to an End (2) - S6-E24

Audio problem: During the Season Finale Narrative, second half- Creator Kevin Williamson mentions that The Kiss between Doug and Jack on the beach was "the second gay kiss in the show". He's a bit mistaken, as this was actually the 4th gay kiss in the entire series. Jack kissed Ethan in Season 3, Toby in Season 4, David in Season 6, and Doug in the Season Finale. (01:36:00)

Jen: Do you remember when you were ten and your Mom wouldn't get you that candy bar that you really, really wanted? Didn't you ever just... Swipe it?
Dawson: No.

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Pilot (aka Emotions in Motion) - S1-E1

Trivia: There was an alternate scene filmed for the Pilot Presentation, where Tamara is first introduced in the Video Store with Pacey and Dawson. In this alternate scene; the location was an actual Video Store located in Southport, about 50 miles away from Wilmington, NC. They decided to reshoot the scene using a smaller Video Store in Wilmington that didn't look like a chain. Once the show was picked up for a Series, they needed a Video Store location that they could use easily every week. Also, in the alternate scene Tamara is wearing a more conservative outfit of black that covered her quite a bit. They put her in a much sexier dress for the aired version. Tamara's wardrobe and the location were changed to give a better tone to the show.

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...Must Come to an End (2) - S6-E24

Question: The ending scene of the Series Finale shows Joey and Pacey apparently living together in a high-rise apartment. The TV looks the same as her NYC apartment, and there is a beautiful window view of lighted high-rise buildings and a harbor or bay. The question is - is this Boston or NYC? Are they living in her previous NYC apartment, or did they find a new place together in nearby Boston? It looked to me more like Boston, but Pacey had just started his restaurant business in Capeside and that is an hour away. Where are they living at the end of the series? It was vague to me.

Answer: It's the same apartment Joey had in NYC. Comparing it to the beginning of the Finale; you can tell it's exactly the same location, furnishings, Plasma TV etc. Apparently Chris was only living with her at HER apartment, and now Pacey has taken his place at the end. I guess this implies Pacey successfully started his own restaurant business in NYC as he had dreamed, to be with Joey.

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