Dawson's Creek
Dawson's Creek mistake picture

Future Tense - S4-E4

Continuity mistake: When Pacey picks Joey up to carrying her out of the party, he puts her over his right shoulder. In the next shot, just before they go out the door, she is carried over his left shoulder.


Dawson's Creek mistake picture

Future Tense - S4-E4

Continuity mistake: During this episode, Jack injures his left shoulder playing football and has to wear a sling the entire time. Every single time Jack is shown, he is wearing a blue sling on his left arm, with the supporting strap across his right shoulder (to provide diagonal support), except once. During the party scene when Jack is talking to Dawson - the blue sling is suddenly over his right arm, with the supporting strap across his left shoulder. This scene was actually shot with the sling on the correct arm, but was "flipped" to make it fit with the direction of the next scene to follow. (00:29:45 - 00:33:40)

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Suggested correction: Actually, it shows her taking it off and continuing to talk to Jack.

Dawson's Creek mistake picture

Future Tense - S4-E4

Continuity mistake: When Jen is helping drunk Joey down from her seat on the dock, in some shots Jen is holding her hand to help her down, and in other shots she has her hand around Joey's waist.


Dawson's Creek mistake picture

Coming Home - S4-E1

Continuity mistake: When Joey and Pacey are on the boat Coming Home, look closely at Pacey's hair under the cap he is wearing. It is longer/thicker hair, and appears to be layered somewhat on the sides and back of the neck. A little later when Joey and Pacey have docked in Capeside and are getting off the boat, Pacey's hair is suddenly cut very short/close to the head, and does not look like it did under the cap on the boat. (00:00:50 - 00:05:05)

Dawson's Creek mistake picture

Coming Home - S4-E1

Continuity mistake: When Joey and Pacey are talking on the dock just after arriving back in Capeside, Joey's hair changes instantly from being swept behind her right shoulder and behind her back, to sitting in front of both shoulders.


Dawson's Creek mistake picture

Coming Home - S4-E1

Revealing mistake: In the first scene, Pacey says something like see I think we should probably drop anchor here, have a bite to eat (and other things)... As he's walking around the boat, the camera shifts over and you can see two ropes that indicate the boat is already anchored or docked to something.


100 Light Years From Home - S5-E19

Plot hole: At the end of the episode, Dawson is seated in the kitchen talking to Pacey in a normally loud voice. At the same time, Joey and Charlie are awake and talking in the pup tent in the living room, very close to the kitchen. Later in the Season we learn that Joey had no idea Dawson had driven down to Florida to see her, as apparently he left without seeing or talking to her. But being in such close proximity that morning; there is no way Joey would not have been able to hear Dawson's voice as he talked with Pacey. The living room was close enough to the kitchen, so it doesn't make sense that Joey wouldn't have known Dawson was there and if she did-she would have gone to talk to him.

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Jen: Do you remember when you were ten and your Mom wouldn't get you that candy bar that you really, really wanted? Didn't you ever just... Swipe it?
Dawson: No.

More quotes from Dawson's Creek

Parental Discretion Advised - S2-E22

Trivia: Paul Stupin mentions this true story while discussing the show during the narrative for this episode. Once when Joshua Jackson (who played Pacey) was out swimming at night, there was a girl who was caught in some currents. He jumped in the water, swam out and brought the girl to safety. Joshua made the local newspapers as a "hero", and was known around Wilmington as 'the guy who saved the drowning girl'. The show also had a big ceremony on the set, where they gave Joshua a life preserver in honor of his heroic deeds. (00:06:10)

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Answer: Pacey.

Nick N.

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