Dawson's Creek

Dawson's Creek (1998)

55 mistakes in season 4

(10 votes)

Coming Home - S4-E1

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Joey and Pacey have arrived back at Capeside, and are getting things ready to get off the "True Love," in one shot you can see the microphone clipped to the back of Joey's shorts.

Dawson's Creek mistake picture

Future Tense - S4-E4

Continuity mistake: When Pacey picks Joey up to carrying her out of the party, he puts her over his right shoulder. In the next shot, just before they go out the door, she is carried over his left shoulder.


Dawson's Creek mistake picture

Future Tense - S4-E4

Continuity mistake: During this episode, Jack injures his left shoulder playing football and has to wear a sling the entire time. Every single time Jack is shown, he is wearing a blue sling on his left arm, with the supporting strap across his right shoulder (to provide diagonal support), except once. During the party scene when Jack is talking to Dawson - the blue sling is suddenly over his right arm, with the supporting strap across his left shoulder. This scene was actually shot with the sling on the correct arm, but was "flipped" to make it fit with the direction of the next scene to follow. (00:29:45 - 00:33:40)

Season 4 generally

Factual error: In the opening credits of season 3 and season 4, when all of them are on the swing, you can see a palm tree in the background. If the show takes place in Massachusetts, why would there be a palm tree? Palm trees don't grow in Massachusetts.

The Graduate - S4-E22

Plot hole: When Pacey and Andie are talking at the Senior Party, she excitedly mentions that he will be in the Caribbean that Summer. Pacey says that Andie would be in Florence, Italy. This doesn't make sense, because at that point in the episode, none of Andie's friends knew she was returning to stay in Italy. In fact, later during the graduation ceremony, Andie is talking to her brother Jack. He is the first person she tells the news to, and even says, "I haven't told anyone else this". So how would Pacey know the night before that Andie had decided to stay in Italy longer? (00:30:45 - 00:37:25)

Two Gentlemen of Capeside - S4-E3

Plot hole: When the storm hits the Capeside Yacht Club, Andie takes charge and tells Mrs. Valentine to write down two phone numbers and call Dawson's parents, and Jen's grandmother. But she forgets completely about Joey and Pacey, both of whom are in harm's way, especially Pacey. Seems illogical she would have Mrs. Valentine call about two of the people out at sea, but not the other two. Joey's family and Pacey's family would also be concerned.

Coming Home - S4-E1

Continuity mistake: When Joey and Pacey are talking on the dock just after arriving back in Capeside, Pacey has a bag over his left shoulder. In shots from in front the bag's strap is folded over itself, but in shots from behind it lies flat on his shoulder.


Coming Home - S4-E1

Plot hole: Dawson mentions to everyone on the beach, that he and Jack have to go paint their 'last home of the season', implying they have been earning money by painting homes around Capeside. However, when Dawson and Jack stop by the hardware store to get supplies, Dawson picks out a metal handle for the paint rollers. Paint and new rollers makes sense, but if they have indeed painted other houses that Summer, he probably wouldn't need a more substantial piece of equipment as the heavy duty metal paint roller handle. He would already have one.

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Suggested correction: Actually, it shows her taking it off and continuing to talk to Jack.

Two Gentlemen of Capeside - S4-E3

Plot hole: While out at sea, Jen and Pacey get slammed by the storm. So Pacey decides to take shelter at a small cove that he and Dawson had once used to wait out a storm. Pacey and Jen make it safely to the cove, and wait on the boat in fear of being capsized or drowning. If they are in a cove, and close to shore-why wouldn't they go on land to wait out the storm where they would be safer than in a boat that could be capsized or flooded? They could have probably swam a few feet to get to the shore, since they were already in a small cove that was near land. When Pacey was steering the boat into the cove; there was a noticable man-made jetty they were very close to, so obviously they were within close range of solid land.

Coming Home - S4-E1

Continuity mistake: Gram's kitchen in previous Seasons had orange walls, and the cabinets were painted with avocado green and orange centers. (Except for the Pilot Presentation, where the cabinets were painted all green). However, in this scene the walls are still orange but the cabinets have been suddenly changed to avocado green and yellow centers. (00:15:35)

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - S4-E9

Plot hole: During the Leery's Christmas party, Jen asks Jack which colleges he applied to in her name. He replies: Bard, Brown, Columbia, Emerson, Sarah Lawrence, and BU (Boston University). But later in this season, Jen goes to visit NYC because she was accepted into the University of New York. How could she have been accepted there when she never applied? Jack didn't apply for her there, and she didn't fill out any college applications herself.

The Graduate - S4-E22

Revealing mistake: When Doug stops Pacey on the street to talk to him, Pacey turns to face Doug (and the camera). You can see at this point, the microphone sticking out from Pacey's upper shirt. (00:04:25)

Coming Home - S4-E1

Visible crew/equipment: In the very beginning, when Joey and Pacey are on the boat Coming Home, there are a few closeups of Pacey that show a small microphone jutting out the material of his shirt, right under his collar. (00:01:05)

Dawson's Creek mistake picture

Future Tense - S4-E4

Continuity mistake: When Jen is helping drunk Joey down from her seat on the dock, in some shots Jen is holding her hand to help her down, and in other shots she has her hand around Joey's waist.


Jen: What about you, Joe? Are you a virgin?
Joey: You kidding? Years ago. Trucker named Bubba.

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Pilot (aka Emotions in Motion) - S1-E1

Trivia: There was an alternate scene filmed for the Pilot Presentation, where Tamara is first introduced in the Video Store with Pacey and Dawson. In this alternate scene; the location was an actual Video Store located in Southport, about 50 miles away from Wilmington, NC. They decided to reshoot the scene using a smaller Video Store in Wilmington that didn't look like a chain. Once the show was picked up for a Series, they needed a Video Store location that they could use easily every week. Also, in the alternate scene Tamara is wearing a more conservative outfit of black that covered her quite a bit. They put her in a much sexier dress for the aired version. Tamara's wardrobe and the location were changed to give a better tone to the show.

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...Must Come to an End (2) - S6-E24

Question: The ending scene of the Series Finale shows Joey and Pacey apparently living together in a high-rise apartment. The TV looks the same as her NYC apartment, and there is a beautiful window view of lighted high-rise buildings and a harbor or bay. The question is - is this Boston or NYC? Are they living in her previous NYC apartment, or did they find a new place together in nearby Boston? It looked to me more like Boston, but Pacey had just started his restaurant business in Capeside and that is an hour away. Where are they living at the end of the series? It was vague to me.

Answer: It's the same apartment Joey had in NYC. Comparing it to the beginning of the Finale; you can tell it's exactly the same location, furnishings, Plasma TV etc. Apparently Chris was only living with her at HER apartment, and now Pacey has taken his place at the end. I guess this implies Pacey successfully started his own restaurant business in NYC as he had dreamed, to be with Joey.

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