Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Answer: The coyote may be a metaphor for Vincent's life. A lone predator lost in a world that doesn't understand him.

Answer: In many Native American cultures, seeing a coyote cross the road ahead of you means bad luck. So I think he knows everything is going to go south.

Question: I understand why Jigsaw targeted Adam and Lawrence, it's stated in the film. But why Zep? He was shown earlier to actually care for his patient.

Answer: Jigsaw described Zep as having "issues of his own". Zep was guilty in Jigsaw's vision. Zep talked about all the doctors, behind their back and claiming they all had affairs and especially calling Dr Gordon a cold hearted bastard. Jigsaw noticed also that Zep wasted his life with hopeless dreams of becoming a doctor, a dream that would never become true because Zep himself never really attempted to fulfill his goals. And as you know, one of the most important principles that Jigsaw wants to teach people, is how they should appreciate their lives and not waste them. That's why he had "Zep" tested, because he felt Zep wasted his life on useless dreams.

And just because Zep was fond of Jigsaw didn't mean he was exempt from the game.

Question: Does anyone know the name of the song played in the very beginning of the movie (intro with the police cars)?

Answer: It's "What the Hell Have I?" by Alice in Chains. Megadeth's "Angry Again" is what is played for the opening credits of "Jack Slater IV."


Answer: It is Angry Again by Megadeth.


Question: How does Jill find out about the T-virus and its effects? I don't think they ever explained it in the movie.

Answer: The newspaper clippings we see in her apartment at the start refer to a 'mansion incident' - this in fact relates to the events of the first Resident Evil game, when Jill and other STARS members were trapped in a mansion overrun with the T-Virus. By the end of the game Jill knows exaclty what the T-Virus is and what its effects are.

Even though it mentions it in the newspaper clippings in the movie she wasn't even at the Mansion so therefore she wouldn't have known about the t-virus in the movie.

She was at the mansion prior to the events of Apocalypse, and one of the first ones to know about the virus before it hit Raccoon City.

Answer: Just one that looks similar.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: Harry received nothing. Andy (Pierce Brosnan's character) was using him the entire time to embezzle the funds the government had given to the "silent opposition."

Question: It is mentioned that at the end of Scream and Scream 2 there is a flash of a ghost mask, implying a sequel. i have looked hard but can't see one in either film, where are they?

Answer: After the first section of the credits (in which the major stars are shown with a screenshot), the screen fades to black for a moment and then there's a music sting and a flash of the ghostface mask.


Question: Why didn't the elves let everyone go to the undying lands? That way no one would die from Mordor's armies. In fact everyone would be happy there.

Answer: The Elves had no say in the matter. The Undying Lands were created for the Elves by the gods, who decided who was allowed in; the only non-Elves allowed were Bilbo, Frodo and Sam (as Ringbearers) and Gimli (due to his participation in the Fellowship and friendship with Legolas).


Question: I'm still not sure how Anna died, all I saw was the werewolf leaping on her. Then when we see her body I couldn't see any bite marks or wounds that would explain exactly how he killed her.

Answer: Could be one of a few things. The impact may have broken her neck. Or when the werewolf jumped and smashed her into a piece of furniture (or whatever it was) it's possible that she was crushed and was killed by it. Or even shock.

Oh yeah? What about one the bride throwing her on the walls with so much power that a car crush is nothing compared.

My thoughs exactly.

Question: What was the name of the song playing during the battle between Rabbit and Lotto?

Answer: The song is called "Last days" and is performed by Onyx.


Question: On the DVD audio commentary,when all the actors are introducing himself. Sean Astin introduces himself as 'a well fed Sean Penn.' Why?

Answer: He resembles Sean Penn only fatter.


Question: In the Fellowship it shows Isildur dead in the water from some arrows and then the Ring falling into the water. In the RotK it shows Deagol picking up the Ring in the water. Where exactly is this?

Answer: This takes place in an area referred to as the Gladden Fields, which is where the Gladden River meets the Great River Anduin (the river that the Fellowship travel on by boat), some distance to the north of Galadriel's realm of Lorien.


Answer: As seen in the Extended Edition, their primary reason is to talk to Saruman and to find out what he knows. While they would know by that point that the Ents are up to something - the appearance of the Huorns at Helm's Deep (Two Towers Extended) would tell them that - it's not likely that they'd actually know that the Ents had attacked Isengard. They might strongly suspect that something had happened there, but it's not likely that they actually knew for certain.


Question: Near the start of the film when the woman who throws herself off the building is being chased up the steps, she gets bitten on her lower left arm and another bite just appears on the top of her same arm. I never saw how she got this. Did she get bitten again?

Answer: Yes, she gets bitten twice.

Question: At the beginning of the movie, who is the guy who tells someone he cannot imagine Chow Yun Fat playing Madman?

Answer: That is Matt Wagnerm, creator of the "Madman" comic series.

Marooned - S3-E2

Question: Why was there dog food on board in the first place? I thought that Red Dwarf wasn't meant to have any animals on board- so why was it needed?

Answer: It's entirely possible there were animals on board. Lister mentions lab mice, there could have been other lab animals too, or pets. Lister got in trouble with the cat because it hadn't been quarantined or vaccinated.

Answer: Jason is the son of Elias and Pamela Sue Voorhees.


Question: I have not seen this film but have heard that at one point Jack Black sings the Bruce Dickinson song 'Tears Of The Dragon'. Is this true? There is nothing on the IMDb.

Answer: The song isn't on the soundtrack, and I can't find anywhere in the film where Jack sings lyrics that even sound like Tears. I don't think it's true.

Question: At the beginning at the movie, there is a scene with Val Kilmer using a red/pink t-shirt and it is very visible a swelling in the elbow of his left arm. Can anyone tell me what is that?

Answer: It's an injury he picked up while working on "The Doors". One scene required him to dive off a stage, and the director had him repeat this many times. During one take, he landed quite heavily on his left elbow, which caused a permanent swelling.

It's actually Olecranon Bursitis.

Question: In Highlander The Sorcerer, Conner had adopted a son. Anyone know what happened to him as in Endgame, Conner gets killed?

Answer: It's hard to say. Since the series totally ignores "Highlander 2" some assume that they also ignored "Highlander 3." But if you don't like that idea, you can probably assume he's off at college with his own life, or maybe even been killed by Jacob Kell.

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