Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What does the saying "Why don't you make like a tree, and get out of here", mean?

Answer: It's a way of saying "scram" or "get lost." But Biff is so dim, he doesn't realize he's saying it wrong; the expression is "make like a tree and leaf", with the joke being that "leaf" is meant to sound like "leave."

Cubs Fan

Question: After the robbery and once the dust settled (business was back-to-normal at the bank, etc.) why did the bank president not immediately go to open the safety deposit box and see what happened to its contents? He knew it was the target of the robbery. Reason would dictate that one of the first things he would have done would be to open the box and see what was there... Not leave it to the NYPD to open it and discover a mostly empty box except for the big ring, chewing gum and note.

Answer: The aforementioned answer fails to keep in mind he is the owner of the bank and could've have done this hours before the bank was opened and or hours after the bank was opened. Dalton spent 3 days behind the wall. Mr Case had a special fixer, and she had the mayor in her pocket. It is a reasonable assumption that a billionaire like Aruthur Case would be able to have the contents of his safety deposit box removed with little to no problem. One way is "yes Mr. Mayor I will be giving you a blank check for your reelection campaign." The issue is this was a major plot hole that almost ruined a otherwise great and well thought out movie.

Answer: Arthur Case did not want anyone to know about the safe deposit box or what was in it. In fact, the box's number had been left off the bank records. The police did not immediately know if anything had been stolen during the robbery. Case going to the bank to check on the box, would only have drawn attention to it. The contents, the diamonds, were a link to Case's criminal Nazi past that he wanted kept hidden. It was only by chance that Detective Frazier discovered the box and the clues that had been left inside it by Dalton Russell.


Question: What happened to Terry, Tommy, Karp, Peter and Tammy?

Answer: Their absence is never explained so it can be assumed they either moved away, lost an interest in hockey, or couldn't participate for some other reason. Terry's brother Jesse is still on the team so he probably hasn't moved.


Answer: It is not specifically explained in the film, and at the end Thor believes Vision is worthy, whilst Stark and Rogers debate whether it is because he is an android rather than being "alive" that he can wield it. One possible explanation is that Vision does not have any ill intentions, even saying that he is too naive to even know if he is a monster or not. Because of this he could be said to be "pure" and therefore worthy of using Mjolnir.

Question: Does the escape sequence at the start of the film take place before the events of Firefly, or was River captured after Firefly, and the opening sequence is her and Simon being rescued by Serenity?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: It is backstory, before the events of Firefly. So why does the agent only start looking for them after the events of Firefly? Mostly to give the movie a plot for audiences unfamiliar with the show.

Kenneth Brown

Answer: To add to the other answer, the reason the "Operative" has only just started looking for River is answered in a comic book that was released entitled "Serenity: Those Left Behind." (The comics are all supervised by Joss Whedon, and are officially considered canonical.) In the comic, which takes place between the series and film, the "Blue Hands" from the show make their move and try to capture River, but are thwarted and killed. That's when the Alliance sends in the (much more dangerous) Operative, leading to the events of the film.


Answer: The record is the song, "Merry Go-Round Broke Down, " known to most of us as the "Looney Toons" theme. That was Judge Doom's first clue that Roger could be around. We don't see who started the record playing, but it was probably the eponymous rabbit, himself. If so, he would have left his scent on the record, which the supremely evil Judge Doom could have picked up by sniffing the vinyl.

Michael Albert

Question: In the flashback of Vito Corleone's return to Corleone, Sicily with his young family, his wife is shown holding a baby in a bonnet in several scenes. On the train he is talking to an older child and calling him Michael. Who is the baby?

Answer: The baby would be Connie Corleone, sister to Sonny, Fredo, and Michael. She was the youngest child, though Michael was the youngest of the brothers.


Show generally

Question: There is an episode that I can't remember which one. Buddy Castano is begging Anthony to go on a delivery and being very annoying. He does not stop talking and he says out loud,"Silence! Silence! Silence." He leaves the car as Anthony delivers the cake and starts talking on the phone to a friend saying how stupid Anthony is for not letting him go inside. Once Anthony finds him Buddy says, "I'm in the mood for sushi."

Question: I have four questions; First, just out of curiosity but considering how easily the skelly guys break apart, then wouldn't they have instantly done that from jumping from a cliff? Second, when the Black Knight Ghost enters the TV station, how was the signal lost? All he did was enter, speak, look around and then the signal was lost so, how did that happen? Third, what's the name of the song playing when the gang arrive at their old clubhouse? Fourth, what's the name of the song playing when the gang are reversing the control panel?

Answer: Four answers; (1) Yes, but as we see later in the film, they are easily eligible to rebuild themselves back up into full shape. (2) We we later find out she's The Masked Figure, so it's reasonable he/she had a plan in mind. (3) The second song is just one that the crew members made up, but the first song is called "Circle Backwards" by Mark Provart.

Question: Roy Scheider, in the first Jaws film, wears a unique brand of aviator frames, which do not appear in Jaws 2, or anywhere else for that matter - they are very distinctive in that they have a thicker border than ordinary aviator frames from that time, and the edges of the metal are beveled... What glasses are these? What brand? What model?

Answer: RayBan.

Question: In the credits at the end, there is a Volturi scene where Aro reads a message written by his receptionist "Swwwweet Bianca." He points out that she spelt Carlisle's name incorrectly, then he gestures to the guards, to take her away and kill her. Of the note, he says, "First, it's the spelling, then the grammar." What does this mean? (What does he mean by "then the grammar"?).

Answer: He's merely justifying why Bianca should be killed. While reading the note, he notes that she misspelled "Carlisle", then surmises she'll also make grammar errors. Aro does not tolerate imperfections, has little regard for human life, and most likely intended to dispose of her.


Chosen answer: The song is called "Underground" by David Bowie. It is preceded by music listed on the soundtrack album simply as "Opening Titles."

Michael Albert

Question: After Capt Miller gets briefed on his new mission to rescue Pvt Ryan and enlists Upham for the mission, there is a long shot of the beach. What are those Zeppelin-like things that are floating around, tied to the ground? What are they good for? (00:39:50)

Answer: These were barrage balloons, commonly used during the war. They are used to stop low level bombing and low level fly bys by enemy fighter planes. The cables attached to the balloons are designed to cut through the wings of the aircraft and to bring them down, so any pilot would have to fly above them, and the balloons would also restrict the view from above.

Question: Even despite the extreme circumstances as presented in this movie, does any producer or director of any live show have any real control over whether a network goes to commercial or not?

Neil Jones

Chosen answer: Yes. Any live show can go to commercial at any time. It's a way to have a check against things going wrong.

Greg Dwyer

Pilot - S1-E1

Question: How does Abraham know to go to the Connecticut Coast to sell his cabbage? I get that he was looking to sell it on the black market and was surprised to find his friend. But it seems his trip was unplanned and due to Anna's husband being arrested. And it seems he had no signal or password to find the buyer/black market dealer.


Question: Were the headphones that Evan Peters wore in the Pentagon escape scene available in 1973?

Answer: If you're referring to the behind-the-head headphones, NO! They were introduced in 1997:

Question: When Eddie was running back to the Symbiote, why didn't Peter just web pull him back? He was able to web pull Aunt May back when she was falling from the building during the bank robbery scene of "Spider-Man 2."

Answer: Not enough time.


Question: Why does Bellatrix accuse Dobby of defying his "masters"? Surely she would have heard from Narcissa, Draco, or Lucius that he no longer serves the family.

Answer: That would hardly matter to Bellatrix. She would look at Dobby as an inferior being who was fit only to serve wizards. She likely considers him to still be the Malfoy's possession, despite Harry's freeing him. Most wizards see their race as "masters" to all house-elves and other non-human sentient beings, regardless of whether or not they were free.


Question: During the conversation between Magneto and John on the X-Jet, why did Magneto refer to "The X-Men" as the real bad guys? Didn't he try to kill Rogue in the previous movie?

Answer: Because the X-Men are his enemies. Magneto does not see himself as the bad guy.


Since Magneto and Xavier were formerly best friends, and he knows that Xavier formed the X-Men, he doesn't really consider them to be "the real bad guys" they are just obstacles in his way. He will always consider humanity to be "the real bad guys" and in the context of the film, his helmet is the only thing that would protect him from Stryker's corrupted version of Cerebro.

Question: When Michael Palin is thrown into the fiery pit, he is either saying Yeeeoohhhhhhh or Yelllowwwww (meaning that was his favourite colour). Despite watching it many times, I'm still not sure which one it does anyone know?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: It's kind of both. He says "Blue", then realises he got it wrong and starts to say "No, yellow!" but then screams as he is thrown into the pit, so it's like "Blue. No, yell. Ooooooohhhhh!"


Answer: There was once a published Script. It was Yellow. The joke was he died because he changed his mind mid-answer.

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