Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Maybe I didn't pay attention when I last saw this film, but when the IMF traitor reveals to Ethan that the Julia in front of him is Davian's translator disguised as her, he says that she (the translator) failed Davian at the Vatican. How exactly did she fail him? Did I miss something?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: It's stated that she's not just a translator, she's actually Davian's head of security. Given that he was snatched by Ethan's team on her watch, the depth of her failure is quite clear.


The White Knight - S1-E3

Question: In this episode, Link is in a town that is attacked by an Octoroc and several large minions that appear to be a red and white knight in armor sort of thing. Link attacks and calls them by their name. It sounds like he is saying Tin Suits. But I am unsure. And there is no option for captions or subtitles on the DVD. Is Tin Suits what he says or is he calling them something else?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: He does in fact call them Tinsuits.


Question: When Liz uses her fire, it incinerates everything around her. How does it not burn off her own clothing?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Her jewelry does not melt either because the fire wraps around her and shoots outward enveloping her and her clothes and jewelry in a safe environment that allows her to breathe without burning the air going into her lungs. Plus if it burned her clothes it would get an R rating.

Chosen answer: According to Hellboy, He said "Hey, you on the other side. Let her go. Because for her, I'll cross over. And then you'll be sorry." Either he actually said that, or cast a spell. It is unclear.


Question: Reverse Flash has time-travelled numerous times in the comic books, and in the movie Flash even mentions to Batman that he can travel through time. Yet apparently when Reverse Flash time-travels, there are virtually no other changes to history except for what he wanted to happen (e.g., murder Iris, etc.). Is it ever mentioned in the comics that Reverse Flash has a greater level of mastery over time-travel, whereby he can do it without causing a "time-boom" and completely altering history?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: In the comics it is explained there are points in time that can not be changed, "solidified time", while other points are fluid and can be changed without any consequences. Thawne does not have any more mastery over time then Barry does, but understands it far better.


Question: After Jack is saved by Drone 166, Jack picks up a book and looks at it. But for a brief moment as he picks it up, a bright blue light reflects on his arm and the book. What is that blue light?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: From the beginning of the movie you can see this light on his jacket wrist. Must some tech stuff, maybe for his vitals or for communication.

Anastasios Anastasatos

Answer: No reason is given.

Michael Albert

Question: Fagin and the gang want Oliver back out of fear that he might tell about them. But there are some things I don't understand. 1. How long Oliver had been with Brownlow is unknown (Bill says it had been three days since he saw him during the "Who Will Buy" song), but since no police had arrived at the hideout during that time, surely they'd think Oliver hadn't said anything by now. 2. And even if they did think the above, why would they still think Oliver might say something later on? (01:34:50 - 01:37:00)


Chosen answer: They're probably concerned because he's a child. He might unintentionally say something without meaning to, or after some time has passed and more is learned about Oliver's past life at Fagin's hideout, it's conceivable he might be questioned more intensely. A child would likely give more information under pressure.


Question: In the scene where Helen tries to shoot the bad guys and drops the gun down the steps and the gun is firing by itself shooting everyone, one of the bad guys has a hold of Harry, Harry says one word to the guy that makes him let him go before they both get shot, what is it Harry says?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: He just exclaims, "Shit!" It's not what he says that makes the henchman let him go, it's that they both realize that if they don't find cover they'll both likely be shot by this random, firing Uzi.

Question: In the film Elaine is going around taking dinner orders on paper like a waitress which has never been the way airlines do it. They bring the cart down the aisle and then ask what you want. So my question is, is this an in-joke, a goof, or did some airlines really do it this way back then?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Airlines have done this in the past. Remember that back in the late 70's when this was filmed, flying was still somewhat of a rare occasion for a lot of people, and airlines treated customers much better.


Chosen answer: Completely, yes, although Cage neglected to inform anybody that he was planning to do it until they started shooting, so he got some very odd looks at first until they figured out what he was up to.


Chosen answer: This is Dick Grayson who will later become Nightwing.


Question: When Barbara tells Batman that she is Batgirl, he responds saying ""That's PC" and suggests other names. What did he mean by it's PC?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: "Politically Correct." He's joking with her.


Chosen answer: The chemical properties of diamonds enhance the laser beams that cool his suit.


Question: How did Poison Ivy automatically know what her blood was made of, her skin changed to, and her lips filled with when she rose back up?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: She essentially became one with plant life. So she became fully aware of what was now in her body just from being.


Question: After Chase tells Batman that she's in love with someone else, Bruce Wayne decides to give up being Batman. What exactly would make him decide this? Especially with Gotham currently under a terror spree from Riddler and Two Face.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Because he wants to be with Chase and he realizes that she would rather be with Bruce Wayne than Batman.

Chosen answer: The box can steal other peoples' thoughts and their intelligence, beaming that information into the Riddler's and Two Face's minds.


Chosen answer: It's never specifically stated, but he is supposed to be a minor, which would probably make him around 16 or 17-years-of-age. Bruce Wayne becomes his guardian after Dick's parents are killed.


Question: When Uncle Ben says to Peter "hey Michelangelo, don't forget we're painting the kitchen later", Peter says "sure thing, don't start without me" and Uncle Ben says "and don't start up with me", can anyone please tell me what "don't start up with me" means?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: It's another way of saying "Don't be a smart ass."

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Instead of Frank giving the wallet with the fingerprints to John in the future, why didn't Frank just give the wallet to the police in his own time?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: They couldn't be sure that the police wouldn't lose it or turn it in when the owner showed up. Or, since we find out that the killer is a cop, he could have just taken it back from evidence.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Too much explaining would have to be done by Frank. The police would ask why he would want his wallet scanned for prints. Plus remember they were on a time frame. Julia was going to be killed in a week, and they were trying to save the other girls as well. Quicker just to get the wallet to john, and he would go scan for fingerprints right away.


Answer: Plus, they didn't have some of the technology in Frank's time as they had in John's.

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