Teen Titans

Chosen answer: This is Dick Grayson who will later become Nightwing.


Chosen answer: No, she is not.


Chosen answer: It is located in California, as shown in "Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo". Possibly San Francisco as seen in the comics.


Show generally

Question: In several series/movies, Cyborg is shown as part of the Justice League. He is part of it when it Justice League is first formed as shown in the upcoming movie, Justice League: War. though in that one he is made only a day or so before. Usually he is a grown man in he Justice League. Yet here he is in the Teen Titans. Is it supposed to be that Cyborg joins the Justice League after he leaves the Teen Titans?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: In recent years, the comics introduced Cyborg as a member of the Justice League. This was after his many years as a Teen Titan. In the rebooted DC Universe (known as the New 52) Cyborg is a founding member of the Justice League, and was never a part of the Teen Titans.


Terra - S2-E3

Question: Why did Terra betray the Titans even though they were good to her?

Answer: Her powers were out of control and the only one who knew about this was Beast Boy, and he promised to keep it a secret. Robin wanted her to join them and learn to control her powers and this upset her because she believed that Beast Boy broke his promise and told the other Titans about her powers.

How Long Is Forever? - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: When Raven telekinetically reassembles the broken chime bead necklace, it has about nine beads and is rather tight, but before and after that the necklaces feature about 13 or 14 beads and are wide enough to fit around the others' necks.

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Wavelength - S3-E8

Cyborg: Please. They're not just plans. They're me. Everything I am! my body, my brain, my feelings ...
Bumblebee: Relax! I only read the sonic cannon stuff. - And a few memory files about the big crush you had on Jinx.

More quotes from Teen Titans

Date With Destiny - S2-E6

Trivia: When Starfire jumps in front of the monitor, yelling at Kitten, in a "semi-chibi" form, if you look closely, you can see that her breasts jiggle up and down. There is even a bouncy sound effect for it. This is the only time that Starfire's (or any female character's) breasts move in the entire show.

More trivia for Teen Titans

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