Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Wouldn't Burt and his wife get in trouble for having all the weapons in their house? Even in later movies, there is no sign they got in trouble and Burt continued to have all these big weapons on hand.


Chosen answer: No, there's nothing illegal about any of the weapons they owned. Some of them may have required a Class 3 firearms license, but even this is not difficult (just expensive) for a law-abiding citizen to obtain.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: In some parts of the US, especially in far-out desert towns, home arsenals like this are the norm. There is really no limit on how many firearms or ammo American's can own. Machine guns are illegal, but can be permitted. If you have any semi-auto firearm, it's not hard to convert to a machine gun. Albeit, the firearm will fail apart fairly quickly from the abuse.

Question: When Isabel answered Rusty's phone, what was the ring tone?


Chosen answer: It was "Pretty in Pink", originally sung by The Psychedelic Furs for the Molly Ringwald movie of the same title.

Question: Since I have never been in the military this is confusing. Does it make any sense that The President, a former fighter pilot, as well as General Grey would not know about Area 51? I find it hard to believe that Captain Steven Hiller would know about Area 51 but the 2 most powerful men in the U.S. would not.


Chosen answer: Hiller didn't know what Area 51 was, he just knew there was a base nearby, because he flew over it in battle. Recall his exchange with Russell Casse in the desert when they were picking him & the alien up; Casse said there's no base on the map, Hiller said it's there, he just flew over it. The base isn't named at that point by either Casse or Hiller.

Chosen answer: Did they? They are both still voiced by the same actors, so either A. you are imagining it, or B. they changed the voices slightly to make performing them every day easier.

Grumpy Scot

It's true. You can simply tell SpongeBob's voice from season 4 and onwards (in my opinion, downgradingly) changed to a higher pitch tone.

Answer: Also their voices might've changed due to their actors getting older.

Question: After they search Leary's hotel room, they find a piece of paper that says "SW SKELLUM LA." We learn that the SW stands for Southwest (a bank he was using) and SKELLUM is a phone number. What does the LA mean?

Paul Pepiton

Chosen answer: LA is short for Los Angeles, which refers to the city Leary attempts to assassinate the president in.

Jason Riley

Show generally

Question: Does anybody know of a website that will allow me to watch all the episodes of "Are You Afraid of the Dark"? I've found my favorite episode on some websites, but it's not an episode that is viewable. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Danelle Williams

Chosen answer: has almost every one of them.


Question: ***Question contains spoiler*** OK, maybe I'm dense, but what was the point of killing the kid? Was it just another scene designed to shock the audience?


Answer: The kids were beating on Beth. If she was beaten and bruised she's worth less money. So Sasha told the "leader" of the gang to choose one to die or he will.

Chosen answer: I think it was meant to show that there is a line that the kids can't cross - if they do, then one of them will get sacrificed...hence why the adult doesn't show any mercy in doing it, and the kids know that something nasty is about to happen.

Sam Johnson

Question: When Bill and Ted are captured by King Henry and his men, King Henry tells his men to put them in the "iron maiden" (or something to that fact). Bill and Ted get excited before King Henry tell his guards to execute them. What was the joke I missed? What is an iron maiden and what did Bill and Ted think it meant in order for them to get excited about it?


Chosen answer: In the time of King Henry, "iron maiden" was a torture device. To Bill and Ted "Iron Maiden" was a heavy metal band.


Question: The deadline for finishing the ark is September 22nd. Is there any particular reason why this date was used?

Answer: The Biblical new year began on the autumnal equinox, which falls on or around that date. The ancient Hebrews strove to get all their work done before the end of the year, to prepare for the High Holy Days that followed.

Answer: They're all human, just with various mystical alterations based on sea life. Known crewmen include Angler, Broondjongen, Clanker (who fights with the chain shot), Crash, Morey, Finnegan, Greenbeard (the navigator), Hadras (who has his head knocked off by Jack when retrieving the chest), Jelly, Jimmylegs (the feared bosun), Koleniko, Maccus (the first mate, with the hammerhead shark look), Manray, Ogilvey (the main gunner), Old Haddy, Palifico (Jones' principal bodyguard), Penrod, Piper, Quittance, Ratlin, the Twins (who appear joined), Urchin, Wheelback (with the ship's wheel sticking out of his back), Wyvern (the one who was almost entirely joined with the ship), and, of course, Bootstrap Bill (Will Turner's dad).


Question: I'm guessing that Evan can travel back to "memories" an infinite amount of times as he has been to the junkyard and the basement memories at least twice, but what I don't get is why, after he saw the horrible repercussions of giving Lenny the shard which led to the psychotic brother's death, why didn't Evan just NOT give Lenny the shard, but still give the bro the moving motivational speech that made him rethink the burning of the dog? Then the dog would be safe and the bro wouldn't be killed traumatically, damaging Kaylee? Why didn't he keep that bit that seemed to work out, but not give Lenny the weapon?

Answer: The point of the movie was that, no matter what he did and how he tried to change things, they always ended up bad. If he went back and did that, something unforseen would have happened to make things terrible. Evan realized that everything bad that happened to them was because of him. He then decided the only safe way to make things right is if he just took himself out of their lives all together. That's the logic the filmmakers went by, if you don't want to accept that, then you will just have to consider it a plot hole.

Answer: He is probably used to filming people in the best light and from the best angle, and even though he wasn't filming at the time, it may have annoyed him that Lisa was not properly posed or lit for a shot.


Question: Can you see the gemstones missing from the royal sword after Eisenheim holds it and secretly steals them? If you can still see them then Sophie must have taken them when The Crown Prince was passed out in the stable but I don't know which it is without seeing the scene.

Answer: You never see the sword closely enough to notice if Eisenheim took them during the performance. It is likely that he did not since this was a bit early in his planning (if he had started at all) and the Crown Prince could easily have noticed and replaced them or investigated that they were stolen. It is more likely than Sophie took them after the Crown Prince was passed out and then planted the green one in the stable and the red one in the folds of her dress.

Zwn Annwn

Answer: I'm no expert but I honestly thought the sword was wedged in a gap in the floor by the tip of the blade and slight pressure of foot on the floorboards would have clenched 2 boards together around the sword tip and then when the pressure released the sword comes out but the 2 sides of the floor boards slice one of the jewels off! Lol when you look at the floor with the tip of the sword there's a kind of optical illusion with the woodwork pattern but I'm probably completely wrong but I thoroughly enjoy the film it is truly magic the whole thing for me anyway. Greetings from Middle Earth.

Question: What is the significance of the singing in the beginning of the movie?

Answer: When this song is sung, it summons the pirate lords to hold another brethren court. This is why Beckett was hanging them all: to get them to sing, bringing all the pirates to one location where he could exterminate them all in one strike.


Question: How come the boy in the beginning of the film has one of the nine coins? Who is he? And since Elizabeth was waiting for Will to return to shore, does that make Will a free man and severed from his bonds from the ship? Lastly, how when Will took over as captain of the Dutchman, all the crew members resumed human forms again?

Answer: The "nine pieces of eight" were never actually coins. The boy just has a plain piece of eight, a fairly common coin. No, Will is not freed from the captaincy but he is allowed back on shore for 1 day every 10 years. The crew slowly became part "fish" when Davy Jones stopped conveying the souls of those who die at sea to the land of the dead. Since the Dutchman had a new captain, who had yet to fail in that duty, the "curse" was lifted.


Answer: It was said by one of the producers that Will could return back to Elizabeth and their son (forever) when he finished his first 10 Years on the Dutchman and that a new captain would have been found but for some reason they took this part out.

Question: How did V get thousands of Guy Fawkes masks manufactured and shipped on a train without the government knowing about it?

Answer: Those masks are mass produced anyway. They're novelties. He probably got them shipped through some sort of deceit, the same way he stole all the items in his home.


Question: The two girls that Danny asks to borrow the bike from, were they two of Kira's sisters?

Answer: No, just people hanging around. Kira was the only one of the sisters sent to earth.

Answer: Those were two different swords they had at the end. You can tell because when Broken Sword's weapon hits the sand when he drops it, you can clearly see the tapered point, not a broken edge.

Answer: it is not real but some one on youtube has ripped the song from the episode LINK:

Question: I'm a little confused about how Elizabeth's father dies. He mentions something about stabbing the heart when they see him in the row boat, but if he had stabbed it, wouldn't he be the captain of the Flying Dutchman?

Answer: He was murdered off-screen by the East India Company because he found out too much about their plans. His comment about stabbing the heart was merely him passing on one of the bits of information that he was killed for having discovered.


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