Question: In the scene where Vincent chases Max onto the subway, it appears they don't get on the same train. Am I missing something?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: I know that on most flights, the animals are stored in the bottom section with the luggage. If the plane crashed, how did Vincent the dog survive?
Answer: We know that the tail section of the plane was torn off in mid-air, which would have exposed the luggage section - luggage seems to have been scattered over a reasonably wide area, so it was presumably falling out from that point onwards. The most likely scenario is that Vincent's carrier was ejected before the actual impact and Vincent survived the fall to the ground (it seems that his carrier was damaged enough that he could get out).
Question: So if Leonard actually killed his wife, even though he denies it, did Sammy Jankins ever exist? And all of the times Sammy's wife asked Sammy to give her the insulin, did that actually happen with Leonard's wife, or did Leonard just give her the shots without her agreeing? And if he did kill his wife when he had the "condition", does it ever say where or when he really got it?
Answer: Sammy Jankis did exist, but Leonard exposed him for being the conman that he was; however Leonard conditions himself to remember this differently. Right after Leonard kills Jimmy, Leonard is insisting that "Sammy Jankis wasn't faking." Teddy retorts that "Sammy was a con-man, a faker," and says "You exposed him for what he was: a fraud." The implication is that Sammy Jankis was a fraud with a story similar to what actually happens to Leonard; Leonard conditions himself to remember it differently so that he can use this false memory of an innocent man with the same condition to help him do two things: not feel responsible for his wife's death, and also give his life purpose by consistently having a John G, who supposedly killed his wife, to search for.
However, if Leonard did accidentally kill his wife with insulin, it was after his injury. He wouldn't remember it. Removing pages from the police report indicating that she survived the original incident would have been enough to hide the truth from himself forever. No memory, no guilt.
Question: Paul Ruebens does the voice of Max but why in the credits does it say that the voice of Max was done by Paul Mall?
Answer: According to IMDB, Paul Mall is just another one of his names people know him by.
Answer: It was Paul Reubens' idea to use a pseudonym, so as to keep the voice of Max a mystery and to surprise any fans of his.
Question: I was just wondering what those things are that Charlie wears on his fingers. He wears them in the first few episodes, and writes stuff on them, and stops wearing them at about episode 6. They look kind of like plasters. I was just wondering if anyone knew what they were?
Answer: I think they are exactly that - plasters...a bit like someone who would wear a wristband saying hope/fate or something like that.
Question: What's the name of the "theme" song, the one played at the beginning of every episode?
Answer: It is a version of "A Little Less Conversation" by Elvis Presley.
Question: When Lister, Rimmer, and the Cat are waiting for the pregnancy test to change color, and Rimmer wants it to turn red, he cheers it on saying, "Come on you reds." Is this a cultural reference?
Answer: Sort of. A common colour for football teams in the U.K is Red (or blue). "Come on you reds!" is a chant sometimes shouted at football games in support of whatever team is wearing red at the time, although nowadays it's more of a "generic football chant" rather than something used heartily by fans of a certain team. Rimmer is just indicating he's hoping for a positive on the test, but pretending he's cheering for a football team (to break the joke down).
Question: Was the spirit of Peter Kirk aware that Karen was in the same house as him? I noticed twice that when the little boy looked at her so did Peter. Karen and Peter also bumped arms when he dropped something.
Answer: No, Peter was not aware of Karen. Toshio is the only one who sees her because he is dead. Peter looks when Toshio does because he's trying to see what Toshio is looking at, but sees nothing. When Karen and Peter bump arms, he still doesn't see her even though he feels a weird feeling.
Question: What's the song that plays at the very end, during the wedding dance?
Answer: "Now That We've Found Love" by Heavy D and the Boyz.
Question: I know the film is set in the 1920s, but did anyone see a specific year (i.e., 1925) mentioned anywhere in the film (in a newspaper, maybe)?
Answer: According to the story takes place in 1924. Link provided to confirm and more info:
Question: Why exactly is this film (and the book it was based upon) called "The Shining"?
Answer: It refers to the "gift" that Danny and Mr. Halloran shared as in this quote from Mr. Halloran: "I can remember when I was a little boy, my grandmother and I could hold conversations entirely without ever opening our mouths. She called it shining."
Question: When Charlie first goes into the cave, he places Emily's music box on a plank of wood, and pushes it so that it floats along the small stream; why did he do that?
Answer: It is just to scare them. The music makes an eerie noise. and the music box was one of Emily's prized possessions. it would scare her to see it floating in the stream.
Question: How come Doctor Dhalism turns bald at the end?
Answer: In his fight with the guard, Dhalsim gets knocked into some chemicals. This presumably changed him. This is also likely the explanation if he had to do any signature moves from the games, which thankfully, he doesn't.
Question: In the second film, the T-800 stated that Skynet launched the nuclear missiles in response to the government trying to shut it down. This is not the case here (as John states that Skynet has little-to-no-chance of being destroyed by conventional means). It just preps launching them as soon as it becomes active. It is not longer motivated by any clear threat to its existence. What, then, causes Skynet to identify humans as the enemy and initiate Judgement Day?
Answer: In this reality (which is subtly altered from the "original" Terminator timeline due to the changes made in T1 and T2) SkyNet became conscious quite a bit before T3 and eventually determined that it should be in control of the world. To pursue that goal, it launched the virus discussed throughout the film which was intended to trick the government into launching SkyNet world-wide. In other words, its new motivation was paternalism/global domination, and humanity (in its current form, anyway) gets in the way.
Question: After the bathroom scene, when Diaz is putting eye drops in her eye, Applegate says that she had just witnessed a "glory hole", or something sounding like that. What is a glory hole?
Answer: Without needing an "X" rating: A glory hole is most commonly found in men's restrooms, used for sexual purposes. A quick web search might provide more (yet too much) information.
Question: The sound of the Russian submarine's engine at the beginning seems to subliminally mimic the steady tension-inducing beat of the replicators' theme music, and is occasionally overlaid with a variation of the two main higher notes that are usually played by horns but are played by strings in this instance. I wonder whether this use of the engine sound in place of the normal "replicator beat" was intentional - or perhaps just my imagination?
Answer: As there was no actual engine noise, (it's all added in post production), this was likely done deliberately.
Question: In the bathtub sex scene with Alotta Fagina and Austin, why does Fagina kick her leg up into the air when Austin strips?
Answer: Cuz it's sexy. She's showing off her assets for him!
Question: I don't understand parts of the scene where Lisa runs over the hit man. The hit man is just standing outside the door for some reason. After Lisa runs over him she runs inside the house and her father said he called the police already, why did he call them? The hit man was just standing outside waiting for the call, her father didn't know what was going on. Did he call the police because she drove into his house, even though there had only been a few seconds in between scenes?
Answer: Yes he called because she hit the guy and ran into his house. When 911 calls back they say that they had a call about somone being hit in front of the house and asks if they still need the police.
Question: How come they only made three series? Was the show axed?
Answer: The show was originally cancelled because of poor ratings, but many people believe this is because although people *wanted* to watch the show, Fox kept changing its time slot so no one knew when it was on. However, new series are being made (and aired) right now due to the high sales figures of the DVDs.
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Answer: They board the same train. The whole deal with the two trains is just to keep the suspense going and keep the viewer guessing whether Vincent chooses the right train or not.