Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What happened to the old man when he drank the soda that had the Hulk's blood in it?

Answer: Banner's blood has gamma radiation poisoning. To anybody but Banner, the amount is lethal, but due to his biology it does not kill him. But there is enough there that even that small bit of blood that wound up in Stan Lee's bottle was enough to make him very sick with gamma radiation poisoning, so he was taken to the hospital for treatment. His condition was reported at the hospital, which is why General Ross and his crew were alerted to it and were able to find Banner. But Stan Lee was taken to the hospital. What happened to him after that is not revealed in the movie.

Quantom X

Question: At the beginning of the movie, Lincoln 6 Echo is missing his left shoe. Is there any importance in that?

Answer: As far as I could tell, it seems to indicate his growing mental awareness of himself and his environment. He begins noticing more things around him and is questioning when things don't seem right or are out-of-place. The other clones don't exhibit that type of cognitive functioning as much as he does.


Question: At one point during the interrogation Fenster says "he'll flip ya, flip ya for real..." I recently watched a documentary about Thelonious Monk in which he makes a near-identical statement at 1:07:41 - Was either the actor or director making a reference to the musician?

Answer: From what I've heard much of Fenster's dialogue was ad-libbed by Benicio del Toro, so most likely he'd seen the same documentary, or is a Monk fan and came up with that himself.

The Good News - S4-E3

Question: Did no one get surprised at the price of the Call Girl at the end of the episode? For spending a whole evening and night at Draper's house, the call girl charges $25, about $190 in modern money. Isn't that weirdly low?


Chosen answer: At that time, call girls did not command the same amount of money as they do today. By that standard, the $25 would be considered a high rate. Today's upper-level prostitutes can demand far more for their services.


Chosen answer: He had moved away - he says in the third movie. We are never told as to where it was he moved to though.

Show generally

Question: How can Lizzie's father have died in the fire when in an earlier season, Red killed him in the hospital when Lizzie was already an adult?

Answer: The man Red killed, Sam Scott, was Lizzie's adoptive father, not her biological one. However, at that time Lizzie (and thus the audience), was led to believe her real father abandoned her and her mother, so expect more secrets to be revealed how her real father actually died (or if he's even actually dead).


Question: Slash filmed his role as a live-action character named Jerry Vadergeld and is even seen in the film's first trailer, but not in the actual movie. IMDb also says that Frankie Muniz has an uncredited role as a cop, but no police officers are found anywhere in the film. Other background characters (ex. The ice cream bikini girl, the two girls talking about the animated characters as superheroes), scenes (ex. Patrick and the bikini girl's three-scoop ice cream cone, Burger-Beard throwing a pair of plastic rings on Squidward's nose), and dialogue (ex. SpongeBob saying saying "This is uncomfortable!" and "Come on, team. Let's get that book back!") from the trailers were also not in the actual movie. Can anybody explain to me why all that is not in the actual movie?

Answer: The point of a trailer for a movie is to get bums on seats in cinemas so the film-makers have to make a film look really good and generate a "I really have to see this" vibe. Because virtually all professional films shoot far more material than they need, some of it will end up in the trailer as exclusive content and some will end up in the special features section of the DVD (bloopers, deleted scenes etc).

Neil Jones

Question: Even though it claims to be the sequel to the first SpongeBob movie, there's no Krusty Krab 2 and Plankton is somehow out of prison and continues trying to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula. Is this movie one of those "prequel" episodes made after the first movie came out?

Answer: The first movie is actually set after the series finale of the show. This is because Stephen Hillenburg wanted the show to end at the Season 3 finale and for the first movie to conclude the series, but Nickelodeon disapproved, since the show was making them heaps of money. So the second movie is probably in line with the episodes after Season 3 and before the series finale. So no, it is probably not a prequel. If we look at it from a logical point of view, Plankton could have been released or escaped, and the Krusty Krab 2 could've closed. We don't know how far apart the episodes and movies are set in terms of time. The series has lots of inconsistencies anyway.


Question: The end of the movie had me all confused. What happened? Is it implying that the Angels came down from Heaven and began killing all the new believers? What were we led to believe at the end?


Answer: At the end locusts descend on earth from heaven to wipe out the human race. This is taken directly from the bible. Basically, everyone who was not taken during the rapture would be left on earth to be tormented and eventually all of humanity would be wiped out by a massive swarm of locusts.


Chosen answer: The song is "Headstrong" by Earshot. It's track 11 on the soundtrack album.


Question: How is the woman at the beginning of the movie Meg Giry, as is stated in several answers here? They call her Madame Giry, if it were Meg they would call her Mademoiselle Giry, unless she was married, in which case she would be Madame with whatever surname she received upon marriage. So wouldn't it need to be Meg's mother, Madame Giry?


Chosen answer: The honorific "Mademoiselle" is not an indication only of marital status, but it has a connotation of youth (and, ostensibly, virginity). Beyond a certain age, it would be considered inappropriate and possibly insulting or mocking to continue to use the term "Mademoiselle." "Madame" is generally adopted by women of a certain age, regardless of their marital status. It is not unlike "Señora" and "señorita" in Spanish. An interesting note - there is a currently a movement in France to remove "Mademoiselle" from French common usage, as it is considered by some sexist to classify women by age and/or marital status, when men in France are uniformly referred to only as "Monsieur."

Michael Albert

Answer: According to the original show, the Madame Giry at the beginning is the same Madame Giry who is Meg's mother. It is explained that her years as a dancer kept her in good health, so she aged better than Raoul did, who was in extremely poor health since Christine's death.

Question: When Chakal demands Joaquin to relinquish the medal of eternal life, he merely says to him, "Give me that medal right now." Maria then removes Joaquin's medal sashes, sees the medal of eternal life, and realizes that is what Chakal is after. How does she know which medal Chakal is referring to?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: Maria had already seen the medal of eternal life and Joaquin had already talked about all of his medals. He told Maria about how he got all of his medals but not the medal of eternal life.

Answer: She saw the medal, realised that it was different from all of the others, and that he didn't want to talk about it either, so that probably made her realise that it was special or different.

Question: How does he do the sword trick?

Answer: The trick is done with electromagnets under the stage holding the sword upright and stuck to the floor (switched off when Leopold takes the sword). Audiences at the time would have been unfamiliar with such a technique.


Question: I've been reading fan-fictions of The Phantom of The Opera, and most fan-fictions - when in the phantom's (Erik's) POV (Point Of View) - say the word 'fop' describing Raoul, I'm wondering why?


Chosen answer: A "fop" is defined as a man who is concerned with his clothes and appearance in an affected and excessive way; a dandy who often lives beyond his means. There is also a connotation of femininity or homosexual tendency, or at least a lack of sexual virility that (sadly) is considered one of the worst slurs available to a rival for the affections of a woman. And let's face it - Raoul, much like many of the men of his time and of a certain status, is required by societal norms to be well dressed, well groomed, well presented, well educated and, apparently, a tenor. Raoul certainly fits the bill. Erik, though certainly a man of breeding and finesse, is denied a place in polite society, whether ultimately he would want it or not if not driven to the dark recesses of homicidal madness by (also sadly) only the presence of disfiguring scars. The term "fop" seems the descriptor that not only rings with a kernel of truth, but also best sums up Erik's anger, disdain and, perhaps, jealousy.

Michael Albert

Answer: My internet searching yielded the most common answer of 76 killings by Keanu Reeves' eponymous character, in addition to 8 killings by others, and the death of one dog. One writer suggested John Wick killed 78, but that was an outlier.

Michael Albert

Chosen answer: There was no explanation about why she did not attend.


Slapstick - S3-E9

Question: What does ISD stand for in Baltimore police? It is mentioned by major Colvin to Carv after police officers correctly guess that somebody (Carv) has moved the dead body (Internal affairs is called IID during the show). It is mentioned again in Season 4 episode 8, when Herc worries about how to get back an expensive camera that Carv helped borrow to that ISD department.

Answer: ISD was the Inspectional Services Division, a controversial intelligence arm of the Baltimore PD which operated from 1966 to 1976 and reported directly to the commissioner, Donald Pomerleau.


Question: When Lawrence follows Sir John into the crypt, why was he carrying a rifle?

Answer: He must have felt he needed it for protection.


But why exactly? He didn't need it if he was simply going to follow his dad into the crypt.

Question: At the wedding, Vito Corleone says that Carlo is to be given a living, but not allowed in the family business. Before Michael has him killed, he tells him that his punishment for setting up Sonny's murder is that he is out of the family business. When was he let in?


Chosen answer: He was initially let into the family business when he married Connie, the Don's daughter, but only in a minor way. Vito Corleone knew Carlo only married Connie for her family connections, and that Carlo was now expecting an important position within the Corleone empire. Because he was mediocre and incompetent, he was relegated to a minor job, and never allowed into the upper ranks, making Carlo angry and resentful. When his involvement in Sonny's murder was discovered, the Don was unable to have Carlo killed, not wanting to be the one to make his daughter a widow. He knows that Michael will execute Carlo after he becomes Don. Michael kills Carlo for revenge, but he waited to aid his plot to murder the heads of the five families. Killing Carlo before then would tip them off that the Corleones knew Carlo was involved in Sonny's murder. Michael even lulls Carlo into believing he will play an important role when the family moves to Nevada. Michael waits until the opportune moment to execute him, first confronting Carlo to extract information.


Question: What happened to Little Bo Peep? Was she given away or her voice actress was unavailable? Why isn't she in Toy Story 3?

Answer: It is explained in the short lamp life. She was given away to another family and in that time the light bulb in the lamp caught fire and burnt her hat. After a while she was lost and found and given to a grown man as a gift and endured constant ridicule until she was lost on the street and found by the old lady at second chance antiques. She made friends and got bored and left with giggles and the sheep for seven years.

Answer: The toys make reference to her loss, but it's never stated what happened. We're left to wonder.

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