Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: I was wondering if there were any plans to bring out a special edition DVD of Shaun Of The Dead, or should I just buy the normal version rather than wait?

Answer: The regular DVD has four commentaries, outtakes, deleted scenes, assorted featurettes and a number of other extras ranging from the mundane to the utterly bizarre. Hard to imagine that they've got anything left that could be added to a future special edition. I'd just go for it, if I was you. And I did. Even though I'm not you. Just in case you were worried.


Question: I first saw this film on TV in Britain a few years ago and the song "Exit Music for a Film" by Radiohead played over the end credits. Everytime I have viewed it on television since then, another song from the soundtrack is played at the same point in the movie. Could the change possibly be because its become an expensive song to use as they have become a more high-profile group?

Answer: Whatever songs are in the movie were licensed for distribution by the film production company for a fixed price. It is impossible for there to be later fees somehow incurred on the production company just because the group is more popular. However, it's conceivable that Radiohead only allowed their song for use in cinemas but not television.

Question: Why in the world would Lothar's tether be long enough for him to slam into the gondola at the bottom of the Zepplin? If the Hindenberg is 135 feet at it's widest point, half the circumference of a cross section is ~212 feet. Even if it was a Goodyear blimp (50 feet), the cable would have to be at least ~78 feet in length. That is really long. Also, what is Lothar made of to survive that kind of impact?

Answer: The tether was designed to allow Lothar to be lowered from the zepellin and recovered later without requiring it to land (very tricky for an airship) hence it was hundreds of feet long.

Question: When we first see Marcellus he has a plaster on his neck. Anyone know why?


Chosen answer: Some would say that it's a plot device to show that Wallace sold his soul to the devil (the devil removes the soul through the neck) and the contents of the briefcase is his soul. The real answer is that Ving Rames had a small cut on the back of his neck that was caused by shaving his head. Quentin liked the look of the plaster and they left it on.


Question: During the SEAL team raid on the rock, they are using two "decoy choppers" which fly towards Alcatraz. What is the point of this? Wouldn't it be easier to just have the transport chopper fly all the way to drop zone under radar coverage?


Chosen answer: Alcatraz is small enough and out in the middle of the bay that any lookout in a high point could see and hear a chopper, no matter where it approached from. The idea of the decoys was to split any enemy fire received. The whole insertion of SEALS was absurd, in a real situation like that, the SEALS would have been inserted by submarine or used dive motors to pull themselves to the island.

Grumpy Scot

Show generally

Question: I went on a website recently and it showed a screenshot from a Simpsons episode with an iPod in it. I'd like to know what is the episode called and what season is it in?


Chosen answer: After only five minutes of researching this, I found two times when the iPod was spotted in the Simpsons. First, when Homer was in some sort of religious store, he saw a poster for iGod with a clear silhoute of God rocking with an iPod. That episode is titled "Thank God it's Doomsday". It's episode ID is GABF14, meaning it was from Season 16. In another episode, which takes place at Lisa's prom, the DJ is simply an iPod. This episode is "Future-Drama" and, believe it or not, aired just bfeore "Thank God it's Doomsday", meaning it too is season 16. Hope this helps.

Question: Is it possible, or even probable, that Palpatine was somehow responsible for Shmi Skywalker's pregnancy? When talking about Darth Plagius who could create life it's implied that Palpatine was the apprentice and knows the power too.

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Plagueis taught Palpatine everything he knew, even his knowledge of midi-chlorian manipulation (though Palpatine could not master the skill) and roughly ten years before the events of The Phantom Menace, Palpatine and Plagueis attempted to create a super-being via midi-chlorian manipulation which inadvertently resulted in Anakin's conception (Plagueis theorised the conception was the Force "striking back" for their unnatural use of it) Thus inadvertently Palpatine is indeed responsible for Anakin's conception.

Darius Angel

Question: When some Jedi die, they disappear (Yoda, Obi-wan). When others die, they don't (Qui-gon, Vader). Why is that? I thought this phenomenon would be explained in this movie, but unless I missed something, no explanation was given.

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Powerful force users seem to have some degree of control over their bodies even after death. In the later series, Luke's wife Mara Jade Skywalker only allows her body to disappear when her killer, and nephew Jacen Solo arrives at her funeral as a clue. Thus it appears that a powerful force user can simply choose if they wish their body to disappear.

Darius Angel

Answer: Towards the end of the movie Yoda tells Obi Wan that Qui Gon has learned the path to imortality and offers to teach this to Obi Wan. In the Clone Wars TV series we see the journey Yoda takes to learn this power. The power to become one with the force is a power you have to learn as opposed to being achievable to all Jedi. Both yoda and Obi Wan has the years between ROTS and ANH/ESB to fine tune and master this power. It is possible that Darth Vader, having seen Obi Wan become one with the force, spent the following years after A New Hope, studying and learning this skill by himself, hence how he was able to appear as a force ghost towards the end of Return of the Jedi, but not quite skilled enough to dissapear on cue.

Chosen answer: It is explained that in a duel between Asajj Ventress and Anakin Skywalker, Ventress manages to strike Anakin across the face, she does this to prove that she could kill him at will (she claims she could have as easily beheaded him) Anakin defeats her however, forcing Ventress to flee.

Darius Angel

Question: Even though many Jedi warriors were killed in the Jedi Temple, are there still many Jedi alive throughout the galaxy other than Yoda and Obi-Wan?


Chosen answer: Though the exact number is not given, it is described as "less than a hundred Jedi survived Order 66" Though Vader and the Emperor killed many of the survivors, several more survived other than Obi-Wan and Yoda. Rahm Kota for example.

Chosen answer: Absolutely correct. Similarly, the Episode I dispute between Naboo and the Trade Federation was an excuse for Palpatine to become Supreme Chancellor. And in Episode II, the separatist movement was an excuse for him to be given emergency powers, so he and Dooku could get the Clone Wars started.

Matty Blast

Question: In the scene where Padme is giving birth, what is it that she says to Obi-Wan before she dies?

Answer: She says, "There is still good in him, Obi-Wan. There is still good."


Question: Do any important events happen between the end of Episode III and the beginning of Episode IV?

Sir William

Chosen answer: It depends on whether you choose to view the Expanded Universe (non-movie) stuff as part of the proper Star Wars "universe", but some important events include the start of the Rebellion, Han Solo rescuing Chewbacca from Imperial capture, Lando Calrissian losing the Millennium Falcon to Han, and of course, the capture of the Death Star plans by the Alliance. As of 2016 the events of Rogue One are documented on film, together with other new canonical novels, comics, TV series, etc., and the Expanded Universe has been disregarded.


Question: Obviously there's some background on the Sith Lords that isn't explained in the movie. There is the implication that they ruled before the Republic was established. Is there more to this backstory?


Chosen answer: The best place for this is the official Star Wars Databank: There's also a lot of information in Wikipedia:

Jon Sandys

Question: Spoiler: If I remember correctly, in "Return of the Jedi" when Luke asks Leia if she remembers her mother, she says she does and that she was very beautiful but very sad. The assumption is that she is speaking of her birth mother and Luke's mother as well. How is that possible if Padme dies in childbirth? Was she talking about Bail Organa's wife?

Answer: The question is not answered in the movies. Leia is either mistaken (possibly remembering her adoptive mother) or, Jedi heritage that she has, she is remembering things from visions of the past: things she did not participate in.

K.C. Sierra

Question: Was the number 1138 hidden somewhere in the movie? If so, does anyone know where?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: One of the commanders of the clone army has 1138 as his uniform number.


Question: In the Attack of the Clones DVD commentary, Lucas promised that in this third movie we would finally find out who Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas is, and how he managed to place the order for the clone army without the Council's authorization. I didn't notice any explanation at all - was there one given?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: There was no explanation in the film. An explanation appears in the (authorised) book called, I think, Labyrinth of Evil, which was released shortly before the film and deals with events leading up to the events of the film. To sum it up, Sifo-Dyas was a respected Jedi who had become disaffected with the policies of the Jedi Council. Encouraged by his colleague, Count Dooku (by then secretly studying the Sith arts), he placed the order for the clone army before being killed by Dooku to prevent anyone from finding out about it.


Question: In the beginning, during the Paramount Pictures logo, we softly hear a female voice singing a short, creepy tune. This sounds a lot like something I heard in a black-and-white horror film from the 50's, but I'm not sure which. It sounds like something from the original "House on Haunted Hill" or "13 Ghosts" or one of those other horror "classics." Does anyone know if this was intentional or if it was just a coincidence?

Answer: The voice is just a few notes from the opening song with the littlest elf sung in a really high pitch.

Question: Is "Captain Antilles" (the officer whom Senator Organa orders to wipe C3PO's memory) the character "Wedge Antilles" in the original trilogy, or is he Wedge's father?

Answer: He's definitely not Wedge and most likely not his father. According to George Lucas "Antilles" is like the "Smith" of the Star Wars universe, it's very common. The interesting this is that in A New Hope C-3P0 says that his last master was Captain Antilles. This is most likely the man that we saw. He is also captain of the same model ship as the one that C-3P0 and R2-D2 escape from in A New Hope. It's probably the same ship, the Tantive IV.

Charles Fraser

Question: What movie are they watching at the drive-in?

Answer: The Blob (1958) with Steve Mcqueen.

Gavin Jackson

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