Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: After Alex finds his father and is driving back home, we see a scene from the hospital, where Lara (or another nurse?) is talking to Alex's mother and telling her that the Berlin Wall collapsed, and that Germany is united. But later, Alex's mother acts like she's unaware of this, and Alex himself also states that she never knew the truth. Why?

Answer: Lara did indeed tell Alex's mother the truth. Realizing how much her son had done for her, she left him with the illusion that she never found out. The audience knows better.


Question: Does anyone know what the prayer - "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" - the Saints say just before they kill translates into? I would really like to know.

Answer: "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."


Question: I'm curious to know: Jack was the captain of the Pearl when they found the island with the Aztecs gold. In another post it was stated that Jack, as the Captain, would recieve 2/3 of the loot. So why didn't Jack take a piece of the gold along with the other pirates?

Answer: Because they threw a mutiny and marooned Jack on an island so he was not there to take a piece of gold.


Question: In the corrections page one supposed mistake was about Barbossa's monkey becoming cursed once again. Is it possible that the monkey somehow resurrected Barbossa? If not then how did Barbossa come back?

Answer: No explanation has been given yet as to how Barbossa was resurrected. However, since the monkey has been with the Black Pearl's crew, it seems unlikely it helped Barbossa. We only know that Tia Dalma has played some part in bringing him back. When Jack and the crew first visited Tia Dalma, there's a brief shot of the monkey running into the bedroom. A man's legs can be seen on the bed. Presumably this was the recuperating Barbossa.


Answer: This groundbreaking episode was in the fourth season, episodes 22 and 23.

Jason Feng

Answer: In Red Dawn, a group of high school students forms a guerilla group against the Soviet invasion. Their school mascot was the Wolverine, so they took that as their name and battlecry.

Grumpy Scot

Question: This seems like a stupid question, but is Jack really gay, or are they all teasing him? I'm just a little curious as to whether there's a deleted scene or something on the special DVD which clarifies that point.

Answer: Yes he actually is gay and the other brothers tease him but as more of a loving way.

Answer: They are just teasing him, like all good brothers do.


Question: Did anyone ever find out who sent Harry his father's invisibility to him for Christmas? Some people say it was Sirius Black but I think otherwise.

Answer: It was given to him by Dumbledore. James Potter left it with Dumbledore for safe keeping, and he passed it on to Harry.


Question: Is the taxi driver the cosmonaut from Alex's youth? First he states that he's always mistaken for the cosmonaut, but then he tells Alex what's it like to be in space.

Answer: According to IMDb, Sigmund Jähn gave permission to be featured in the movie, but refused to play himself. It was very difficult to find an actor who looked like Jähn and spoke his typical dialect but after filming had begun, 'Wolfgang Becker' chose a Swiss actor. He was given complex make-up and was dubbed by another actor who came from Jähn's home region, the Vogtland.

Answer: On the soundtrack, the song is called "The Uruk-hai". Track 5 on the soundtrack.

Show generally

Question: Topanga said in one episode that she has a weird middle name, did she ever say what it is?

Answer: Topanga's middle name is never specified. Considering her sister's name is Nebula Stop-the-war Lawrence, Topanga's is probably something equally unusual.

Question: What is "Jody" a reference to?

Answer: "Jody" is a generic term for any man who steals your girl while you are off in the military. Also referred to as "Sancho" by Hispanic troops.

Grumpy Scot

Question: What does Bluto yell during the toga party right before everyone falls on the floor and starts twitching?

Answer: He yells "Gator." That is the name of the dance where they are twitching on the floor, although they don't do it very well.

Zwn Annwn

Question: Who plays the man who rides in the elevator with Jackson when they go to Creek Mountain Facility?

Answer: I am assuming you are refering to the man in the elevator who also goes with them on the mission? If so, it is John Diehl. Most recognized from "Stripes", "The Client", and he played a recurring character as a detective on the TV show "Miami Vice".


Question: Is there an excuse given for Kurt's disappearance anywhere? I've only seen this film once, and I can't remember.

Answer: Not in the film, unfortunately. Kurt leaves the X-Men in the video game, "X-Men: The Official Game", which takes place between the two movies. His reason is that he wants a more peaceful life.

Tobias Drake

Question: What is the name of the song the girls are singing in the bar (the one with the "Bluest eyes in Texas" line) and who (if there is) is the original performer?

Answer: "The Bluest Eyes in Texas". Original performers are Restless Heart.


Question: Disney and Pixar both said that "The Incredibles" would be their last film together. Why have they decided to team up again for this film and others?

Answer: The situation was that, at the time, the head of Disney was not offering Pixar the sort of deal that enticed them to keep going with their association with Disney. As such, Pixar announced their intention to depart once their contract with Disney was fulfilled. In the interim, Disney's chief executive was ousted and a new one appointed who saw, quite correctly, that their association with Pixar was a highly valuable one and began to take steps to woo them back. Eventually, Disney actually chose to buy Pixar, so all future Pixar films will be released under the Disney banner.


Question: Several other answers and corrections state that the reddish liquid sprayed by the tripods was what essentially grew the red vines. However I thought I heard someone in the film say something along the lines of "using us (i.e. blood) as fertiliser". Can someone please clarify?

Answer: Since the tripods tended to spray the red fluid shortly after pulling a human into themselves, it seems a good assumption that the red fluid is essentially blood. Given this, it seems likely that the "spore" of the vines is spread in the red fluid.


Question: When Bandit is getting the money for the run, he asks for a speedy car and Little Enos counts out the bills. Exactly how much was a 1977 Trans Am?

Answer: The base price for a 1977 Trans Am was around $5450. By the time you added the Hurst hatches (T-Tops), gold trim package, and CB radio, the final price was around $7000.


Question: Several times, people refer to something about the Black Pearl, that Jack Sparrow made some sort of deal with Davy Jones to raise it from the ocean floor. Am I right, or is there something I haven't picked up on?

Answer: Jack made a pact with Davy Jones to raise the Black Pearl from the ocean depths and to be her captain. Jack agreed that after 13 years, he would surrender himself to Davy Jones and serve on his crew for 100 years.


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