Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: Peter signs to Chris "She won't have to hear another word because luckily we've mastered American Sign Language" and Chris replies in sign language with "Ha-ha-ha-ha."

Casual Person

Only the second question was answered and not the first. Did Chris and Peter actually use sign language or was it another goofy bit?

How do you think this person managed to tell you what they said in sign language, so yes I would assume that it was real, that is how someone was able to translate this for us.

Question: When Harry sees into the past of Dumbledore's meeting with young Tom Riddle, Tom admits that he hurts people if they are mean to him. Since Tom openly admits this with obviously no guilt or remorse, why would Dumbledore take him to Hogwarts to learn magic instead of leaving him at the orphanage?

Answer: Leaving an untrained young wizard, who obviously has some behavioral issues and has no idea he is magical, alone in the Muggle world would be extremely dangerous. Dumbledore does not yet know that Riddle will become evil, but like any teacher, he wants to give a troubled youth an opportunity to find a new path in life.


Answer: Not to mention, Hogwarts is not the only magical school in existence. A wizard as powerful as Tom Riddle, if Hogwarts had not taken him in, there's a good chance another school that was more willing to teach Dark Arts could have taken him in, which could have been a lot worse for the wizarding world. Good chance this crossed Dumbledore's mind, and he figured Tom Riddle had a better chance at Hogwarts, where they'd teach him to properly control his magic rather than another school that will just teach him more dark magic.

Question: In the hotel fight scene with Ms. Perkins, she takes what I think is the bottom end of her jacket and bites down on it. Any idea why? Just curious.

Answer: She is setting up the choke move she uses on Wick seconds later. She places the strap to her jacket in her mouth so she can reach it when she spins around. She then wraps it around Wick's neck and tries to strangle him with the strap.


Question: Why did Harry and Ron bring Lockhart with them to the chamber of secrets? Did they really think he'd be any use? Especially after they found out he was a fraud?


Chosen answer: They couldn't leave him alone after finding out he was a fraud or he would tell the other teachers and lie about them and have them in detention before they would be able to enter the chamber themselves. They were in a hurry to save Ginny so they needed to bring him with them.


Question: Why did Vader cut off Luke's hand? It seems like a strange thing to do right before you request that someone join you.

Answer: The intent was to disarm Luke and end the fight and prevent Luke from gaining the upper hand (no pun intended). As seen at the end of the film, Luke received a new prosthetic hand that was nearly as proficient as his real one. There is also a bit of symbolism here. Vader had been severely mutilated by Obi Wan many years before, resulting him becoming more machine than man. As Palpatine later attempts to sway Luke to the Dark Side, Luke's lost hand serves to remind him that he could easily become a monster like his father.


Question: Why were there so many attempts to kill Rayna when she was the only one to know where the nuke was? Who were those assassins working for?

Answer: It's never fully explained in the movie, but it seems more likely that Rayna simply had a lot of enemies and people we're trying to kill her for various motives, but not to steal the nuke. For example, the guy who tried to poison her seems to do it out of spite for Rayna. The steward on the plane seems more intent on kidnapping Rayna to get what she's selling (although the pilot before dying says "Stan and I already sold it...", so he may not be after the bomb). Karen Walker, who was a double agent who sold Rayna the CIA names, is more likely trying to kill Susan to avoid being found out and not Rayna. Although if Karen was trying to kill Rayna, she may have already discovered the bomb's location, through various means.


Right, when in the basement, to make Susan believe him, Fine asks her "Did (or didn't) Karen try to kill you?" And Susan realises he had sniped Karen and her driver to save her from being killed by Karen.

Question: Despite both his parents having blue eyes, how come Nate has brown eyes? Is there a scientific/logical explanation for this?


Answer: That's one possibility. Or, the boy could have been adopted by the parents. That would fit with much of the theme of the film and one of the actors is a father through adoption. As adoptive parents with blue/green eyes and a child with brown eyes, we chose to believe it was a subtle nod to that situation. Also, the parents seem pretty convinced a baby brother isn't coming. Perhaps there were fertility issues that contribute to that confidence and led to creating a family through adoption. I think that's a better story than a remote scientific possibility. :).

Chosen answer: Yes there is a biological explanation for two blue-eyed parents having a brown-eyed child, and it does happen. It's a bit more complicated than high school genetics' dominant/recessive gene explanation. Eye color is determined by 2 genes, HERC2 and OCA2. Both genes are required for pigment to form (i.e. brown eyes), HERC2 being the key. People with blue-eyes can be carriers of one or the other, thus the offspring of 2 blue-eyed parents can end up receiving both required genes for brown eyes.


Question: At the beginning of the film, Belle shows her new book to the sheep at the fountain, and you can see the writing is all in French (because the film is set in France). That being the case, why is it in the extended version of the film, when Belle is teaching the Beast to read, they're reading Romeo and Juliet in English?

Answer: The book is from the Beast's library. The library may very well have books in all different languages including English.

Show generally

Question: Since Harry knew about Dexter's homicidal tendencies, why would he train Dexter on how to kill people who got away with their crimes instead of taking him to a psychologist?

Answer: Two reasons. First, as a cop he knows that there are lots of murderers walking around free due to flaws in the system so he uses Dexter's "urges" to right the wrongs in the system by taking out people who have no right to walk around free. Secondly, by taking him to a psychologist he runs the risk of having him committed and he doesn't want that for obvious reasons, so he figures it is best to channel his urges to what he considers a greater good.


In addition to the earlier answer, in the last season (8th) of the show, we are introduced to Dr. Vogel, whom Harry had been discussing the situation with Dexter as well, and it is shown on-camera that Harry describes what Dexter has done (killing)... So, technically he did consult a psychologist/psychiatrist, just not having Dexter and her actually meet. But Dr. Vogel was aware of whom it was and how to intercede.

Question: On the plane, as Gerry is wrapping her stump and right after he admits he hadn't known cutting her hand off would work, Segen says something quietly, then adds "Now I'm just a liability." What does she say right before "Now I'm just a liability"? I can't hear what she says (it might not be English) and it's not in the closed captioning or in any transcript I've been able to find online.


Answer: Segen says in Hebrew, "עכשיו אני סתם עול" (phonetically pronounced, "achshav ani stam ohl"), which means "Now I'm just a burden." Then Segen says in English, "Now I'm just a liability."

Super Grover

Peter's Daughter - S6-E8

Question: Peter initiates a cutaway when he says: "he's a bad man, like Jodie Foster." In the cutaway, Jodie Foster is making out with a woman, who then exclaims that her husband has come home early, to which Jodie replies, "don't worry baby he had to find out sometime" in a deep, mannish voice. She then farts. I don't get the joke. Why is she a man?

Answer: Jodie Foster had long been rumored to be a lesbian who refused to come out of the closet; the cutaway joke was a poke at this notion.


Question: Hannibal is shot in the back, then turned over as the villian plunges a knife into Hannibal's thigh three times, saying, "He's paralysed, he can't feel this." But Hannibal stands up and is perfectly fine. There's no damage from the bullet or the knife. How is this possible?


Chosen answer: Hannibal has the Japanese dagger on his back, and when he gets it out you can see there is a bullet hole on it indicating that the bullet hit the dagger. Grutas just pokes Hannibal in the leg with the knife, he doesn't actually stab him, it doesn't even tear his clothes.


Question: I know Hilary Clinton is on one of the denomination of the lunar money. But at the end, when Felix is in Pluto's new club, there's money sitting on a waitress' tray of a different denomination with someone else on it. Who is on that bill? If there were other bills seen (i.e. deleted scenes) who is on those?


Answer: You can't see any other bills and there are no deleted scenes that show the money either. The only money gag in the film is with Hilary Clinton.


At 1:27:38 there's money on the waitress' tray that does not appear to be Clinton as the profile angle is different.


That's true but you cannot see it well enough to answer the question of who is on the bill.


I couldn't tell either, or find it online. That's why I asked, hoping someone with knowledge of Pluto Nash props would know or perhaps it was mentioned in a DVD extra somewhere. It's clear that it's lunar money and time and effort went into making it, so someone has to know.


Question: Why didn't the studio use the camera on Truman's clothes, which is functional later while he is at sea, to locate Truman during or following the basement disappearance?

Answer: There is never any indication that there are any cameras on Truman's clothes. When Truman is at sea, we only see shots of him from the perspective of cameras located (conveniently) on, around, or above the boat. Personally, I always wondered why the director, Christof, would have invested to put not just one, but multiple cameras on a boat where, due to his fear of water, Truman was least likely to be. But, as with many of these questions, the answer is that such plot devices serve to advance the cinematography and the story.

Michael Albert

My thought on the boat cameras is that they were on there from when he used to go boating with his father.

It is not the same boat.


Truman had a camera on him when he confronted his wife in the kitchen and she said, "do something."

Question: When all the buyers meet up at Musso and Franks, the different crime syndicates are being seen by Madison via webcam. We then see her go to the roof access. Did she set up the syndicates? If not, then why did Madison go to the roof access in the first place?

Answer: Madison went to another roof and saw what was happening to the crime bosses. It was the Angels who directed them to that particular roof. When she saw this she said, "clever girls." She confronted the Angels, to get the last word in before the showdown.

Question: As the attack on the White House is underway, a relief column is detached from a nearby military base, which is going to take 10-15 minutes to get there. Flying with the column are several Apache attack helicopters. Why do the Apaches fly with the column and not on ahead to engage the attackers asap. A couple of Apaches would have made a huge difference to the White House's defence.

Answer: The Apaches were air support for the column.

Answer: Surely those Apaches would have just ended up being shot down - as evidenced later on in the film, which only would have added to the carnage on the ground.

Alan Keddie

Only The Good... - S8-E8

Question: What happened to the rest of the crew at The End of season 8? During Back to Earth there were a few memorials and pictures of people, including Kochanski - is one to assume that was the whole crew?

Answer: The crew abandoned ship at The End of Series VIII when they thought the ship was doomed. Little is known about what happened between then and the revamped series. All that is known is the ship survived, Rimmer is now dead again and Kochanski left.

Question: Hunter, as a stork, and Toady, as a pigeon, are both birds of flight. So why don't they use their wings to fly? Why would they need to use a helicopter (Hunter) and flying machine (Toady)?


Chosen answer: For the same reason people take cars even though they can walk. It's faster and doesn't require using up your energy.


Question: Did Dorothy really go to Oz or was it a dream? Because, in return to Oz at the end, she sees Ozma (the good witch in her mirror) or was that just her imagination/a dream too?

Answer: In the film it's left ambiguous. At the end it's strongly implied that she was dreaming. The characters she meets all look like people she actually knows. In the original book, she actually went to Oz.

Answer: Return to Oz was not a direct sequel to the 1939 film. One was developed by Disney and the other by MGM. Return to Oz is actually an adaptation-fusion of the second and third Oz books, that contains elements from the 1939 film (like the Ruby slippers and the Oz/Kansas counterparts) because that's what people are most familiar.

Question: When Carolyn threatens to divorce Lester, he asks on what grounds. I thought there was no fault divorce in 1999. Can someone please explain?


Chosen answer: Lester is saying that she has no reasons to put forth to a judge and will look foolish. In doing so, her threat of divorce is empty.

Greg Dwyer

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