Red Dwarf

Back in the Red (3) - S8-E3

Continuity mistake: When the crew are plasticine in the screensaver, the Cat slides into the igloo. From one shot he is sliding towards the igloo from an angle, but in the next shot he is heading straight for the igloo. (00:14:55)

Red Dwarf mistake picture

Back in the Red (3) - S8-E3

Continuity mistake: When The Cat does his dance with Blue Midget, he stands behind one of the legs of Blue Midget and changes his clothes. The old clothes he throws on the ground when changing disappear in the wide shot of the landing area. (00:08:55)


Back in the Red (3) - S8-E3

Continuity mistake: During the Cat's dance, he taps his feet and tilts his head back, which Blue Midget copies. In the next shot Blue Midget is looking downwards and then proceeds to do the same dance it just did in the previous shot. (00:10:00)


Red Dwarf mistake picture

Pete (2) - S8-E7

Continuity mistake: When Lister uses the time wand to bring back Birdman's boots, his locks are in front of his left shoulder. In the next shot they are behind his back, then they appear again in front of his left shoulder in the following shot. (00:22:55)


Back in the Red (1) - S8-E1

Continuity mistake: When Lister is lying on the top bunk talking to Rimmer about the 83 year old dad, he says "he'd probably pretend to be dead" as he puts is left hand on the side of his face. The camera cuts to Rimmer then back to Lister again, as he puts his left hand on the side of his face again. (00:01:55)


Pete (1) - S8-E6

Visible crew/equipment: When Lister sprays Bob with WD40, The thumb of the person operating Bob's head is seen for a brief second in the top right hand side of the screen. This is visible if you watch the DVD on your PC as this will not be visible on some TVs. (00:12:15)


Pete (2) - S8-E7

Plot hole: Pete the sparrow was dead before the time wand was used on him to become a dinosaur. When the undo button was pressed, Pete should have turned back into a dead sparrow. (00:23:10)


Back in the Red (3) - S8-E3

Revealing mistake: After the Cat's dance, Lister says 'we are outta here' and pulls the level, at which point the crew all fall back as if Blue Midget had rushed forwards. However, in the model shot of the ship it shows it scraping its foot on the floor before it runs forwards, meaning the crew should not have fallen back in their seats. (00:10:50)


White Hole - S4-E4

Rimmer: The thing about Captain Oates... The thing you have to remember about Captain Oates... Captain Oates... Captain Oates was a prat.

More quotes from Red Dwarf

Meltdown - S4-E6

Trivia: "Meltdown" was originally planned to be the first episode of Series IV of Red Dwarf. However, the militaristic tone of this episode - and in particular Dave Lister's strident anti-war speech near The End of the episode - meant it fell foul of the BBC censors. The original planned transmission date (Feb 14 1991) coincided with the outbreak of "Operation Desert Storm" - the Gulf War...and the BBC felt that an "anti-war" episode of Red Dwarf would be inappropriate for a country at war with Iraq.

More trivia for Red Dwarf

Answer: Presumably he does, but it's never been used in any material related to the show. He is the only Cat left (as shown in Series 1), so even if he had once had a name, nobody would know it.


Answer: In the book, the Cat finds the concept of a name confusing, as he's convinced he's the center of the universe and the idea that someone wouldn't know who he was is baffling.

Brian Katcher

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