Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf mistake picture

The End - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: In George's memorial service, the extras are totally different in the shots from George's point of view to the shots from the back of the room. Look for the woman with brunette hair and orange overalls - she's there in the forward shots but missing in the reverses. The chairs, tables, props, costumes and character placements are all completely discontinuous. (00:12:15)

The End - S1-E1

Visible crew/equipment: In the first episode, 'The End' when Lister is telling his door to lock so he can get his cat out you can see the hand of a member of the crew pushing the door shut (look out the window). (00:14:18)

The End - S1-E1

Audio problem: When Lister and Rimmer see Cat just after Holly explains how he evolved, Rimmer runs at Cat screaming before he passes through him and we hear a crash off screen to indicate Rimmer has just run in to something. He is a hologram and is not solid, so no sound should be heard. [The original version did not have this mistake. The sound effect was added for the now defunct Remastered series.] (00:27:10)

The End - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: At the start of the 'Welcome Back George McIntyre' reception scene, Lister, Chen and Selby are throwing things at Rimmer, then Rimmer looks around. In the next shot, Lister and Chen are looking round to their left, Selby is stabbing between his fingers, Rimmer is now looking straight forwards and Petersen has appeared from nowhere. (00:09:40)


Red Dwarf mistake picture

The End - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: Between when Rimmer leaves for his exam and Lister locking the door, the items on the table rearrange themselves, eg. some items right by the mug in the middle of the table at first, then they're suddenly on the far edge. (00:14:30)


Red Dwarf mistake picture

Me2 - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: When Lister leaves the Rimmer's quarters after laughing at the newspaper cuttings, one shot Rimmer has his arms folded and the other has his hands on his hips. In the next shot they have swapped places. (00:06:45)


Red Dwarf mistake picture

The End - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Rimmer makes a palm print on the exam paper, the sheet moves from overlapping the second sheet to becoming separate on the desk. The pen also moves. (00:16:10)


The End - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Petersen is trying to knock the coin from his head, the next shot shows Rimmer studying his arm. In the background, Petersen is seen with his right arm on the table, whereas in the wide shot it was behind his head. (00:10:20)


The End - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: After Rimmer makes his palm print on the exam paper, he stands up to salute. In the next shot, the hand print on the sheet has vanished and both pages are blank. (00:16:25)


Red Dwarf mistake picture

The End - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Lister takes the milk from his locker, keep an eye on his duvet. In the next shot when he pours the milk, it has moved and is hanging down from his bunk. The red mug on the table also moves from near the magazines to near the ashtray on the other side of the table. (00:14:35)


White Hole - S4-E4

Rimmer: The thing about Captain Oates... The thing you have to remember about Captain Oates... Captain Oates... Captain Oates was a prat.

More quotes from Red Dwarf
More trivia for Red Dwarf

Meltdown - S4-E6

Question: When Kryten and Rimmer were doing the roster of their ranks, Why did Kryten skip the old woman in the black dress with the white shoulder sash between Dali Lama and Mr. Noel Coward?

Answer: It's Queen Victoria, someone any Englishman would recognize, and needed no introduction.

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