Question: When Crookshanks seems to have eaten Scabbers, why are they blaming Hermione? Surely they don't think she set Crookshanks after Scabbers?
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Answer: Crookshanks was Hermione's cat, after all. Why would Ron not blame her?
Question: At the end he sees the Statue of Liberty on the beach. How did the statue get there from Ellis Island?
Answer: He's in the same location as Ellis Island. Thousands of years have resulted in significant changes geographically.
Answer: The statue was destroyed during the nuclear war at some point in the past. The remnant of it had washed ashore to where Taylor finds it.
Question: When Voldemort said that one death eater is too cowardly to return and will pay, is he talking about Karkaroff? Also, was Snape the one who Voldemort thought had left him forever and will be killed of course? If so, why didn't Voldemort kill him the first chance he got?
Answer: Most surmise that "one, too cowardly to return...he will pay" is Karkaroff, and "one, who I believe has left me forever...he will be killed, of course" is Severus. Voldemort did not end up killing Severus because that night he returns to Voldemort, as per Dumbledore's instructions, and explains that he's always been loyal to Voldemort by spying on Dumbledore to be privy to useful information.
Question: How accurate is the boxing depicted in the movie compared to real boxing?
Answer: It's pretty inaccurate. Real life fighters would tire out long before the 15th round after throwing so many haymakers (knock out punches). The amount of punches that connect clean without a knock out is also unrealistic. Creed doesn't seem to ever miss with his punches. Even an inexperienced boxer should be able to see at least a few punches coming and move to avoid them, Rocky seems to have no defense at all. The reaction to being punched is exaggerated for dramatic effect (Creed being lifted off the ground due to the power of Rocky's body punches, Rocky's head being thrown back due to the power of Creed's jab). It is also likely, though this is debatable, that the fight would have been stopped prior to the 15th round as both fighters could hardly stand going into that round.
Question: If, as Odin says, Mjolnir was never the source of Thor's power, then how come that "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor"?
Answer: If other people are worthy, they can gain the power of Thor (this is something that has happened in the comics), but Thor can muster that power alone. In his case, the hammer simply allows him to focus his powers.
How come then that in the first movie when Odin wants to remove Thor's power he "confiscates" Mjolnir? If Thor's power is intrinsically inside him, how could Odin remove it? Then, he reacquire those powers only after holding Mjolnir again, which implies Thor's powers come from Mjolnir. This is poorly explained in the movies.
"Poorly explained" doesn't make it a mistake. Odin suppressed Thor's innate powers and removed the hammer both symbolically and to prevent Thor from using it to reacquire his powers.
Question: How is it possible for everybody from other countries to know about the wager that Phileas made when the only ones who knew about were the members of the Academy of Science?
Answer: In order to stop Fogg from completing the journey, his rivals at the Academy wired (telegraphed) details to confederates in the countries he visited with instructions to waylay him.
Question: It's stated a couple times in the movie that Arnie could die at any moment. Pardon my ignorance, but why exactly is this? Is there something about his condition that makes him highly susceptible to dropping dead, or is it a matter of his behavioral impulses (such as climbing the water tower) that put him at a high risk of dying in an accident?
Chosen answer: It's because of his often reckless behavior; it's never implied within the film that his unique condition has anything to do the likelihood that he could "go at any time."
Answer: In the beginning, Gilbert explains that the doctors said Arnie will only live till 10 years old, and that he is well past that, so he "could go at any time."
Question: Why did Scrimgeour think it would matter if Harry worked at the ministry? How does that help people's belief as that's what's important?
Question: When Logan received the Adamantium which was grafted to his bones he was fully grown. The girl though is just a little kid who has a lot of physical growing to do. My question is if the Adamantium was given to her the same way, 1 wouldn't it prevent her bones from properly growing (she would end up all deformed from bones growing that are not attached to the metal among many other problems), and 2 the movie takes place in 2029 and Logan got the metal in the 80s yet he's been alive for like 200 years. So he's only had the metal inside him for about 50 years and he states in the movie the metal is slowly poisoning him to death. Which brings me back to the girl. Wouldn't it do the same thing to her and slowly start poisoning her but at a much younger age?
Answer: In the comics, Laura only had the adamantium coated to her claws. We see in one scene that she is in surgery with her arms and legs cut open. We can assume that this is the same in the movie, so no her bones will not be deformed while growing, but her claws may or may not grow. Now about the toxicity about the adamantium, Logan's healing factor is weakening which is why the adamantium's toxicity is killing him. Laura has such a small amount and is so much younger that her healing factor will probably keep her alive as long as Logan's did.
Answer: The various types of adamantium aren't discussed much in the film like they are in the comics. After "true adamantium" was applied to Wolverine, his healing factor converted it into "adamantium beta", which does not interfere with biological bone functions. Even after being fully grown, bones can't be fully covered in metal or it would prevent things like blood cell formation. However, adamantium is poisonous to the body and it's only Logan's mutant healing factor that cures him. Laura's mutant healing factor is what cures her. However, as you stated, Logan is very old and his healing abilities have diminished over time and thus are not sufficient to prevent the poisoning. If Laura becomes old enough for her healing abilities to fail, she too will become poisoned by the adamantium.
Isn't it assumed that his healing factor is failing because of the adamantium poisoning?
In the movie it is suggested that it is the adamantium that is killing him (the doctor tells him something inside him is poisoning him, to which Logan replies he knows). It seems this adamantium poisoning has slowly been leeching his healing ability, but it has taken time. However, there are other things that will stop a mutant's healing factor, such as the Muramasa Blade. In "The Wolverine", Ichiro Yashida was able to successfully drain some of Logan's healing factor (before being killed). So it's possible this draining is what affected his ability to heal fully from the poisoning, in the film series. (Unless of course one subscribes to the notion that "X-Men: Days of Future Past" altered the timeline to essentially make the events in "The Wolverine" never happen).
Question: What is the green and white striped American looking flag in the commissioner's office?
Answer: It's the New York Police Department flag, created in 1919. The stripes represent the 5 boroughs and the stars the different towns that made up New York (including New York City itself).
What about the other flag that is not the U.S. flag?
Please be more specific. Are you talking about the New York City flag?
It is the Iowa State flag. At least in the episode from 1/22/21.
It wouldn't be the Iowa State flag. Plus the Iowa State flag is blue, white, and red. The flag I think they're talking about is blue, white, and orange.
Question: What was Harry talking about when he told Neville he was doing it again?
Answer: Since Harry was hanging out with Neville more (lack of Ron around), it sounds as if Neville had been driving Harry a bit up the wall, with Neville's nonstop comments about things he was finding/doing. So when Neville exclaimed aloud, "Amazing, amazing," Harry told him, "Neville, you're doing it again."
Answer: Nicholas offers to split the bill with Conrad, in fact expressing shock at the total amount. We are never told how Conrad earned his wealth: inheritance from their late father seems the most plausible guess, along with possible investments, income from interest etc.
Answer: He didn't, at the party where the everything is explained, Michael Douglas is signing receipts, one after another. Sean Penn says, this is payment for this and for that.
Question: Why are JD and Mundo serving as much time as Santana? They were only charged with breaking and entering.
Answer: They all did stuff in juvey to extend their stay.
Question: What is the letter of Argus about?
Answer: The movie glossed over this. Argus Filch was a squib (a non-magical person born into a wizard family). In the hope of somehow developing magical powers, he'd sent for a home correspondence course on learning magic spells. Filch was embarrassed when Harry happened to pick up his dropped letter, realizing that this probably revealed what he was, though almost every student knew this about him.
Question: Why was Columbo never promoted, given that across the whole show he solves all the murders in such a spectacular fashion?
Answer: In the show, he was already a Lieutenant. A promotion would put him in the next rank up, which for the L.A.P.D. would be Captain. However, some of a Captain's duties would be overseeing other officers and ensuring they're compliant with policies, regulations, and standards. It would also most likely take him out of the field. This is something Columbo has no desire for as he rarely goes to police HQ's. Nor does he show interest in compliance and standards (for example, not going to his semi-annual evaluation at the firing range). However, he could still be assigned to a higher pay grade based on expertise, which is a form of promotion that does not include rank advancement. This would be going from Lieutenant I to Lieutenant II. I don't believe in the show it's ever started what his pay grade is. Although, in s02e01 (I believe) he mentions making $11K a year. Whether or not this was a true statement on his part, if you could find pay scale information for an LAPD Lieutenant in the 70's, it could give you an idea of his pay grade.
Question: What exactly happens to Rosalie (before and after)?
Answer: Probably with the change of behavior she has with Bella. Rosallie seems to welcome Bella in the family as one of them and after the baby is born she is taken over by a mommy feeling.
Answer: Irina was the Cullens' relative. So, of course, she knew their powers but she was in cahoots with Laurent, and Laurent is obviously going to tell James and Victoria the other vampires in town's gifts.
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Answer: It is only Ron who is blaming Hermione. He has a rather excitable nature and often is at odds with Hermione, so he has jumped to the (wrong) conclusion that it was Crookshanks who must have killed Scabbers. Hermione was rightly criticized for being a bit insensitive towards Ron, which also infuriated him.
raywest ★