Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: During the section toward the end where Bruce Willis is arriving at the farm to rescue Nancy, we see Elijah Wood sitting and reading the bible in the house. Since he is a friend of the yellow freak's family, why doesn't he do anything to stop Bruce Willis? He certainly helped when Mickey Rourke was around but this time he just sits and does nothing and I'm a little confused as to why. If someone could help me I would really appreciate it.

Answer: Elijah Wood's character is shown in the house, distracted as Bruce Willis sneaks by. Perhaps he doesn't do anything because he doesn't know what's going on.

Question: How did Lecter know that there was something inserted into Fredrica Bimmels' throat? He had heard about Buffalo Bill in the papers but not much information about him.

Answer: Because he knew that the dead man in the storage unit had one in his throat. He guessed that Buffalo Bill was the former patient of his who had killed the dead man in the storage unit.


Answer: He didn't know until Clarice told him. After being told he asked "Was it a butterfly?'.

"Was it a butterfly?" means he did know. It's the kind of question that contains its own correct answer.


Answer: it is rumored that shannen, Alyssa, and Holly were paid from $30,000-$50,000 an episode for the first 3 seasons. It is also rumored that Alyssa was given up to $80,000 for the other seasons, and Holly was given $60,000. (Not confirmed. Got answers from

Question: Was the huge monster McReady encounters, and subsequently blows up, the actual "default" form of the Thing? After all, the correspondent DVD chapter is titled "The Real Thing". Yes, they do say that the Thing could've imitated millions of different lifeforms, but it must've had a form to begin with.

Answer: At the end, the large creature presented itself as an amalgam of beings it had absorbed-part Blair, part dog, and various other beings with tentacles, insect-like legs, and a worm-like body. I don't believe that we really ever see what its true form is, if it has one.

Erik M.

Answer: In the book, it was vaguely humanoid with blue rubbery skin, a head of writhing tentacles, and 3 glowing red eyes. There is a picture of it in Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials by Wayne Barlowe.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Why does Mr I so often say "showtime"? Is it a reference to another movie?

Answer: Many superheroes have catchphrases; "Showtime" is his.


Question: Why would Henry do so many evil things to his own family?

Answer: Henry apparently has what is called a "conduct disorder" - the term used for kids below the age of 18 engaging in what would be (and most likely will become) a diagnosis of sociopathy/psychopathy (antisocial personality disorder) when he becomes an adult. He is "evil", highly manipulative, self-centered, without remorse or other true feelings, and probably incapable of forming loving or long-term attachments. Many sociopaths are believed to have above average intelligence and make good imposters, capable of fooling others because they come across as "charming."


Answer: Because he's nuts!

Grumpy Scot

Question: What is the name of the song playing when Johnny is snowboarding with the nurse?

Answer: The song is called "Noots" by Sum 41.

Question: I heard that Boromir, although he died in the first movie, appears in one of the scenes of the movie. If he is, can someone tell me which one of them he is seen?

Answer: In the theatrical version, I think he only appears extremely briefly (about a second) in a flash-back to his last battle. In the extended cut, a scene has been added where Denethor berates Faramir for letting Frodo leave with the Ring - in that scene, he hallucinates Boromir standing behind his brother.


Question: Who is exactly in charge? In ANH it seemed that GM Tarkin was Darth Vader's superior, but in Episode III, Darth Vader seemed to be above Tarkin. Who has been mentioned to be a General at this time?

Answer: Vader's military rank is unclear - it may be that he has no official rank and is therefore not technically part of the command structure. However, as the personal representative of the Emperor, he holds an enormous amount of personal power within the Empire and, as we see, can have military units assigned to do his bidding. Most officers will respect that power (plus his tendency to kill those who displease him) and will show him the proper subservience - just as we see the younger Tarkin show deference to the Emperor and Vader in Episode 3. By the time of Episode 4, however, Tarkin has advanced to become one of the most highly-ranked officers in the Empire, has acquired considerable personal power of his own and is held in high esteem by the Emperor himself. All of which serves to put him on the same sort of level as Vader himself, allowing him to skip the fawning and grovelling. In Episode 4, Vader is on the Death Star, Tarkin's command, so the Grand Moff has the ultimate say in what goes on there, although, as we see, he does follow Vader's suggestions, even when he has his own misgivings.


Question: How can the Death Star be operational if the superstructure hasn't been completed yet?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: They already had gravity, lighting, plumbing, docking bays, life support etc. I assume the entire station is built around the power core and weapon. All the remaining sections were probably crew quarters, storage, more docking bays etc.

Soylent Purple

...Must Come to an End (2) - S6-E24

Question: The ending scene of the Series Finale shows Joey and Pacey apparently living together in a high-rise apartment. The TV looks the same as her NYC apartment, and there is a beautiful window view of lighted high-rise buildings and a harbor or bay. The question is - is this Boston or NYC? Are they living in her previous NYC apartment, or did they find a new place together in nearby Boston? It looked to me more like Boston, but Pacey had just started his restaurant business in Capeside and that is an hour away. Where are they living at the end of the series? It was vague to me.

Answer: It's the same apartment Joey had in NYC. Comparing it to the beginning of the Finale; you can tell it's exactly the same location, furnishings, Plasma TV etc. Apparently Chris was only living with her at HER apartment, and now Pacey has taken his place at the end. I guess this implies Pacey successfully started his own restaurant business in NYC as he had dreamed, to be with Joey.

Answer: More than likely because they had blue and brown eyes, respectively, in real life.

Cubs Fan

Question: Why didn't Professor Broom want Hellboy to know that he was dying of cancer?

Answer: Most normal fathers would hardly be jumping with joy at the prospect of telling their son such a fact, and Hellboy and the Professor have a slightly more unique relationship than most fathers have with their sons. The Professor is the only family he's ever had.

Gary O'Reilly

Question: On the second DVD for Special Features, how do you buy your owl in Eeylops? The narrator tells you to pick an owl and that you'll need it for communication. How do you buy it? I've clicked on all three of them and nothing happened. None of my friends can figure it out either.

Answer: Those owls are not essential. Just follow these instructions to view the deleted scenes: 1) In the Main Menu click the Owl - Diagon Alley. 2) To enter, choose the bricks in clockwise order from the left. If you make 4 mistakes, it will open anyway. 3) Once in Diagon Alley, hit the Key, located at the bottom of the Gringotts sign. 4) Click on the Coins. Then hit the Arrow to go back to Diagon Alley. 5) Click on the Ollivanders sign. 6) Pick a Wand Box, until the wand chooses you and then you'll be sent back to Diagon Alley. 7) Click on the Arrow to go back to the Main Menu. 8) Click the Wand on the table - Classrooms. 9) Place the cursor over the word- Transfigurations under the Cat and hit DOWN Arrow (or simply move the cursor directly to the *H* under the fire and skip to 12). 10) The two Owls under the fire will be highlighted. Hit Enter. 11) The *H* above the Owls is highlighted. Hit Enter. 12) Click on the Flute, above Fluffy's three heads. 13) Click on the tiny key with the bent wing tip at the door. Or pick any key. When you miss four times the correct key will be shown in the center of the screen, much much larger than the others. Click it. 14) Click on the short, round, yellow bottle in the back. Do this fast or you'll land in the Hospital Wing anyway. 15) In the Mirror of Erised click on the Stone.

Super Grover

Chosen answer: "San" is a japanese term of respect. Sort of like the english "Mr.", however "Sir" would be a little closer to what it means in japanese. They attach the "San" at the end of someone's name, rather than at the begining like english speakers do.


Question: On Yahoo movies, the description of this film says "including a climactic stunt of immense insanity." Now I have seen the movie, but I can't figure out just what stunt was the "climactic one". They all seemed quite climactic and very insane, so I'm wondering if anyone actually knows what stunt they were talking about, or if anyone has a good idea of which one it was.

Answer: Yes, there is a very lengthy and intricate stunt done called the Perfect Ending or something like that. You have to view the extra features on the Jackass DVD to see it.

William Bergquist

Question: Whistler introduces himself as 'Abraham Whistler'. Could there possibly be a connection to Abraham Van Helsing in the original Bran Stoker writings, who also fought vampires?

Answer: There could be but there doesn't really seem to be any information about where the name came from. The Whistler character was invented by Marvel for Blade's appearance in the Spider-Man cartoon show in 1996, but there he was simply called Whistler, the first name - Abraham - came with the Blade movie. Now there has been more than one character with the last name Van Helsing in the comic books and Abigail in Blade: Trinity was originally also a Van Helsing (until the producers found out about the Van Helsing movie). So yes they might have chosen Abraham as a subtle reference to Van Helsing.


Question: Do you know where I could find the lyrics to all the songs in this film?

Answer: Lyrics on Demand. Link provided:


Question: In the trivia, it's said that the animals that were in Naboo, where Anakin falls off of, were in the asteroid battle with Jango and Obi Wan and in the arena battle running and on fire. I'm just wondering where and when do both of these things are seen.

Answer: I've never seen one in the asteroid field but the second can be seen after the clones arrive at around 1:56:29 - look to the bottom-right of the screen.

Question: How old was Blade's mother when she gave birth to him back in 1967?

Answer: Blade's mother was 23. Its hard to see but if you pause the DVD at the beginning where the wallet drops, zoom in and the date of birth says 2/16/44.


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