Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why does Batman override the controls to Robin's motorbike when they're pursuing Freeze? Robin says he can make it, and yet Batman still prevents him from doing it. Why? Robin's a professional circus performer and Batman knows that; if Robin knows he can make the jump, then Batman should have allowed him to make the jump.

Answer: Because Batman has been over protective of Robin the whole time and is not entirely sure that Robin is not a "reckless youth". The whole point is that Batman doesn't know that if Robin says he can make the jump, that he can make it. That's why at the end when Batman trusts Robin's judgement that he can do what he says, Robin thanks him.


Chosen answer: Why would he? It is hardly unusual for a person to never mention a past relationship with someone if they were particularly hurt, angered, or disappointed, resulting in them acting as if that person never existed. It can often come as a surprise to others to learn that a friend or relative had some prior relationship they never knew about.


The Anniversary - S2-E5

Question: When Polly is laying in bed disguised as Mrs Fawlty, was that really Prunella scales playing that part? I was wondering as Polly as a more thinner face than Sybil and could never have really got away with it.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Indeed it is Polly. She has stuffings in her mouth to pretend she is swollen.


Question: Is it actually revealed why Jackson wants Keefe dead? Did I miss something?

Answer: It's a political assassination plot. Jackson is an operative working for the terrorist organization that wants to kill Keefe because he is the Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security.


Question: This just interests me, but how on earth did Jackson manage to get a ticket right next to Lisa on the plane so quickly, considering that Keefe changed his plans at the last minute, and they didn't know Lisa's grandma was going to die, and she'd be taking the last plane back to Florida?

Answer: These are very tech-savvy terrorists. Not only would they be watching Keefe, but also Lisa, who is integral to their assassination plot. The assassins would have been monitoring their every move, intercepting cell phone calls, hacking into the hotel's and the airline's computers, and so on. It is unknown how Jackson got a seat right next to Lisa, but as it's a late-night flight, there would likely be fewer passengers and he could have managed to be seated next to her or somehow got the airline to switch him with another passenger.


Question: Who is the narrator in the opening scene?

Answer: David Ogden Stiers is the narrator. He is most well known as his role of Major Winchester on M*A*S*H, and has done voice over work for many feature length cartoons in the last decade.

Kimberly Mason

Question: Philip is supposedly killed by Blackbeard and then wounded in battle later in the film. How does he manage to survive and show very little signs of being injured?


Chosen answer: He was stabbed with the same tranquilizer that Jack was shot with, to make him appear to have been killed when he was in actuality completely unharmed. He reacted appropriately to the wound received later too. Stomach wounds hurt like mad, but it is possible for them to take a very long time to kill you if they are mortal wounds.


Question: At the end of the movie when the mermaid offers to save the religious guy, why does it appear that she is just dragging him underwater to his death?

Answer: The difference this time is that she actually kissed him before pulling him under. Either she breathes for him that way, or there's some magical property to a mermaid's kiss. They mentioned earlier in the film how a mermaid's kiss can save a man from drowning. Also, once the end credits start to flash on the screen (background is under water), about the 4th set, the screen lightens, and you can see two "mermaid" figures/shadows swimming toward the upper right of the screen. This is most likely Philip and Syrena. He became a "mermaid/merman."


Answer: The Mermaid said, "I can save you. All you have to do is ask." The man said, "All I ask, is for your forgiveness." That was close enough for the Mermaid.

Question: There has been a rumor that in the Wizard of Oz that there was a ghost figure that just appeared for a split second right after Dorothy, the Tinman, and the Scarecrow left the area (The same scene that was rumored that there was a munchkin suicide was). Could someone please tell me what it was?


Chosen answer: The rumor was that you could see someone hanging from a tree in the background as they are in the forest. either just after they find the lion or the tin man. This is just a urban legend according to everything I have ever read. It was rumored to be either an extra killing himself over a lost love, and also a producer killing himself because the movie was way over budget. Neither confirmed at all.

Kimberly Mason

Question: Why didn't the holy water work? What did Jerry holding the vial over the fire have to do with anything? Did that somehow make the water un-holy?


Chosen answer: Because it wasn't real holy water. Peter Vincent never believed that vampires were real, and was simply humoring the boy. He probably filled the vial with regular water.

Answer: Evil Ed phones Jerry to ask if they can bring Charlie over to prove to him that he (Jerry) isn't a vampire. Jerry lies to them that he is a born again Christian, and he thinks crosses would be sacrilegious. Peter Vincent: "Ask how he feels about Holy water." Evil Ed: *To Jerry, "How about holy water?" *To Peter, "No, won't do, either." Peter: "Tell him it's just ordinary tap water, all he has to do is sip it!" When Jerry drinks the water, Charlie says, "It's not possible," Peter says, "No vampire can drink blessed water," Charlie realises it's a scam and says, "It wasn't blessed."


So basically, Vincent was lying all along, just to give himself the satisfaction of proving Charlie wrong, even though Vincent made the remark, "Are you calling me a liar, young man?"

Question: When Cal goes down to where the Steerage passengers from the Titanic are, on the Carpathia, is he looking for Rose? And if he is, then 1) how does he know she is alive?, and 2) why would he care if she was, considering he got angry because she chose Jack over him, and had attempted to kill them whilst still on the Titanic?

Answer: He was going down there on the off-chance that she was alive, and probably looking in steerage in particular, because he was anticipating that if she had survived alongside Jack, then they would, together, have boarded the Carpathia as steerage passengers. And that if Jack were in fact dead, he might be able to 'reclaim' her.

Answer: Cal was looking for Rose simply to recover his precious Heart of the Ocean.

I think he wanted Rose back, partially because of pride. He still felt a need to "win" by keeping her. As he said to Jack: "I always way or another." If he could find Rose and still marry her, then the deceased Jack would "lose" after all. Also, Cal is a wealthy, upper-class man with a certain social image. Proceeding with the wedding would be ideal.

Answer: Cal was looking among the steerage survivors to see if Rose was among those who'd been rescued. If she was alive, he assumed (correctly) that she'd probably be there rather than with the first class passengers. Cal, despicable as he was, really did love Rose, and he'd still have wanted to marry her. He did not attempt to kill her while still on the Titanic. In the heat of the moment, he was aiming only for Jack, wanting to permanently eliminate his rival and reclaim his fiance.


Answer: He was hoping that she might still be alive because, as said in a commentary, he still had feelings for her. Because of this, maybe he was taking a chance on either them or just apologizing for his actions; you can be the judge.

Chosen answer: "Sibling Rivalry", Season 4, Episode 22.


Show generally

Question: I know that JJ is/was the media liaison for the team we as the audience follow; but a few times other teams have been mentioned. So is she the liaison for the other teams too? (She seemed to go with the team most of the time on their cases).

Answer: Having seen just about every episode, as well as the spinoff (Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior, which focuses on a different team) it seems like she ONLY works with her team, being the liaison and media specialist for them only. The other team didn't have anyone in that capacity, choosing their cases on their own. And since that team specializes in crimes happening now, not after the fact like the original team, they have no need for that position.

Kimberly Mason

Question: In Godric's Hollow, it shows James and Lily's date of death to be in 1981, which would mean these events are taking place in 1997 when Harry would be 17 and the original Harry Potter book would be set around 1991. Is this a mistake or deliberate on JK Rowling's part?

Answer: This is deliberate, and when the books are actually set.

Question: After Phillip frees her, why did Syrena then go to find the chalices and give them to Jack Sparrow? She could have just left and taken Phillip with her.


Chosen answer: She most likely went to stop the ritual, she probably didn't want her tear to be used by the likes of Blackbeard. She knew that Jack would use it wisely.

Question: I didn't get it, but who was the "ghost" deer that led Harry to the pond with the Griffindor sword in it? Or why did it lead him there?


Chosen answer: It's not a ghost. It's a patronus, like the one Harry conjured in "The Prisoner of Azkaban," to save Sirius Black. Every wizard's patronus takes a different animal form. An as yet unknown ally (revealed in part 2, and the book) sent the doe patronus to lead Harry to where the Sword of Gryffindor was hidden.


Question: It boggles my mind as to why Newt runs away from the Marines when she first meets them. She's been living alone for God knows how long and the Marines are the first people she's seen and her only thought is to get as far away from them as possible. Why on LV-426 would she do this?


Chosen answer: Because she's a child, her family and everyone she knows has been horribly killed, and she's terrified and traumatized. She does not know or trust anyone, least of all big scary Marines who are carrying huge weapons.


Answer: She said it herself. She knows they won't help her and staying with them is probably just get her killed.

Answer: Maybe she is scared that they could be infected. She probably saw a chest burst-er come out of one of the colonists and she is traumatized.

Question: What did Obi-Wan mean when he said to Vader "You can't win, Vader. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine"? Also when he said "Strike me down", did he specifically mean taking Obi-Wan's life?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Yes, he meant take Obi-Wan's life. By killing him, Vader would release Obi-Wan from his body allowing him to follow and advise Luke wherever he goes.


I believe that Obi-wan would also win because he was willing to "let go" in this situation. Helping Luke was more important than destroying Vader right now.

Question: What is the point of having Reuben in the gang? What does he do? Provide them with money? Because everyone else has at least one job, except for him.


Chosen answer: Yes. He's bankrolling the heist.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Is the cloning their explanation for why, in the series, Aeon Flux died in every episode? If not, I'd say she's Kenny McCormick's descendant.


Chosen answer: Although the scenario does happen in the episode "A Last Time for Everything", this is not the case. The creators intentionally left the series without a direct continuity as a satire of the action genre.


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