Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What is KY jelly? Apparently, Kate Winslet used it for a spitting scene, but what is it exactly?

Answer: KY Jelly is a lubricant jelly, a quick google should give you more information.


Question: What type of car is the red Hummungus car with the bat on the hood that Max destroys during the chase?

Answer: The car is either a FORD XA Falcon or Fiarmont Coupe, built in the early 1970s. The X series falcons were only availible in Australia, and you'll find most of the vechiles in these movies (the cars at least) are some hybrid of the Falcon. Here's a link to the car: and to the site in general:

Michael Westpy

Question: On the "Fellowship of the Ring" trivia page it says that Sean Bean always makes a reference to his old character Richard Sharpe in his films (in FotR he says about the blade he cuts himself on "Still sharp"). Is there any such reference in this film?

Answer: The trivia about him making references to the TB series 'Sharp' is incorrect. Yes Sean Does like to make references to the TV series, but he does not do it in all films. He does not make any such references in Goldeneye.


Question: One of the trivia contributions says Quentin Tarantino cameos as one of the more "unfortunate" members of the Crazy 88. Exactly which one is he? Or, at what time does he appear on screen?

Answer: He's a dead body lying on the floor when The Bride walks away from the carnage... hardly recognizable because he's wearing one of their black masks.

Question: God tells Bruce that he gave the Dalai Lama 7 fingers before and he didn't eat for 7 days - is there a real life story behind that?

Answer: He says that about Gandhi. It is a joke about Gandhi's ritual fasts.


Homebodies - S4-E3

Question: How did Suzanna die at the end? To shoot herself, outside of her house, after just being to the grocery store is ludicrous, but what parents who were told, "Go to the cops and we kill you" – wouldn't take Suzanna away and try to figure out some protection from this person still on the loose? Why the same people who lied to the police the day after the home invasion apparently felt that it would be safer to gallivant about in public (i.e. to the grocery store) with Suzanna, after the home invader was on the loose doesn't make sense. Can someone please explain this?

Answer: She was killed by the two perpetrators. Since she failed to identify them in the line-up (too scared), she and/or her parents must have thought that they were "safe."

Question: In the opening scene, Frodo is dreaming about Gandalf's fall in Moria. So later on, when Gandalf is explaining to Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas, how does he suddenly get from a water-filled cave miles below the surface of the earth (seen in Frodo's dream) to the top of a tower in the mountains (where he killed the Balrog once and for all)? I won't accept the explanation that Frodo's dream was inaccurate to real events or that he doesn't know what really happened, as I'm sure Peter Jackson used the dream as a way to partially explain what really happened to Gandalf in the books.

Answer: Nope, Frodo's dream is spot-on - no need to use that excuse. Gandalf and the Balrog obviously both survive the fall, and Gandalf spends the next eight days chasing the Balrog through the deep caverns under Khazad-dum. Ultimately, the pair reach the Endless Stair, which connects the deep halls to the ruins of Durin's Tower on the peak of Zirakzigil, a mountain high above Moria. They head up the stair to the mountaintop where they fight their final battle, which lasts another two days before Gandalf finally triumphs.


Season 1 generally

Question: In the last few episodes of series 1, Horatio tells a few people that they will be spending the next few years a jail. But sometimes he says a 6x6 cell and others a 6x9 cell. So I was wondering do the sizes of cells usually differ or was it just a slip of the tongue?

Answer: Yes, sizes of jails differ.

Question: What is the name of the piece of music that plays during the samurai sword scene with the Bride and Hattori Hanzo and over the start of the credits? Is it from another movie? It sounds really familiar to me.

Answer: It is called "The Lonely Shepherd" by Zamfir.


Question: If Sauron's forces did get the Ring, how are they supposed to give it to Sauron? Do they throw it in the eye or something?

Answer: I would imagine that simple proximity would do it - when the Ring was close enough, Sauron would be able to tap into the magical power stored within, which would give him the power required to take physical form. At which point, they just give it to him.


Question: Is there anywhere on the internet where I can listen to the song playing over the scene towards the end when Wolverine gives his powers to Rogue after rescuing her from Magneto's machine?

Answer: The song's name is "Logan and Rogue" and it's by Michael Kamen. Dunno where you can get it on the 'net, though. Some P2P network might help you.

Show generally

Question: In some episodes you'll see a shot of the outside of Cheyenne Mountain Complex and there will be a truck to the right. Why does it say 'SGT MACK'? Or, who is this guy?

Answer: It's not unusual in the military to paint the name of the NCO assigned to and responsible for that particular vehicle on that vehicle. Sgt Mack is no-one in the series I've ever seen.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: I saw it one time, but there was no character with the name Mack for that episode. But MacGyver's nickname in the show was Mack. Richard Dean Anderson (who plays Jack O'Neill) starred as MacGyver. In addition, several other SG-1 cast members appeared in the show MacGyver.


Question: Could someone please explain what the title means and what numbers have to do with anything? I'm not a native English speaker and I don't get it.

Answer: It's like a paint-by-numbers, where a picture is outlined on a board, and each little piece of it has a number corresponding to a different color of paint. You paint in the spaces based on what the numbers tell you. Murder by numbers refers to the boys following all the "rules" about how to create the perfect murder: choosing a victim at random, etc. They're murdering based on what they've been told is the right way to do it.


Question: How do they draw blood from a vein with a syringe, or inject a liquid into somebody's arm or neck? It doesn't appear that the needle is retractable, and you can see the liquid/blood being injected or drawn. If it's a closeup, it could be a fake arm, but many times you can see the person as this is being done. This appears in many movies. Anyone actually know?


Chosen answer: I used to have a "magic trick" syringe - the syringe has a double wall so that there is a tiny space around the outside that actually fills up with fluid from a reservoir in the syringe, the middle of the syringe (majority of the volume) remains empty, but it looks full.


Question: All of Isaac's followers in this film are young people, no older than about their mid 20's. So why in the opening scene during the Cafe slaughter, is there a elderly lady helping them do their dirty work (the worker who poisons the coffees). This makes no sense at all considering it's the older people they were killing.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Who knows? Maybe they blackmailed her, because she works there, and the children wouldn't get caught poisoning the coffee, or maybe she isn't as old as you think, she could well be in her mid 20's, it's hard to tell, you only see her briefly.


She is obviously in her late teens, early 20s.

Question: When Will and Jack climb aboard the Dauntless, Jack says, "everyone remain calm we are taking over the ship". What does Will say after him and what does it mean?

Answer: Will said, "Aye! Avast!" Aye means yes. Avast means stop or cease. Jack turned and gave Will the eyeball because Will sounded silly, and Will looked at Jack and gave him a look back as if he wondered in his own mind, "What? What did I do/say that's so bad?"

Super Grover

Question: I don't know where I can find the music track that was played right after Theoden said "And Rohan will answer", until the moment the Rohirrim left Edoras. It's a Rohan theme and it seems that it is not in the soundtrack.

Answer: Well, the movie is roughly three hours long and the soundtrack is around 80 minutes. Almost half of the music is not on the soundtrack. You'll have to wait until they release the complete soundtrack which runs almost as long as the film itself.

Question: Is this the only Bond film that features any references to Tracy Bond (other than the given "On Her Majesty's...")?

Answer: It's mentioned he was married in The Spy Who Loved Me and Licence to Kill.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: It is also vaguely alluded to in The World is Not Enough. When Electra asks Bond, "tell me, Mr. Bond, ha- have you ever lost a loved one." And it's written all over his face, so to speak.

Alan Keddie

Question: This question is for the Australian release of the DVD. On the cover, it says in the Special Features menu that there is an easter egg. Since there are no easter eggs listed for this movie, does anyone know what it is?

Answer: To access the Cheaper by the Dozen easter egg, go to the special features menu, highlight the bottom option on the list, not the back option, and press right. The easter egg is a Tommymax commercial.


Question: When Lolita enters Humbert's room for the very first time, she asks him if she's getting a zit. According to Google, zit was used to define a pimple circa 1966. The movie takes place in 1947. Was the slang used back then?

Answer: It could have been. Lolita might have used a relatively new term, and also how can one really pinpoint the first time a term was used? Maybe it was more mainstream in 1966, but kids could have been using the expression for several years.

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