Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What was the point of the piece of robot that stuck to the back of the security car? It never served any major purpose in the movie.

Jack Kaltenbach

Chosen answer: It was just to show that, being composed of a polymimetic alloy (liquid metal), all pieces could be recombined into the whole terminator.


Day 4: 6:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. - S4-E12

Question: In this episode, Jack is at the offoces of McClennon/Forrester and realizes they are going to set off an EMP to destroy all the computer hardware. Jack tries to stop it and realizes he cannot. Just as the EMP goes off, Jack crouches behind a door for protection and screams as the EMP goes off. However later, Audrey is told the EMP would not harm Jack or Paul. It would only affect all electronic devices. So why would Jack need to find protection behind a door and why would he need to scream when the device went off?


Chosen answer: The device is an EMP that is in development and, as such, may not be stable. While its true that an EMP in itself is harmless to people, there may be electrical discharges or shorts from the device itself that could harm a person, hence Jack takes cover. As for his scream, its not a scream of pain, but a scream of frustration at not being able to stop the EMP going off.


Question: Does anyone know when the release date for the DVD is in the UK?

Answer: According to, there is still nothing planned, though the first volume of the manga is coming out on April 28. See for further DVD release updates.


Show generally

Question: I'm about halfway through season 2 on DVD. Without spoiling anything for me, do the gypsies who ensouled Angel ever appear in the flashbacks, or are they only mentioned in passing?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Pretty much in passing although you see descendants of the gypsy clan in season two of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If you read the first Spike comics with Dracula there's mention of the gypsy clan.

Maria Santos

Answer: It is shown in a flashback.

Question: If Lanning really had leaped from that distance, wouldn't he be unrecognizable upon impact and not with only a little bit of blood coming from his mouth?

Answer: He'd certainly have a lot of internal injuries that aren't visible, would probably have more injuries showing than that trickle of blood, but wouldn't necessarily be "unrecognizable."


Question: What did the trooper mean when he said, "Didn't you know this ain't Saturday"? It always makes me wonder.

Answer: The trooper on the motorcycle had just landed in the water. In older days, the typical day to take a bath, wash hair, etc. was Saturday. The trooper in the car (once he saw the motorcycle trooper was okay and wet) just made a joke about him taking a bath.

Zwn Annwn

Answer: I think the trooper makes this joke in reference to Evel Knievel, a popular performer of the day. His shows, which prominently featured motorcycle stunts (particularly jumping) usually occurred on the weekends (i.e. Saturday).

Question: Is Chef Skinner named for B. F. Skinner, the noted psychologist who did experiments with rats?

Answer: According to the IMDb: yes, he was.


Question: When we see Hoffman writing Amanda's note, you can also quickly see him drop a small, dark object into the envelope. What is this object, or are we meant to find out in a future installment?

Answer: We see Amanda open and read the letter in Saw 3 but we are never told what it said. Maybe we will find out this Oct when Saw 5 comes out.

Question: In the movie trailer, Roddy lived with two another animals (hamsters), but they are not in the movie. Why?

Answer: Probably time issues.


Question: What exactly is Billy Cole supposed to be? We know he is not a vampire because it roams around in the daytime, and we see his reflection in Peter Vincent's mirror, but after he is shot in the head, he turns into some kind of creature. So what is he?


Chosen answer: I would assume a "thrall" basically a ghoul that is attached to the vampire. A ghoul in old lore was created when a vampire gave blood to a living person, but did not take their blood first. They were then their daytime slaves, doing errands, finding victims for them, and took care of the vampire's body when the sun was out.

Billy was to Jerry... what Renfield was to Dracula. Slave, daytime watcher.

Question: (SPOILER) Why after the girl dies and the boy goes out into the woods by himself after he pushes his sister down, does he put the paint into the water?

Answer: Because Leslie gave them to him, and he knew they would remind him of her, which he didn't want.

Season 6 generally

Question: It is mentioned that 14 months prior to Day 6, Abu Fayed was detained by CTU Seattle, and his release was signed by Bill Buchanan. Considering the 20-month jump between seasons five and six and no mention of Buchanan ever being reassigned, the math doesn't add up; it seems to me that Buchanan would still have been at CTU Los Angeles. Can someone help me out?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: It is stated in season 4 somewhere around the 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm time frame that Buchanan worked at CTU Seattle before being transfered to Los Angeles. Michelle Dessler worked with him there while Tony was in prison between seasons 3 and 4.

Answer: It's from 1960 and called Beatnik Fly and is played by Johnny & The Hurricanes.

It's not Beatnik Fly.

What makes you think it's not?


Because Beatnik Fly is a different instrumental, it's similar but not Beatnik Fly.

It's definitely Beatnik Fly. Https://

Question: Is it actually explained in the movie why Willard Whyte is in hiding?

Answer: If you mean by hiding - why is he never seen normally - then it's because he is a recluse and doesn't like to be seen in public (like Howard Hughes was). If you mean by hiding - why was he not seen during the movie - then it's because he was being held captive by Blofeld and his minions. Spectre didn't want him out and about ruining their plans.

Zwn Annwn

Question: In the scene where Johnny sings the song "My Friends", it seems he is singing "and we're togever" rather than "and we're together". Is this a colloquial pronunciation from the time period of the movie?

Answer: It's a common colloquialism in England, particularly with London and East Midland accents - people often pronounce 'th' as 'v'. It's poor english but very common, and certainly would have been common in the lower classes in London at that time.

Chosen answer: No, the picture is never seen throughout the movie.

Chosen answer: If you watch the episode on the dvd, at the end it will come up explaining how the scene was cut due to September 11th. After that quick message the scene plays automatically.


Chosen answer: "A mollusk walks up to a sea cucumber and... [Most of the joke itself is missing here, as we only get to hear the beginning and end of it] the sea cucumber turns to the mollusk and says 'With fronds like these, who need anemones?'" It's a pun on the term "with friends like these, who needs enemies", only with words more suited for an aquatic environment.


Question: When Gretchen arrives at Donnie's party she says that her mother was killed or committed suicide. Since Donnie was the guardian of the engine and it may have been necessary for Gretchen to be there,is it possible that Donnie killed Gretchen's mother?

Answer: No, it is not confirmed that Gretchen's mother died. She has simply disappeared, and her house is messed up. It can be concluded that Gretchen's violent step-father may have found her mother and hurt her in some way.

Question: Why does it take the Federation two months to do anything about the explosion on Praxis?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Because (as we see in the first ten minutes of the film) the prideful Klingons didn't want anyone entering their space.

JC Fernandez

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