Question: Every time I've watched The Half Blood Prince I've found myself asking whether or not, at some point during shooting, Daniel Radcliffe actually broke his nose in reality. I'm not sure if it's because of the way the scene is lit, but during several moments within the movie, particularly at the end during his scene with Professor McGonagal, his nose looks swollen. Was any news about an actual broken nose ever reported during the filming?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Where are all the other staff members for Jurassic Park? I can understand most of them left on the boat before disaster struck, however the events also continue throughout the morning/afternoon. It's completely light, the weather is fine so the returning boat shouldn't have had a problem returning to the island. Also much of the final scenes of the film happen in or near the visitors centre. So surely there will be staff returning to the island that could have helped or even been involved with some of the escaped dinosaurs having arrived on the island in the morning.Yet we see no other Jurassic Park staff until the helicopter arrives. Surely we should have been able to see the rest of the staff returning to the park in the morning to continue their day's work.
Chosen answer: The inference I got was that people were sent away on the boat and told to stay away until the problems in the Park were resolved.
Question: When the scene with the song "Why So Silent" takes place, how long has it been since anyone last saw/heard from the Phantom?
Answer: Actually it says three months, I'm watching it right now.
Answer: It is actually six months. Masquerade is shown as "6 months later, " and the lyrics, if you look at them, say "six months of relief, of delight..."
In the movie, it's three months. In the Broadway production, it's six months.
Answer: As said in Masquerade, "Three months of relief, of delight, of Elysian peace."
You Wish ('Shanghaied') / Gary Takes A Bath - S2-E11
Question: On "Shanghaied", I have seen this episode on TV with three different endings. The first one is the common one, where Spongebob wishes the Dutchman was a vegetarian. The second one is shown less, where Patrick gets the third wish. (He wishes for gum). The third, and least common, ending I have seen, Squidward gets the final wish (he wishes he never met Spongebob and Patrick, and then Spongebob says, "I don't believe we've ever met.") Is there a DVD where I can find the alternate endings?
Answer: Well, I've never heard about those other endings before, but I'm pretty sure the only DVD you can find the episode on (correct me if I'm wrong) is the Season Two boxset. I have seen the episode on this DVD before, and it only has the the common ending which you described. So I would say no.
Yes, it is available on the Sea Stories DVD with all three endings. That can be purchased online.
Question: At the end of the episode with the Hash-Slinging Slasher, what do Spongebob, Squidward, and the Hash Slinging Slasher say to the vampire that was turning the lights on and off?
Answer: They say Nosferatu. That's the name of the vampire that was turning the lights off. He appeared in the 1922 movie of the same name.
Question: Why didn't George Boleyn like his wife, Jane?
Answer: It's never explained. Historically, little is known about George and Jane Boleyns marriage, though it is believed it was not particularly happy. At that time upper-class marriages were usually arranged by families to provide their offspring with the most advantageous situation - socially, politically, financially, and so on. It mattered little if the two parties were in love, though it was assumed the couple would eventually learn to care about each other. A woman, who was considered her husbands property, was expected to be a dutiful and faithful wife to her spouse, whose responsibility it was to provide for his family. George and Jane may simply have been incompatible, and as divorce was unacceptable then, they may simply have had to tolerate each other. Also, some historians have theorized that George Boleyn may have been either bi-sexual or homosexual, but there is no documented proof whatsoever that George was either. There is some evidence he may have been a womanizer, though having a mistress was hardly uncommon for someone in his station. Whatever their relationship, Janes testimony against her husband at his trial helped condemn him to death.
Question: I would like to know from a real Navy pilot if the scene is correct where Maverick's F-14 is right on Iceman's tail and he tells him to fly hard right to get out of his way. This leaves jet wash in his flight path and the jet goes down. Wouldn't a real pilot be trained to avoid this kind of danger from happening with the jet wash?
Answer: The original F-14A used the TF30 engine which was prone to compressor stall. This problem was fixed in later aircraft.
Question: How many arcs were there in totality? Because I saw IV and III being noticed, but not the rest.
Answer: That question, it seems, cannot be answered 100%.For example, rather at the beginning of the movie, you can see the Chinese army blasting five huge caverns into the mountain that will become the port soon after.On the other hand, at the end of the movie, there appear to be an Ark 6 and 7, being reported to join with Ark 4.
Answer: At one point towards the end of the movie it is revealed that only 4 of the ships are operational by the time the apocalypse starts. When we get to the port, it's revealed that the ceiling collapsed on Ark 3 during the earthquakes. This leaves 4, 6 and 7.
There were a total of nine arks. However, arks 1, 2, 5, 8, and 9 were never completed or even built. As for ark 3, a major earthquake occurred at some point and caused the roof to cave in.
Question: What is the name of the card game that Von Hammersmark and the German soldiers were playing?
Question: When Simba and his friends return to Pride Rock (when it is dreary and like a wasteland), I only saw female lions. I thought it could be that Scar got rid of all of the males to avoid competition. Does anyone know why, or if there actually were males in the scene?
Answer: There is only one male lion per pride. Other males form their own "bachelor" prides but the alpha lion lays claim to an entire pride of females.
Question: Near the beginning of the movie, why did Anne think that having an affair with the king could help her get married to a rich man or a duke?
Answer: Becoming the king's mistress often granted you special "gifts." The king could "strongly suggest" or simply force someone to marry someone else and he would likely reward a pleasing mistress with a duke.
Question: At the end of the movie, it states that Mary married William Stafford, but wasn't she still married to William Carey (even though the king sent him away)?
Answer: Mary was married twice. Her first husband, William Carey, died in 1528. She secretly married William Stafford, a commoner, in 1534. Her family disapproved of the match, and the couple lived out their lives in the country, away from the royal court.
Adding to this answer, there are online scripts with extra scenes, including a brief funeral scene for William Carey.
Question: What does Edward mean when he is in Bella's room and says that he's 'always wanted to try one thing' (or something like that)? It looks to me like he just kisses her, which he's done before.
Question: I remember seeing a trailer for the movie, in which a human man is questioning an alien. The alien tells him that they just want to go home. I just watched the movie for the first time and that scene wasn't in there. Was it deleted for some reason?
Answer: This isn't actually remotely uncommon. Trailers are almost invariably released before the final edit for a movie is locked in place, so it's not at all unusual for shots in the trailer to be from scenes that ultimately don't make it into the finished product, or to be from alternate takes of scenes that do appear. As to why this particular scene was rejected, who knows, most likely was just for pacing, or they might simply have not liked some aspect of the acting or whatever.
Question: During the introduction to Woody's Roundup, as Woody watches himself come through the swinging saloon doors, the area around his holster appears blurry. Was this in keeping with the degraded quality of the tape footage, or is this censorship of a gun?
Answer: It isn't Woody's holster that's blurred, it's his hand. And yes, the blurred effect is due to the video tape's degeneration.
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Answer: At the beginning of the film, when they are travelling to Hogwarts, Harry hides under his invisibility cloak to spy on Draco. Draco finds out and knocks Harry to the floor where he cannot move. Draco then kicks Harry in the face, breaking his nose. Luna fixes his nose with a spell, but says she onle practiced on toes before. Maybe what you are seeing is the spell not being done properly and it wearing off through the movie. There were no reports of him actually breaking his nose.