Friday the 13th

Factual error: At the climax of the movie, Alice swings the machete at Mrs. Voorhees and decapitates her. When the blade makes contact with Mrs. Voorhees' neck, her head flies off at an incorrect angle, as though the cut began on the opposite side.

Revealing mistake: When Ned is pretending to drown, Brenda swims out to rescue him. You can see that she and Ned stay underwater for a few seconds, until their cue to emerge. (00:23:30)


Audio problem: In the beginning, Claudette and the other counsellors are all singing. When they get closer you can see that Claudette is playing the guitar, then she stops, but the guitar playing and singing still continues. (00:02:10)

Continuity mistake: After Brenda hears a noise, she puts her book down next to the candle, and walks to the door. When she gets to the door, the book is now by the opposite side of the candle. (00:52:50)


Revealing mistake: When Steve Christy is leaving the diner, it shows the outside of the diner, where it is raining. It's very obvious that the "rain" is just a sprinkler.

Continuity mistake: After Brenda is thrown through the window, she is facing to her right. Later when Alice goes back to the kitchen, she is facing to her left. The glass and wood around her changes too. (01:11:20 - 01:20:15)

Continuity mistake: When the kids are at the beach, Brenda shows up saying "Hey you guys. Ready to get back to work?", while placing her foot on a red towel. When it cuts the towel has changed position. (00:23:00)


Visible crew/equipment: In the scene at the diner after the kids have played "Strip Monopoly" there is a shot of Sandy behind the counter and some customers walking out of the diner. Look behind the last woman walking out and you can see a crew member reflected in the window. (00:46:25)


Audio problem: When the kid is playing classic guitar the movement on the guitar's neck doesn't match the music. He somehow manage to play high tones on low frets. (00:36:45)


Continuity mistake: In the scene when Alice decapitates Mrs. Voorhees and Mrs. Voorhees raises her hands and grabs air, if you look carefully, the hands have hair on the back, even when, during the chase scenes, she doesn't have hair on the back of her hands. (01:27:55)


Visible crew/equipment: When Pamela Vorhees pulls over to pick up Annie we can see a man's arm reflected in the front shield sitting in the passenger seat. (00:18:30)


Continuity mistake: After Alice bangs at the lock with the end of the gun, the position of the lock and it's chains differs through the following consecutive shots. (01:17:50)


Revealing mistake: When Jack and the kids get up to the cabin you see Steve chopping on a stub in order to remove it. He then gets help from the kids to tip it over but there are no chop marks on it. (00:13:20)


Continuity mistake: At the lake when they pull the floating object by the pier the girl on the right side is about ten feet ahead of the object. When it cuts she is behind it. (00:21:35)


Continuity mistake: When Alice runs into the barn to hide from Pam, as she slides the door open, a plank of wood falls over, to the right of the door. In another shot of the barn, it is upright again. (01:17:00)


Bill: If this is a joke, I'm gonna brain 'em.

More quotes from Friday the 13th

Trivia: Betsy Palmer was never originally considered for the role. Shelly Winters was the first choice, but was not interested. Betsy Palmer ultimately took the role because she needed money for a new car, as hers broke down as she was traveling back home to Connecticut from New York.


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Question: Maybe I've missed the reason, but why is the film called Friday the 13th? I'm sure there is never any reference to that date, so why be titled this?


Chosen answer: Just after the credits, there's a bank sign that says "Friday, 13 - 7:01 - 60 Degrees". Then the DJ says "It's 7:01 on Friday the 13th of June." and goes on to say some more about it and lists some other bad luck superstitions. At two other points in the movie, two characters (Ralph and Tierney) say "it's Friday the 13th". So there are at least four references to the fact that the movie takes place on Friday the 13th.


Answer: Sean Cunningham was the one who had an idea for a horror film called "Friday the 13th", because he really felt like it was a can't miss film title. He got with Victor Miller about making a horror film similar to "Halloween" and Miller began writing a script. Miller had titled the first draft "Long Night at Camp Blood", but he admits he's never been good at coming up with titles, so this was just a working title. Cunningham had called Miller and told him he wants to name the film "Friday the 13th" and Miller said "That's great. Unfortunately, there's no reason for that." To which Cunningham replied with "Stick one in." (Which is why there's a few references to the date in the film.) Cunningham was so sure of the film's title that he put an ad in Variety magazine in July before any sort of production of the film had begun.


Answer: Another reason is in the scene where Pamela is talking to Alice she mentions that today was Jason's birthday, Friday the 13th.

Answer: I do not recall any answer, definitive or otherwise, been given to your question. Originally the film was to be called 'Long Night at Camp Blood'. I have no idea why it was changed. Or why the new title was chosen. However the film is set on a Friday the 13th. And it is mentioned as such after the credits when Annie is walking through the town. On the radio, the DJ says as much.

Alan Keddie

Answer: After Barry and Claudette was killed by young Pamela in 1958, it then flashes white to Crystal Lake and words in the bottom saying "Friday June 13 The Present." Present means the year 1979.

Arfan Eka Diandra

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