Question: When the boys leave the landing strip, it is 7:00 am. The game presumably starts at 7:00 pm. Couldn't they have just taken aspirin and drunk plenty of water throughout the day to relieve their hangovers prior to the game?
Question: Could a High School football team really coach itself in the last quarter of the game? Wouldn't the ref not allow an injured player, such as Lance, to coach since he's not an official high-school coach? I always wondered this.
Answer: There's no rule in any sport, at least none that I could find, that requires a team to have, or listen to, a coach. Obviously in most cases it's a good idea, but if the coach were poor and/or working against the interests of the team, the players wouldn't be breaking any rules by simply ignoring them and listening to someone else.
Answer: Depending on quite how much you drink, it can take several days to fully recover from a hangover. In addition, they have not slept, which is dulling their reaction times, and at least Billy Bob is suffering from intestinal problems because of the hangover.