The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory (2007)

30 mistakes in season 4

(13 votes)

The Zarnecki Incursion - S4-E19

Plot hole: If Howard can hack into Blizzard's database so deeply that he can get the name and address of game players, he could easily restore all of Sheldon's stolen 'items'. Hacking personal details - a player's real identity and their home address! - is hardcore, detailed work that only an expert could do, compared to which adding a few extra items to a player in the game would be child's play. Sheldon would not be concerned about a possible comeback from the administrators at Blizzard. First, Sheldon doesn't hack into the database, Howard does, and someone as pragmatic and self-centred as Sheldon would simply disclaim any responsibility. Second, hacking into another player's account to access highly sensitive personal information like their home address would risk incurring the same penalty from Blizzard anyway. Either Sheldon doesn't know that or he doesn't care. Third, his account has already been hacked when the virtual items were stolen. He could simply claim that Howard's hacking into his account was just more of the same - nothing to do with him. Fourth, Blizzard did not detect the hacker stealing Sheldon's virtual items, nor did they prevent it happening, and they did not detect Howard hacking into his account to obtain his name and address. Sheldon can rightly assume he has nothing to fear.

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Suggested correction: Hacking the database to return items to Sheldon's account would also be traceable to Sheldon's account as cheating. That would get him permabanned if discovered, not a risk Sheldon wants to take.


First, Sheldon doesn't hack into the database, Howard does, and someone as pragmatic and self-centred as Sheldon would simply disclaim any responsibility. Second, hacking into another player's account to access highly sensitive personal information like their home address would risk incurring the same penalty from Blizzard anyway. Either Sheldon doesn't know that or he doesn't care. Besides, if Blizzard were aware that Howard had hacked into Sheldon's account, why weren't they aware that the person who stole the virtual items did?

Reading information from a server is easier than writing new data into it. You can steal a mass bulk of files and extract the information at a later time, whereas writing information in Sheldon's account would take much more precision.

The Hot Troll Deviation - S4-E4

Factual error: During the final scene of this episode, Sheldon steps out of his office wearing a gas mask and engages Leonard in conversation where he then states he is making hydrogen sulphide gas (more commonly known as H2S). Leonard correctly identifies this as highly flammable. However, this gas is far more dangerous and is harmful to the human body at as low a concentration as 20 parts per million (ppm), can cause permanent damage at 100ppm and is fatal after two breaths at 500ppm. So for Raj (and his bird) to be completely unharmed in a high concentration of H2S (noted by the fire) is impossible.


The Thespian Catalyst - S4-E14

Revealing mistake: When Sheldon goes to Penny's apartment and they do a scene study together, they both read lines from a multi-page script that Sheldon brings with him. On a couple of occasions the camera cuts to a side view of Sheldon and we get to see the page of the script that he's currently reading from. The pages are completely blank.

The Herb Garden Germination - S4-E20

Other mistake: When Sheldon and Leonard are playing Archery on Wii Sports Resort, Sheldon presses the Z button on the nunchuck controller to fire the arrow, which is incorrect. When Leonard plays, he holds the Z button as he prepares to fire, then releases the Z button to fire, which is the correct controls. (00:03:00)


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Suggested correction: I can only assume you have never played on a RP server? ERP is a big thing, some players even make gold from it.

The Herb Garden Germination - S4-E20

Revealing mistake: Sheldon's laptop has gone through several strange transformations throughout the series, but in this episode it takes the biscuit - it appears to be a Dell XPS with the back covered up, but the shot of Sheldon chatting only to Amy shows a Mac keyboard, with the laptop running OS X.


The Benefactor Factor - S4-E15

Continuity mistake: When Sheldon and Leonard are in the kitchen discussing Leonard's upcoming night out with Mrs. Latham, there's a plastic bottle of orange juice on the table that keeps disappearing and reappearing as the camera switches between Sheldon and Leonard.

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Suggested correction: The bottle is there every time, a few times because of the camera angle it is hidden by Sheldon.


The bottle of OJ is right next to a container of Coffee Mate, both items always visible when the bottle of OJ is present. When the OJ is not present, only the Coffee Mate is there, near enough the center of the table to not possibly be blocked out by either Sheldon nor Leonard.

No it is not right next to the coffee Mate, there is some distance with a phone in between. You can sometimes see the bottle behind Sheldon when he moves.


The Extract Obliteration - S6-E6

Stephen Hawking: Do you like brain teasers?
Sheldon Cooper: Oh, I love brain teasers.
Stephen Hawking: What do Sheldon Cooper and a black hole have in common? They both suck. Neener, neener.

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More trivia for The Big Bang Theory

Chosen answer: The song is called "Dark as a Dungeon" and was written and first performed by singer-songwriter Merle Travis in 1946. It has been performed by a wide array of artists, including Tennessee Ernie Ford, Harry Belafonte, Dolly Parton, Queens of the Stone Age, Kathy Mattea and Amy Grant. But it was made most famous when it was performed and recorded by Johnny Cash during his concert at Folsom Prison in 1968. According to Wikipedia: "It is a lament about the danger and drudgery of being a coal miner in an Appalachian shaft mine. It has become a rallying song among miners seeking improved working conditions."

Michael Albert

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