The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory (2007)

11 mistakes in season 7

(13 votes)

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The Cooper Extraction - S7-E11

Continuity mistake: When Amy says that Penny never would have met Stan Lee, she draws a thick black line between "Penny" and "Stan Lee" on the board. The camera goes to Penny, and when it comes back to Amy, the line is blue and faint.

The Thanksgiving Decoupling - S7-E9

Continuity mistake: When Sheldon and Mike are drunk on the couch after Howard leaves, they are toasting with the beer cans. Sheldon has his in his right hand, but when Bernardette came in, the can is in his left. A little bit later, after he says "she's so tiny", the can moves back to his right hand.

The Locomotive Manipulation - S7-E15

Continuity mistake: At the end of the episode when Lennard asks Sheldon about his train ride, he says that he kissed Amy on the lips, and says that it tasted like the brownies that they had that for dessert. But they were eating a tart of some type, with a shortbread crust. No brownies were on the table.


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Question: How come Raj has no problem speaking to his mother, but, when around other women, such as Penny, he immediately stops talking? Also, why does he have to whisper in someone's ear if he wants to ask Penny something?

Answer: Because Raj's selective mutism seems to be caused by women that Raj sees (on some sort of conscious or subconscious level) as a potential sexual partner. An attribute that wouldn't apply to either his sister or mother.

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