The Breakfast Club

Chosen answer: According to the IMDB, the answer is yes. Both movies used the same two high school locations: Glenbrook North High School, Northbrook, Illinois; and Maine North High School, Des Plaines, Illinois. The director, John Hughes, directed both movies and decided to use the same school. He also uses the name Shermer for the name of the high school in Breakfast Club and for the name of the suburb in which the Bueller's live.

J I Cohen

Question: You can't have a gun in school, but you can put a guillotine in your locker?

Answer: It was a flare gun. I very much doubt that this is something that the faculty are aware of. Brian was obviously caught with the flare gun because it went off in his locker, whereas Bender has not been caught with the guillotine in his locker.


Answer: Well, a guillotine isn't something that goes off like a flare gun. Since teachers never check their students lockers, no-one knew that Bender had one in his.

Question: How did Claire get into the closet where Bender was? Vernon locked the door when he left and Bender had to crawl through the ceiling to get out and back in. So how did Claire simply open the door?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: The key may have been left in the door knob, Bender wouldn't have known that so he returned the same way he left. Real question is how did Claire know which closet he was locked in?

Answer: Claire didn't have to pick a lock and the door doesn't lock automatically! It's plain to see: The storeroom door is closed behind Vernon and Bender. As Vernon leaves, he uses the doorhandle and then fumbles around on the outside, "locking" the door without a key. It very much looks as if Paul Gleason acts that there's a working lock. Inattentive viewers may then mistake the door from the next shot for that of the storeroom, but it states: Faculty Lounge. As for "how did she know"? *sigh* How about something so boring that wasn't worth filming it: When Bender returned, they asked what happened and he simply told them! The real question is: How scared must he have been after Vernon's bullying to crawl back through the ceiling (risking another fall) when Claire obviously managed to sneak out and meet him?

Answer: Perhaps she picked the lock.

Alan Keddie

Claire closed the door once she entered. Which means if she had picked it, then she would have locked herself in. I highly doubt she wanted to perform the ceiling crawl.

Gavin Jackson

Question: Why is it that in the scene where Bender is in the gym, he has a sneaker and boot on, but when he gets back to the library, he has replaced it with his boot? Was there a deleted scene where he loses his shoe or something? It just does not make sense that he would somehow find 1 sneaker, decide to wear it, then kick it off on his way back.

Answer: Bender found the shoe in the gym, and decided to wear it. When the principal kicked the basketball, Bender jumped out of the shoe. He left with his boot, and was wearing it when he arrived at the library.

Question: If the janitor is Brian's dad who is the guy that picks him up at the end because he looks a bit like him?

Answer: The janitor isn't Brian's dad, Bender just asked if his dad worked there to make fun of Brian because the janitor knew him.


Question: Why was Alison in detention? The others had a valid reason but throughout the whole movie, never once did it look like she should have been there. No one just simply walks into detention, so what would her reason be, seeing as how she didn't do anything wrong like the others?

Answer: No, she did not do anything wrong. She did explain to everyone there later in the film that she had nothing better to do on a Saturday, as she had no friends in school, nor did it seem her parents had any interest in her welfare or care what she did.


Question: Would Claire's sushi, handed to her by her Dad in the morning, still be a fancy treat after sitting at room temperature for five hours?

Answer: It would probably be OK. It would depend on the type of ingredients, how cold the sushi was when it was handed to her, how it was wrapped and insulated, and how warm it was during the intervening time.


Chosen answer: It was said in the movie commentary that the drawing was the work of digital editing.

Question: What did Claire do to get in detention? Andy taped the one guy's butt closed, Brian had a gun in school, the Goth just wandered in, and Bender pulled the fire alarm, but we never hear what Claire did.

Answer: She blew off school to go shopping, in other words she got caught cutting class. Her dad mentions it in the first scene when he is sitting in the car with her.

Jeanne Perrotta

Question: This has baffled me for ages. Instead of tolerating John Bender, why doesn't Richard Vernon simply get him expelled? Vernon must have realised that Bender was not only uncontrollable and a potential threat to him, but also someone who didn't care about his education and was disruptive to others. So why didn't he take the simpler option of getting him out of the school, as opposed to giving him countless detentions?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Vernon secretly cares about the kids. Pay attention to the scene where he talks to the janitor. He would rather see Bender stay in school and learn something instead of ending up in prison.

Question: Is there really a punch line to the "naked lady walks into a bar" joke while Bender is crawling through the ceiling?


Chosen answer: The joke goes like this: A naked blonde walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm and a salami under the other. She slams the poodle down on the table and the bartender says "so you won't be needing a drink?" The blonde replies "I will after what just happened! I was about to make love when my boyfriend said 'I'm gonna pound my favourite bitch with my giant sausage' so I grabbed them both and ran out".

Question: All 3 boys have their last names mentioned in the movie at some point, but the 2 girls do not have their last names mentioned at all. In the credits at the end of the film, it mentions the full names of the girls... Claire Standish and Allison Reynolds. Why would these last names be created just for the credits if they were never used? Was there a relevance for doing this?

Answer: This happens frequently in films. It's likely there were deleted scenes mentioning the girls' last names, or showing them on screen (i.e. on a form, in a yearbook, etc).

Question: Mr. Vernon knew that Brian, John, Claire and Andrew had detention for what they did, so when Alison shows up as well, why did he let her have detention? Why didn't he tell her to go back home?

Answer: It's pretty clear he doesn't much care to be there, and has little more than contempt for the students. Given that clerical errors are a daily part of life in most schools, he likely just assumed she was supposed to be there but the paperwork was wrong.

Question: I am curious about one scene. After Bender gets his "stash" back from Brian, Andrew looks at Claire and shakes his head. Claire walks off and Andrew and Brian have some kind of whisper exchange and Brian then walks off. My interpretation of this scene is Andrew has just dumped Claire and Brian can't understand why he"s done it. If not, could someone explain this scene to me?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: It's rather simple. Andrew is trying to tell Claire and Brian not to go smoke pot with Bender, in addition to trying to hold back from his own desire to try it.


Answer: Andrew and Claire were never a couple. They knew each other casually in the school hallway. They were upset that Bender would use Brian to hold his "stash." They thought Brian was too smart to do something that stupid. They were also upset at Bender for bring his stash to school and involving someone else in his scheme. They were starting to become friends at this point and disappointed at both of them.

Question: Is it an error when Andrew says "I got a meet this Saturday..."? Doesn't the movie take place ON Saturday?

Answer: He was referring to the following Saturday. He didn't want to get another detention and miss his meeting.

Gavin Jackson

Question: I never understood what that "crunching" sound after Bender tries to put his head between Clair's legs and then everyone starts coughing. What exactly was that sound?

Answer: Meant to be the sound of her squeezing his head with her knees, maybe?


Question: As Claire asks Bender "Are all these your girlfriends?" she thumbs through a small collection of ID-Cards. While it'd suit Bender to have nicked or even extorted someone's ID-Card to use it for himself, it wouldn't suggest a personal or even intimate relationship. So what are those cards and why would Bender have them? (01:00:00)

Answer: They're not ID cards. They're just wallet photos, apparently of the girls Bender has been with.


The Breakfast Club mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Vernon is looking in the basement files and Carl walks in, the card in the drawer label holder is tilted and it stays this way for a few shots. When Vernon claims it's a highly sensitive area, the card is now straight, but in the shot after that it is tilted again.

More mistakes in The Breakfast Club

Andrew: We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all.

More quotes from The Breakfast Club

Trivia: In the begining of the film they are showing shots of stuff around the school (with talking over top). One of the things it shows is a plaque with graduation photos. The student on this plaque with the phrase "Man of the Year" is the janitor, only a bit younger.

More trivia for The Breakfast Club

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