The Breakfast Club

After getting to know each other, they all realize that they are not so different after all. They each help each other through their problems and even change their minds. As the saying goes: "Opposites attract", well thats definately true in this movie because Claire and John fall in love and so do Andrew and Alison.


Continuity mistake: After Molly Ringwald does her trick, she puts the lipstick away twice. It has a shot of her putting it away from the front and then another one from the back.

More mistakes in The Breakfast Club

Brian Johnson: Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain...
Andrew Clark:...and an athlete...
Allison Reynolds:...and a basket case...
Claire Standish:...a princess...
John Bender:...and a criminal...
Brian Johnson: Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.

More quotes from The Breakfast Club

Trivia: In the begining of the film they are showing shots of stuff around the school (with talking over top). One of the things it shows is a plaque with graduation photos. The student on this plaque with the phrase "Man of the Year" is the janitor, only a bit younger.

More trivia for The Breakfast Club

Question: Why is it that in the scene where Bender is in the gym, he has a sneaker and boot on, but when he gets back to the library, he has replaced it with his boot? Was there a deleted scene where he loses his shoe or something? It just does not make sense that he would somehow find 1 sneaker, decide to wear it, then kick it off on his way back.

Answer: Bender found the shoe in the gym, and decided to wear it. When the principal kicked the basketball, Bender jumped out of the shoe. He left with his boot, and was wearing it when he arrived at the library.

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