All That Jazz

All That Jazz (1979)

1 mistake

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Continuity mistake: In the scene where Joe Gideon is helping his daughter with dance exercises and realises that it is time to put Michelle in a cab, he carries her out of the rehearsal studio with her facing forward and her legs wrapped around his back. They turn a corner to go outside and she magically is facing him arms around his neck and legs wrapped the other way around his waist. Also Michelle suddenly grows a yellow rain jacket. There is no time lapse in the dialog which would explain this turn.

Victoria: Well, you're right. I'm terrible. I know I'm terrible. I look at the mirror and I'm ashamed. Maybe I should quit. I just can't seem to do anything right.
Joe Gideon: Listen. I can't make you a great dancer. I don't even know if I can make you a good dancer. But, if you keep trying and don't quit, I know I can make you a better dancer. I'd like very much to do that. Stay?
Victoria: Are you going to keep yelling at me?
Joe Gideon: Probably.

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