
Enough (2002)

14 mistakes

(23 votes)

Revealing mistake: When Slim and her daughter are running away from the husband they run onto a bus. When it cuts to the bus driving away you can see that Slim is holding a dummy, which is supposed to be her daughter.

Other mistake: When Slim is getting ready for the fight, she gets out a device to interrupt cell phone service. When she gets out her cell phone to test it, her phone reads something like 'No service', yet it shows that it has all five bars next to the antenna.

Continuity mistake: When Slim is dancing with her husband at their reception, a guy comes up and gives her husband an envelope with money in it. Her husband slips it into his vest pocket. In the next shot he puts it in again.

Other mistake: When Noah Wyle runs up to Jennifer Lopez's car, he's trying to open the car door, but it's locked. Yet, at the top corner of the screen, in the view from inside the car, there is a thumb sticking inside the car.

Other mistake: When Jennifer Lopez and her daughter are driving in the old Ford Crown Victoria and discussing why they are running away, there are two shots of the speedometer. The speedometer clearly reads between 15 and 20 mph. They are driving on a highway, and the scenery outside the car is going by at a much faster speed.

Continuity mistake: The day after Slim has first been hit by her husband, she goes to her mother-in-law's house. The scar on her cheek was way smaller that day then it was last night. It could not have healed that quickly.

Visible crew/equipment: When J-Lo and her daughter are in Northern Michigan, they are walking into the hallway at the apartment. You can clearly see a crew member's arm in the background. (00:50:48)

Continuity mistake: In the chase scene involving Slim and Noah Wylie, Slim's car crashes through two gates, one at each end of an old bridge. However, after crashing through the second gate at the other end of the bridge, there does not appear to be any front-end damage to the car. How is this possible?

Continuity mistake: When Slim is first hit by her husband, notice the scar on her right cheek. It keeps going from under her eye to the side of her eye, between shots.

Other mistake: In the final confrontation, Slim explains her plan how to make the beating look like self-defence. She tells Mitch her plan is going to work because he touched her letters she put into his drawers. All right, Mitch did touch the letters when he wanted to retrieve his gun. But from where she was standing, Slim could not have seen that he really touched them.


Character mistake: When Slim is at Mitch's other house, she opens the box to cut the phone wires. This isn't necessary because the wires are coming out of the bottom, so there's no need to open the box.

Continuity mistake: When Slim and Mitch embrace after she finds out he is cheating, she is wearing a purple dress/robe, but for some weird reason after the fade out, they are still embracing and it has changed to a white tank top. (00:18:14)


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Suggested correction: It's not for some weird reason. It follows the fade out with the title "more than enough" and it's meant to creatively signify the passage of time between the two embraces. The first embrace is after Mitch tells Slim that everything is going to be OK, even though he cheated on her. Then a notable amount of time has passed, both of them are dressed entirely differently, and with this turn of the second embrace Slim tells Mitch that she can smell Darcelle's perfume. So she now knows all his lies.

Super Grover

You are correct. Slim finds out about Darcelle. She smells the perfume on a different day - meaning that Mitch is still having affairs. She says "You're not going to talk your way out of it this time." So time has passed since she first caught Darcelle's page to Mitch.

Instructor: So how do you win? How?
Slim: I attack.
Instructor: And what do you do after you attack?
Slim: Nothing.
Instructor: Why nothing?
Slim: Because I never stop attacking.

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More trivia for Enough

Question: Slim visits a lawyer to seek advice. How did Slim find out about the lawyer in the first place?

Answer: She asked a waitress at the diner she was at in the previous scene.

Slim did not ask the waitress. She overheard another person saying the name of the waitress, Millie, and she pretended that Millie had told her about the lawyer. She thought the lawyer might take her more seriously if she pretended to know a local person.

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