
Be Careful What You Witch For - S2-E22

Plot hole: When teenage Prue has run away with the demon, and Phoebe and Piper find her in the park, teenage Prue is 'killed'. Her sisters drive her home to get Leo to heal her, but shouldn't they have just been able to call to Leo to orb to them when Prue was first hurt, and heal her in the park, and save driving back to the Manor, risking Prue dying?

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Suggested correction: I see orbing to the park but he didn't heal her, she was already dead and he can't heal the dead, that's why the genie brought her back - that's what Phoebe wished for.

But if they would have called for him right away - he would have been able to heal her before she died. However at this point in time I don't think they knew how to call for him.

Yes, they did know how to call him. At least Phoebe did, because when Piper got sick in the hospital from the disease she inherited from the illegal fruit, Prue and Phoebe screamed out Leo's name until he appeared in the attic.

They did, they first tried it in the episode when Piper was sick with an exotic disease and dying in the hospital.

It bothers me that they never used it again until Season 4. When Prue was held by Abby, Leo could have helped if she called, and so many other times... so annoying.

My Three Witches - S6-E6

Plot hole: When Gith takes the potion from Chris, he ends up stomping on it and shattering the potion bottle - making contact with the potion. We've seen that potions don't have to be thrown by someone who's even a witch for them to work (like when Cole's powers were stripped etc) so why on earth would he do this? And how did it not vanquish him? There are other ways he could have gotten rid of the potion that didn't involve a way that really should have vanquished him.

The Fifth Halliwell - S4-E16

Plot hole: Cole explains that the demonic power is driving Karen mad because she is human. Cole later has Paige infected with one to drive her mad. This doesn't make sense since Paige is doubly not human, and shouldn't be driven mad. In fact the Charmed Ones have had demonic powers before and were not driven mad, but instead turned evil.

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Suggested correction: They all are human, just not mortals.

Pre-Witched - S3-E17

Plot hole: One of the sisters asks why the familiar doesn't just jump in front of a bus 5 times, another responds with "we're the only ones strong enough to kill him." If they are the only ones strong enough to kill him, then how come two scenes later he falls on a knife during a fight with Phoebe and dies? If a knife can kill him then it doesn't make sense that he seeks out the charmed ones.


Ordinary Witches - S7-E11

Plot hole: The innocent who gets Piper's powers uses them to freeze Piper and Phoebe. But even though Piper and Phoebe no longer have their unique powers, they are still good witches; they were still able to scry, and we have encountered good witches on the show in the past who had no powers at all. And by the rules of magic within the show, good witches do not freeze.


Charmed mistake picture

Thank You for Not Morphing - S1-E3

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Prue comes home and finds Andy inside the manor. There is a shot where if you look behind Andy's shoulder you can see half of the body of the director in the background in the observatory room sitting in a director's chair. (00:16:00)

Be Careful What You Witch For - S2-E22

Continuity mistake: When Piper and Leo confront the genie at the restaurant, the genie is eating food as fast as he can. At one point he gets a line of pasta sauce on his cheek. The shot changes, then goes right back to him only now the sauce is gone with no time for him to have wiped it off, especially since his hands are full of food.


Out of Sight - S1-E19

Continuity mistake: After the Grimlock kidnaps the child getting the ball, Prue goes after it. But the demon opens a hole in the earth and jumps through it and it closes. Prue then reaches the spot where the Grimlock disappeared and she is surrounded by dead leaves and trees. Then it goes to another shot of Prue turning around. Suddenly the trees and dead leaves are gone and she is standing in an open area with green grass and no trees.


Oh My Goddess (1) - S5-E22

Continuity mistake: In 3-5 Sight Unseen, we can clearly see Cole turn the air conditioning very cold and open all the windows so that the Prue, Piper and Phoebe can see the invisible demon, and in season 2 when Prue is turned into a man Phoebe asks "did you fix the air conditioning?" But in this episode Phoebe asks Piper why they have never invested in air conditioning.

Pardon My Past - S2-E14

Plot hole: According to the family tree viewed in this episode, Penny "Grams" Halliwell was born on 6/23/1937, and her daughter Patty, the Charmed Ones' mother, was born on 4/5/1950. In addition, Patty's father was born in 1930. So, according to this, Penny gave birth to her daughter at age 12, while married to a 20 year old man. That's quite outlandish, to say the least. (00:20:05)


Morality Bites - S2-E2

Plot hole: The return spell for travelling back through time is supposed to have been erased from the Book of Shadows in the future, however it is visible when Prue is turning the pages of the book and talking about the new spells. (00:24:20 - 00:27:10)


Witchstock - S6-E11

Plot hole: In the opening scene, Chris directs Piper and Phoebe on how to vanquish the amorphous demon. He says that it will attack "fast and hard" as soon as it senses Phoebe's magic when she levitates. But Chris had orbed out of the warehouse and back in, and the demon didn't react to the magic. Later in the episode, it is specifically attracted to a use of orbing, several times.


Little Box of Horrors - S7-E18

Character mistake: Katya (as Nina) says that Pandora's Box is "a gift the gods gave to Prometheus." But the Box was given to Epimetheus, not Prometheus. Epimetheus ignored the warnings of Prometheus, his brother, and accepted Pandora herself, who bore a box, as a gift from the gods.


Witchstock - S6-E11

Continuity mistake: In this episode, it's 1967 and Grams is young and unrecognizable compared to her older self. But in "That 70's Episode," it's 1975 and she looks just like she does today, not to mention that she has two grandchildren. Grams sure ages quickly...

My Three Witches - S6-E6

Revealing mistake: Before Jason Dean is shot outside the penthouse, Phoebe is waving her hands trying to convince him that the world is not real and you can already see blood on her fingers.

Awakened - S2-E12

Continuity mistake: Just after the girls are quarantined, we see the ninja sneak into the little boy's room. He uses the sword to keep the door from closing, and some blood drips onto the floor. Two shots later, we see the same floor and the blood is gone.


Paige: Well, you wanted to live like us. Now you get to die like us.

More quotes from Charmed

Trivia: Lori Rom was originally cast as Phoebe but left the show after filming the pilot episode for personal reasons.

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Answer: "Hush, Hush, Hush" Paula Cole.

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